Linda J. Saif
MS, PhD, Honorary Diplomate ACVM
Distinguished University Professor

Contact (330) 263-3742 Food Animal Health Building1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, OH 44691
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Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Professional Training and Experience
- BA, 1965-1969, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. Field of study: Biology and Chemistry
- MS, 1969-1971, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Field of study: Immunology
- PhD, 1971-1976, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Field of study: Virology and Immunology
- Post-doc, 1976-1979, The Ohio State University, OARDC, Wooster, OH. Field of study: Virology and Immunology
Research Interests
- Enteric and respiratory viral infections (coronaviruses, rotaviruses and caliciviruses) of food animals and humans
- Germfree animal disease models
- Mucosal and lactogenic immunity: vaccine development and adjuvants (vitamin A, probiotics)
- Impact of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies on vaccines
- Interactions of probiotics and the gut microbiota with the neonatal immune system, vaccines and viral pathogenesis
- Viral zoonoses and mechanisms of interspecies transmission
- Foodborne viruses including noroviruses and sapoviruses
- Zeng C, Evans JP, King T, Zheng YM, Oltz EM, Whelan SPJ, Saif LJ, Peeples ME, Liu SL. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 spreads through cell-to-cell transmission. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Jan 4;119(1):e2111400119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111400119.
- Hale VL, Dennis PM, McBride DS, Nolting JM, Madden C, Huey D, Ehrlich M, Grieser J, Winston J, Lombardi D, Gibson S, Saif L, Killian ML, Lantz K, Tell RM, Torchetti M, Robbe-Austerman S, Nelson MI, Faith SA, Bowman AS. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection in free-ranging white-tailed deer. Nature. 2022 Feb;602(7897):481-486. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04353-x. Epub 2021 Dec 23.
- Qu P, Evans JP, Faraone J, Zheng YM, Carlin C, Anghelina M, Stevens P, Fernandez S, Jones D, Lozanski G, Panchal A, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Xu K, Gumina RJ, Liu SL. (2022). Distinct Neutralizing Antibody Escape of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants BQ.1, BQ.1.1, BA.4.6, BF.7 and BA.2.75.2. bioRxiv. 2022 Oct 20:2022.10.19.512891. doi: 10.1101/2022.10.19.512891. Preprint.
- Qu P, Faraone J, Evans JP, Zou X, Zheng YM, Carlin C, Bednash JS, Lozanski G, Mallampalli RK, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Mohler PJ, Gumina RJ, Liu SL. (2022). Neutralization of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.4/5 and BA.2.12.1 Subvariants. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jun 30;386(26):2526-2528. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2206725. Epub 2022 Jun 15.
- Vlasova AN, Diaz A, Damtie D, Xiu L, Toh TH, Lee JS, Saif LJ, Gray GC. (2022). Novel Canine Coronavirus Isolated from a Hospitalized Patient With Pneumonia in East Malaysia. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Feb 11;74(3):446-454. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab456.\
- Qu P, Evans JP, Faraone JN, Zheng YM, Carlin C, Anghelina M, Stevens P, Fernandez S, Jones D, Lozanski G, Panchal A, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Xu K, Gumina RJ, Liu SL. (2022). Enhanced neutralization resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants BQ.1, BQ.1.1, BA.4.6, BF.7, and BA.2.75.2. Cell Host Microbe. 2023 Jan 11;31(1):9-17.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.11.012. Epub 2022 Nov 22.
- Evans JP, Zeng C, Carlin C, Lozanski G, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Gumina RJ, Liu SL.(2022). Neutralizing antibody responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination wane over time and are boosted by breakthrough infection. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Mar 23;14(637):eabn8057. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abn8057. Epub 2022 Mar 2
- Evans JP, Zeng C, Qu P, Faraone J, Zheng YM, Carlin C, Bednash JS, Zhou T, Lozanski G, Mallampalli R, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Mohler PJ, Xu K, Gumina RJ, Liu SL.(2022). Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sub-lineages BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2. Cell Host Microbe. 2022 Aug 10;30(8):1093-1102.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.04.014. Epub 2022 Apr
- Liu SL, Saif L. (2022). Emerging Viruses without Borders: The Wuhan Coronavirus. Viruses. 2020 Jan 22;12(2):130. doi: 10.3390/v12020130
- Kong F, Wang Q, Kenney SP, Jung K, Vlasova AN, Saif LJ. (2022). Porcine Deltacoronaviruses: Origin, Evolution, Cross-Species Transmission and Zoonotic Potential. Pathogens. 2022 Jan 9;11(1):79. doi: 10.3390/pathogens11010079.
