Stacey M. Meeker

DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACLAM

Clinical Veterinarian, University Laboratory Animal Resources; Assistant Professor, Veterinary Preventive Medicine 

Contact (614) 292-0148 Wiseman Hall
400 W 12 Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Preventive Medicine

Laboratory Animal Medicine Program

Professional Training and Experience

  • Residency, Laboratory Animal Medicine, University of Washington, Department of Comparative Medicine
  • PhD, University of Washington, Molecular & Cellular Biology
  • DVM, The Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
  • BS,  The Ohio State University, Animal Sciences

Research Interests

  • The effects of dietary nutrients, specifically vitamin D, on the prevention, development and progression of inflammatory bowel disease and inflammation-associated colon cancer
  • The effects of the gut microbiome on gastrointestinal diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, and cystic fibrosis
  • Animal model development and gnotobiotic animal models


Professional Memberships

  • American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
  • Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
  • American Association for Laboratory Animal Science                                                                                                       
  • American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners                                                                                                      
  • Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research                                                                                                                   


  • Publications
  • Meeker, S.M.; Mears, K.S.; Sangwan, N.; Brittnacher, M.J.; Weiss, E.J.; Treuting, P.M. et al. (2020). CFTR dysregulation drives active selection of the gut microbiome. PLoS Pathog, 16 (1), e1008251. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1008251. 
  • Seamons, A.; Haenisch, M..; Meeker, S.M..; Pershutkina, O.; Brabb, T.L..; Treuting, P.M. et al. (2020). Protective Effects of ALDH1A Enzyme Inhibition on Helicobacter‐induced Colitis in Smad3‐/‐ Mice are Associated with Altered α4β7 Integrin Expression on Activated T Cells. Nutrients, 12 (10):2927. doi: 10.3390/nu12102927. 
  • Meeker, S.M..; Seamons, A..; Treuting, P.M.; Paik, J..; Brabb, T.L..; Hsu, C.C.. et al. (2020). Effect of Chronic Vitamin D Deficiency on the Development and Severity of DSS‐Induced Colon Cancer in Smad3‐/‐ Mice. Comp Med, 70 (2):120‐ 130. doi: 10.30802/AALAS‐CM‐19‐000021. 
  • Meeker S, Beckman M, Knox K, Treuting PM, Barker-Haliski M.  2019.  Repeated Intraperitoneal Administration of Low-Concentration Methylcellulose Leads to Systemic Histologic Lesions Without Loss of Preclinical Phenotype.  JPET (accepted)
  • Meeker S, Seamons A, Treuting PM, Paik J, Brabb T, Hsu CC, Grady WM, Maggio-Price L.  2019.  Chronic Vitamin D Deficiency Reduces DSS-Induced Inflammation-Associated Colon Cancer in Smad3-/- Mice.  Comp Med (accepted
  • Hsu CC, Patil K, Seamons A, Brabb TL, Treuting PM, Paik J, Meeker SM, Maggio-Price L.  2019.  Murine norovirus infection does not alter the CD4+CD45RBhigh T cell adoptive transfer mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease.  Comp Med (accepted)
  • Paik J, Meeker S, Hsu CC, Seamons A, Pershutkina O, Snyder JM, Brabb T, Maggio-Price L. Validation studies for germ-free Smad3-/- mice as a bio-assay to test the causative role of fecal microbiomes in IBD. Gut Microbes. 2019 May 29;:1-11. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2019.1611151. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31138018
  • Meeker S, Seamons A, Maggio-Price L, Paik J.2016. Protective Links between Vitamin D, IBD, and Colon Cancer. World J Gastroenterol. Jan 21;22(3):933-48. PMID:      26811638
  • Meeker S, Maggio-Price L, Treuting PM, and Snyder JM. 2016. Progressive Hind Limb Paresis in an Aged Sprague Dawley Rat. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2016 Apr 15;248(8):883-5. PMID: 27031412
  • Meeker S, Seamons A, Paik J, Treuting PM, Brabb T, Grady WM, et al. 2014.  Increased dietary vitamin D suppresses MAPK signaling, colitis and colon cancer. Cancer Res. 74:4398-4408 PMID: 24938764