Our Missions
The mission of the department is the discovery and dissemination of knowledge to prevent, control, or eradicate disease; to promote sustainable agricultural productivity; and to enhance the health of animal and human populations. The mission incorporates each of the three components of teaching, research, and service.
- The Research Mission is the discovery of knowledge leading to the development of methods to prevent disease; insure agricultural sustainability, productivity, and efficiency; and, promote health in human and animal populations.
- The Service Mission is to provide professional expertise to assist in the decision-making processes of animal and human health professionals and commercial organizations, as well as local, state, national, and international organizations as they endeavor to promote the health of human and animal populations.
- The Teaching Mission is the education of graduate, professional, and post-professional students as well as the provision of outreach education in effective disease control, prevention, and eradication strategies to meet current and future societal needs in veterinary medicine and public health. We provide many residency programs and training opportunities related to public health, conservation, and laboratory animal medicine as well as a specialization in Veterinary Public Health within the Master of Public Health program.
Training Programs
Training programs within the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine focus on improving the well-being of individual animals while also playing a crucial role in the overall ecosystem and human health. The department provides advanced training for veterinarians who want to specialize in the areas of conservation and ecosystems health.
The Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine includes multiple dedicated research programs and state-of-the-art facilities actively engaged in in the pursuit of research aimed at disease prevention to safeguard animal and human health while also playing a pivotal role in fortifying agricultural sustainability and productivity.
Veterinary Extension
Veterinary Preventive Medicine’s Extension Program fulfills the land-grant mission by interpreting knowledge and research so Ohioans can apply scientifically based information to better their lives, businesses, and communities. Our veterinarians serve as State Extension Specialists in addition to their other roles and create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Campus Locations
Faculty for the department are primarily located within three different locations.
College of Veterinary Medicine
The College of Veterinary Medicine on the main campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio -
Center for Food Animal Health
The Center for Food Animal Health at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio -
Ohio State Large Animal Services
The Ohio State Large Animal Services at a satellite ambulatory clinic in Marysville, Ohio
Additional Department Information and Resources
- Livestock Breeds (Oklahoma State University)
- Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center
- Ohio Department of Agriculture (Reynoldsburg, OH)
- Ohioline
- Ohio State University Extension
- National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS)
- National Research Initiative Competitive Research Grants Program (USDA Grants)
- US Animal Health Association
- USDA Economics and Statistics System
(Contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture) - USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
- American Journal of Epidemiology & Epidemiologic Reviews (Tables of content and abstracts)
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health (USDA APHIS VS)
- Office International des Epizooties
- Ohio Department of Health
- Supercourse - Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health
- VMC Antimicrobial Use Guidelines
- WHO Disease Outbreak News
- American Association of Bovine Practitioners
- American Association of Equine Practitioners
- American Association of Extension Veterinarians
- American Association of Swine Veterinarians
- American Colleges of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
- AVMA Care for Pets
- AVMA Dog Bite Prevention Campaign
- AVMA Tools for K-12 Educators
- The Brain Eater NOVA Online - Documentary on BSE
- Colleges of Veterinary Medicine
- Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD)
- Consultant Computer Assisted Diagnostic Support for Veterinary Medicine (Cornell University)
- Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD)
- Food & Drug Administration Adverse Drug Reaction Information Database
- Food & Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine (Regulates the manufacture and distribution of drugs and feed additives intended for animals)
- Medical Impact of the Use of Antimicrobials in Food Animals Transcripts of the WHO report
- Ohio Dairy Veterinarians
- Ohio Veterinary Medical Association
- Ohio Veterinary Medical Licensing Board
- Poisonous Plants (University of Pennsylvania)
- Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms (University of Illinois)
VPM Academic Program Review
Additional Departmental Resources
Contact Information
Administrative Associate // Assistant to the Chair:
Casey Hofmann