- Amimo JO, Raev SA, Chepngeno J, Mainga AO, Guo Y, Saif L, Vlasova AN. (2022). Rotavirus Interactions With Host Intestinal Epithelial Cells. Front Immunol. 2021 Dec 22;12:793841. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.793841. eCollection 2021.
- Zeng C, Evans JP, Qu P, Faraone J, Zheng YM, Carlin C, Bednash JS, Zhou T, Lozanski G, Mallampalli R, Saif LJ, Oltz EM, Mohler P, Xu K, Gumina RJ, Liu SL. (2022). Neutralization and Stability of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant. bioRxiv. 2021 Dec 20:2021.12.16.472934. doi: 10.1101/2021.12.16.472934. Preprint.
- Vlasova AN, Saif LJ. (2022). Bovine Coronavirus and the Associated Diseases. Front Vet Sci. 2021 Mar 31;8:643220. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.643220. eCollection 2021.
- Burckhardt RM, Dennehy JJ, Poon LLM, Saif LJ, Enquist LW. (2022). Are COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Needed? The Science behind Boosters. J Virol. 2022 Feb 9;96(3):e0197321. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01973-21. Epub 2021 Nov 24.
- Vlasova AN, Saif LJ. (2022). Bovine Immunology: Implications for Dairy Cattle. Front Immunol. 2021 Jun 29;12:643206. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.643206. eCollection 2021.
- Kong F, Saif LJ, Wang Q. (2021). Roles of bile acids in enteric virus replication. Anim Dis. 2021;1(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s44149-021-00003-x. Epub 2021 Apr 23.
- Zeng C, Evans JP, King T, Zheng YM, Oltz EM, Whelan SPJ, Saif L, Peeples ME, Liu SL. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 Spreads through Cell-to-Cell Transmission. bioRxiv. 2021 Jun 1:2021.06.01.446579. doi: 10.1101/2021.06.01.446579.
- Vlasova A.N., Wang Q., Jung K., Langel S.N., Malik Y.S., Saif L.J. 2020 Porcine Coronaviruses. In: Malik Y., Singh R., Yadav M. (eds) Emerging and Transboundary Animal Viruses. Livestock Diseases and Management. Springer, Singapore.
- Vlasova, A.N., Amimo, J.O., Chepngeno, J., Saif, L.J., Malik, Y.P.S. 2020. Animal Rotaviruses. In: Recent Advances in Animal Virology. Springer.
- Michael, H., S.N. Langel, A. Miyazaki, D.D. Fischer, V. Srivastava, D. Kathayat, L. Deblais, G. Rajashekara, L.J. Saif and A.N. Vlasova. 2020. Malnutrition decreases antibody secreting cell numbers induced by an oral attenuated human rotavirus vaccine in a human infant fecal microbiota transplanted gnotobiotic pig model. Front.Immunol.11:196.doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.00196.
- Boley, P.A., M.A. Alhamo, G. Lossie, K.K. Yadav, M.V. Lee, L.J. Saif and S.P. Kenney. 2020. Porcine deltacoronavirus infection and transmission in poultry, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26(2): 255-264.
- Srivastava, V., L. Deblais, H.C. Huang, A.N. Vlasova, A. Miyazaki, S. Kandasamy, S.N. Langel, F.C. Paim, J. Chepngeno, D. Kathayat, L.J. Saif and G. Rajashekara. 2020. Protein malnutrition affects the rotavirus vaccine efficacy by modulating the gut microbiota composition in a fecal microbiota transplanted gnotobiotic pig model. Beneficial Microbes 11:733-751.
- Saif, LJ. 2020. Vaccines for COVID-19: Perspectives, prospects and challenges based on candidate SARS and MERS and animal coronavirus vaccines. EMJ. DOI/10.33590/emj/200324.
- Calisher, C. L.J. Saif, et al. 2020.Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19. Lancet. 395:E42-E43.
- Liu, S-L, L. J. Saif, S.R. Weiss and L. Su. 2020. No credible evidence supporting claims of the laboratory engineering of SARS-CoV-2. Emerging Microbes &Infections, 9:1, 505-507, DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1733440.
- Decaro, N., V. Martella, L.J. Saif, and C. Buonavogliaa. 2020. COVID-19 from veterinary medicine and one health perspectives: What animal coronaviruses have taught us.2020. Res Vet Sci 131:21-23.
- Saif, L.J. and K. Jung. 2020.Comparative pathogenesis of bovine and porcine respiratory coronaviruses in the animal host species and SARS-CoV-2 in humans. J.Clin. Microbiol. Jul 2020, 58 (8) e01355-20; DOI: 10.1128/JCM.01355-20.
- Zeng, C., J. P. Evans, R. Pearson, P. Qu, Y-M Zheng, R. T. Robinson, L. Hall-Stoodley, J. Yount, S. Pannu, R. K. Mallampalli, L. J. Saif, E. Oltz, G. Lozanski, and S-L. Liu. 2020. Neutralizing antibody against SARS-CoV-2 spike in COVID-19 patients, health care workers and convalescent plasma donors: a cohort study using a rapid and sensitive high-throughput neutralization assay. JCI Insight.
- Takagi, H., T. Oka, H. Saito, T. Kobayashi, T. Takahashi, C. Tatsumi, T. Shimoike, M. Kataoka, Q. Wang, L.J. Saif and M. Noda. 2020. Human sapovirus propagation in human cell lines supplemented with bile acids. PNAS 117:32078-32085.
- Guo, Y., D. E. Wentworth, K. M. Stucker, R. A. Halpin, H. C. Lam, D. Marthaler, L.J. Saif, A.N. Vlasova. 2020. Amino acid substitutions in positions 385 and 393 of the hydrophobic region of VP4 may be associated with rotavirus attenuation and cell culture adaptation. Viruses. 12(4):408. doi: 10.3390/v12040408.
- Hu, H., K. Jung, S.P. Kenney, and L.J. Saif. 2020. Isolation and tissue culture adaptation of Porcine deltacoronavirus: A case study. Methods Mol Biol. 2203:77-88. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0900-2_6. PMID: 32833205
- Kenney, S.P., Q. Wang, A.N. Vlasova, K. Jung, and L.J. Saif. 2020. Naturally occurring animal coronaviruses as models for studying highly pathogenic human coronaviral disease. J Veterinary Pathology (published Dec 2020)
- DeFrancesco, L., L.J. Saif, et al. 2020. COVID-19 antibodies on trial. Nature Biotechnology 38:1242–1252.
- 15. Chepngeno, J., Takanashi, S., Diaz, A., Michael, H., Paim, F.C., Rahe, M.C., Hayes, J.R., Baker, C., Marthaler, D., L.J. Saif, Vlasova, A.N. 2020. Comparative Sequence Analysis of Historic and Current Porcine Rotavirus C Strains and Their Pathogenesis in 3-Day-Old and 3-Week-Old Piglets. Front Microbiol. 11:780. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.00780. PMC7197332. (IF: 4.259)
- Kwiek, J.J., Pickett, C.R.; Flanigani, C.A.; Lee, M.V.; Saif, L.J.; Jahnes, J.; Blonder, G. A practical PPE decontamination method using warm air and ambient humidity. BioRxiv 2020.
- Vlasova, A.N., J.O. Amimo, J. Chepngeno, L.J. Saif and Y.P.S. Malik. 2019. Animal Rotaviruses. In: Recent Advances in Animal Virology, Springer.
- Saif, L.J., Q. Wang, A.N. Vlasova, K. Jung, X. Shao. 2019. Coronaviruses. In: Diseases of Swine 11th Ed (J.J. Zimmerman, J. Zhang), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA.
- Hu, H., K. Jung, S.P Kenney and L.J. Saif. 2019. Isolation and tissue culture adaptation of porcine deltacoronavirus: A case study. In: Coronaviruses: Methods and Protocols, 2nd Edition (H. Maier, E. Bickerton), Springer.
- Vlasova, A.N., Q. Wang, K. Jung, S.N. Langel, and L.J. Saif. 2019. Porcine Coronaviruses. In: Recent Advances in Animal Virology, (Malik, Y.S., Singh, R.K. and Yadav, M.P. ed), Springer Nature’s Textbook, Springer.
- Hou, Y, T. Meulia, X. Gao, L.J. Saif and Q. Wang. 2019. Deletion of both tyrosine-based endocytosis signal and endoplasmic reticulum-retrieval signal in the cytoplasmic tail of spike protein attenuates PEDV in pigs. J. Virol. 93. E01758-18 PubMed PMID:6321913.
- Lin, C-M. S. Ghimire, Y. Hou, P. Boley, S.N. Langel, A.N. Vlasova, L.J. Saif, Q. Wang. 2019. Pathogenicity and immunogenicity of attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhea virus PC22A strain in conventional weaned pigs. BMC Veterinary Research. 15(1):26. PubMed PMID: 30634958.
- Hou, Y., H. Ke, J. Kim, D. Yoo, Y. Su, P. Boley, J. Chepngeno, A.N. Vlasova, L.J. Saif, and Q. Wang. 2019. Engineering a live attenuated PEDV vaccine candidate via inactivation of the viral 2'-O methyltransferase and the endocytosis signal of the spike protein. J Virol. 2019 May 22. pii: JVI.00406-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00406-19.
- Vlasova, A.N., S. Takanashi, A. Miyazaki, G. Rajashekara and L.J. Saif. 2019. How the gut microbiome regulates host immune responses to viral vaccines. Curr Opin Virol 1;37:16-25.
- Langel, S.N., F.C. Paim, M.A. Alhamo, A. Buckley, A. Van Geelen, K.M. Lager, A.N. Vlasova and L.J. Saif. 2019. Stage of gestation at PEDV infection of pregnant swine impacts maternal immunity and lactogenic immune protection of neonatal suckling piglets. Front Immunol. April 24:10:727
- Annamalai, T., Z. Lu, K. Jung, S.N. Langel, C.K. Tuggle, J.C.M. Dekkers, E.H. Waide, S. Kandasamly and L.J. Saif. 2019. Infectivity of GII.4 human norovirus does not differ between T-B-NK+ several combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and non-SCID gnotobiotic pigs, implicating the role of NK cells in mediation of human norovirus infection. Virus Res. July 2;267:21-25.
- Chen, F., T.P. Knutson, S. Rossow, L.J. Saif and D.G. Marthaler. 2019. Decline of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its complex evolutionary relationship with porcine respiratory coronavirus in the United States. Sci. Rep. Mar 8:9(1):3953
- Wang, Q., A.N. Vlasova, S.P. Kenney and L.J. Saif. 2019. Emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses in pigs. Curr. Opin. Virol. Feb;34:39-49.
- Paim, F.C., A.S. Bowman, L. Miller, B.J. Feehan, D. Marthaler, L.J. Saif, and A.N. Vlasova. 2019. Epidemiology of deltacoronavirsues (∂-CoV) and gammacoronaviruses (y-CoV) in wild birds in the United States. Viruses 11(10). PubMed PMID: 31561462.
- Chepngeno, J., A. Diaz, F.C. Paim L.J. Saif, and A.N. Vlasova. 2019. Rotavirus C: Prevalence in suckling piglets and development of virus-like particles to assess the influence of maternal immunity on the disease development. Vet. Res. 50(1):84. PubMed PMID: 31640807.
- Esseili, M.A., X. Gao, P. Boley, Y. Hou, L.J. Saif, P. Brewer-Jensen, L.C. Lindesmith, R.S. Baric, R.L. Atmar, and Q. Wang. 2019. Human norovirus histo-blood group antigen (HBGA) binding sites mediate the virus specific interactions with lettuce carbohydrates. Viruses. 11(9) PubMed PMID: 31500340.
- Vlasova, A.N., G. Rajashekara and L.J. Saif. 2019. Interactions between human microbiome, diet, enteric viruses and immune system: Novel insights from gnotobiotic pig research. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. 2019, 28:95-103.
- Langel, S.N., F.C. Paim, M.A. Alhamo, K.M. Lager, A.N. Vlasova and L.J. Saif. 2019. Oral vitamin A supplementation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infected gilts enhances IgA and lactogenic immune protection of nursing piglets. Vet. Res. (in press)
- Michael, H., S.N. Langel, A. Miyazaki, D.D. Fischer, V. Srivastava, D. Kathayat, L. Deblais, G. Rajashekara, L.J. Saif and A.N. Vlasova. 2019. Malnutrition decreases antibody secreting cell numbers induced by an oral attenuated human rotavirus vaccine in a human infant fecal microbiota transplanted gnotobiotic pig model. Frontiers in Immunology (accepted).
- Wang, Q., A.N. Vlasova, S.P. Kenney, L.J. Saif. 2019. Emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses in pigs. Current Opinion in Virology. 34:39-49.
- Saif, LJ, Wang, Q, Vlasova, AN, Jung, K, Xiao, S. 2018. Coronaviruses. (Zimmerman, J.J.; Zhang, J.)(Eds.), Diseases of Swine Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA.
- Vlasova, AN, Langel, SN, Saif, LJ. 2018. Porcine respiratory coronavirus infection. Anipedia Sponsor: OIE.
- Vlasova, AN, Langel, SN, Bowman, AS, Lorbach, JN, Saif, LJ. 2018. Haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus infection. Anipedia Sponsor: OIE.
- Vlasova, AN, Langel, SN, Saif, LJ. 2018. Transmissible gastroenteritis. Anipedia Sponsor OIE.
- Lin, C.M., Ghimire, S., Hou, Y., Boley, P., Langel, S.N., Vlasova, A.N., Saif, L.J., Wang, Q. 2019. Pathogenicity and immunogenicity of attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhea virus PC22A strain in conventional weaned pigs. BMC Vet Res. 2019 Jan 11;15(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1756-x.
- Wang, Q., Vlasova, A.N., Kenney, S.P., Saif, L.J. Emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses in pigs. Curr Opin Virol. 2019 Jan 14;34:39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.coviro.2018.12.001. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
- Miyazaki, A., Kandasamy, S., Michael, H., Langel, S.N., Paim, F.C., Chepngeno, J., Alhamo, M.A., Fischer, D.D., Huang, H.C., Srivastava, V., Kathayat, D., Deblais, L., Rajashekara, G., Saif, L.J., Vlasova, A.N. 2018. Protein deficiency reduces efficacy of oral attenuated human rotavirus vaccine in a human infant fecal microbiota transplanted gnotobiotic pig model. Submitted to Vaccine. Vaccine. 2018 Oct 8;36(42):6270-6281.
- Santiana, M., Ghosh, S., Ho, B.A., Rajasekaran, V., Du, W.L., Mutsafi, Y., De Jésus-Diaz, D.A., Sosnovtsev, S.V., Levenson, E.A., Parra, G.I., Takvorian, P.M., Cali, A., Bleck, C., Vlasova, A.N., Saif, L.J., Patton, J.T., Lopalco, P., Corcelli, A., Green, K.Y., Altan-Bonnet, N. 2018. Vesicle-Cloaked Virus Clusters Are Optimal Units for Inter-organismal Viral Transmission. Cell Host Microbe. 2018 Aug 8;24(2):208-220.e8.
- Kumar, A., Vlasova, A., Deblais, L., Huang, H.C., Wijeratne, A., Kandasamy, S., Fischer, D.D., Langel, S.N., Paim, F.C., Alhamo, M.A., Shao, L., Saif, L.J., Rajashekara, G. 2018. Impact of nutrition and rotavirus infection on the infant gut microbiota in a humanized pig model. BMC Gastroenterol. 2018 Jun 22;18(1):93. doi: 10.1186/s12876-018-0810-2. PMC N/A
- Hu, H., Jung, K., Wang, Q., Saif, L.J., Vlasova, A.N. 2018. Development of a one-step RT-PCR assay for detection of pancoronaviruses (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-coronaviruses) using newly designed degenerate primers for porcine and avian `fecal samples. J Virol Methods. 2018 Jun; 256:116-122. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2018.02.021. Epub 2018 Feb 27.
- Saif, L.J., Q. Wang, A. Vlasova, K. Jung and S. Xiao. 2017. Coronaviruses. In: Diseases of Swine. 11th Ed (J.J. Zimmerman, et al, Eds), Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA (In press)
- Parreno, V. and Saif, L.J. 2017. Immunidad Pasiva. In: La Vacunacion en la prevencion, el control y la erradicacion de las enfermedades infecciosas de los animals (A.A. Schudel, Editor). Fundacion Prosaia, Buenos Aires, Argentina pp. 47-64.
- Wang, Q., L. Feng, and L.J. Saif. 2017. Chapter 68: Porcine epidemic diarrhea. In: Koos Coetzer (Chief Editor), Infectious Diseases of Livestock (
- Annamalai T, C.M. Lin, X. Gao, X. Liu, Z. Lu, L.J. Saif and Q. Wang. 2017. Cross protective immune responses in nursing piglets infected with a US spike-insertion deletion porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain and challenged with an original US PEDV strain. Vet Res. 48(1):61.
- Hou, Y, Lin C.M., Yokoyama, M., Yount, B.L., Marthaler, D., Douglas, A., Ghimire, S., Qin, Y., Baric, R.S., L.J. Saif, Wang, Q. 2017. Deletion of a 197 amino acid-region in the N-terminal domain of spike protein attenuates porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in piglets. J Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.00227-17
- Lin, C.M., Y. Hou, D. Marthaler, X. Gao, X. Liu, L. Zheng, L.J.Saif and Q. Wang. 2017. Attenuation of an original US porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain PC22A via serial cell culture passage. Vet. Microbiol. 201:62-71.
- Vlasova, A., F.C. Paim, S. Kandasamy, M.A. Alhamo, D.D. Fischer, S.N. Langel, L. Deblais, A. Kumar, J. Chepngeno, L. Shao, H. Huang, R.A. Candelero-Rueda, G. Rajashekara, L.J. Saif. 2017. Protein malnutrition modified innate immunity and gene expression by intestinal epithelial cells and human rotavirus infection in neonatal gnotobiotic pigs. mSphere 2:e00046-17.
- Huang, H.C., A.N. Vlasova, A. Kumar, A., S. Kandasamy, D.D. Fischer, L. Deblais, F.C. Paim, S.N. Langel, M.A. Alhamo, A. Rauf, L. Shao, L.J. Saif, and G. Rajashekara. 2017. Effect of antibiotic, probiotic, and human rotavirus infection on colonisation dynamics of defined commensal microbiota in a gnotobiotic pig model. Benef Microbes. 2017 Oct 12:1-16.
- Fischer, D.D., S. Kandasamy, F.C. Paim, S.N. Langel, M.A. Alhamo, L. Shao, J. Chepngeno, A. Miyazaki, H.C. Huang, A. Kumar, G. Rajashekara, L.J. Saif, and A.N. Vlasova. 2017. Protein malnutrition alters tryptophan and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 homeostasis and adaptive immune responses in human rotavirus infected gnotobiotic pigs transplanted with human infant fecal microbiota. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2017 Jun 21. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00172-17.
- Kandasamy, S., A.N. Vlasova, D.D. Fischer, K.S. Chattha, L. Shao, A. Kumar, S.N. Langel, A. Rauf, H.C. Huang, G. Rajashekara, L.J. Saif. 2017. Unraveling the Differences between Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Probiotics in Modulating Protective Immunity to Enteric Infections. Frontiers Immunol. 2017 Mar 27;8:334. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00334.
- Vlasova, A.N., J.O. Amimo, and L.J. Saif. 2017. Porcine Rotaviruses: Epidemiology, Immune Responses and Control Strategies. Viruses. 2017 Mar 18;9(3). pii: E48. doi: 10.3390/v9030048.
- Jung, K., H. Hu, H., and L.J. Saif. 2017. Calves are susceptible to infection with the newly emerged porcine deltacoronavirus, but not with the swine enteric alphacoronavirus, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Archives of Virology. Aug;162(8):2357-2362.
- Ohba, M., Oka, T., Ando, T., Arahata, S., Ikegaya, A., Takagi, H., Ogo, N., Zhu, C., Owada, K., Kawamori, F., Wang, Q., Saif, L.J., Asai, A. 2017. Antiviral effect of theaflavins against caliciviruses. J Antibiot (Tokyo). 70, 443-447.
- Oka Tomoichiro Oka, Garrett T. Stoltzfus, Chelsea Zhu, Kwonil Jung, Qiuhong Wang*, Linda J. Saif*. Attempts to grow human noroviruses, a sapovirus and a bovine norovirus in vitro. PLos One. (Accepted)
- Vlasova, A.N., S. Kandasamy and L.J. Saif. 2016. Gnotobiotic neonatal pig model of rotavirus infection and disease. In: Viral Gastroententis: Molecular Epidemiology and Pathogenesis (Drs. Svensson, Desselberger, Estes, and Greenberg, eds).Elsevier, The Netherlands pp. 219-241.
- Kandasamy, S.,A.N. Vlasova, D. Fischer, A. Kumar, K.S. Chattha, A.Rauf, L. Shao, S. Neal, G. Rajashekara, and LJ. Salf. 2016. Differential effects of Escherichia coli Nissle and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG on human rotavirus binding, infection and B cell immunity. J.lmmunol.196:1780-89.
- Beall, A., B. Yount, C.M. Lin, Y. Hou, Q. Wang, L.J. Saif and R. Barie. 2016. Characterization of a pathogenic full length cDNA clone and transmission model of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain PC22A. mBio 7:e01451-15.
- Lin, C.M., T. Annamalai, X. Liu, X. Gao, Z. Lu, M. El-Tholoth, H. Hu, L.J. Saif, Q. Wang. 2015. Experimental infection of a US spike-insertion deletion porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in conventional nursing piglets and cross-protection to original US PEDV infection. Vet. Res. 46:134.
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