Daral J. Jackwood
Professor Emeritus

jackwood.2@osu.edu (330) 263-3964 Food Animal Health Building1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, OH 44691
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Veterinary Preventive Medicine
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Professional Training and Experience
- 1978, BS, The University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
- 1980, MS, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- 1982, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Research Interests
- Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV)
- Jackwood, D. J. Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease). In: The Merck Veterinary Manual, 12th Edition Update. S. E. Aiello, ed. Merck & Co., Inc. Kenilworth, New Jersey. 2020. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/infectious-bursal-disease/infecti....
- Ohnmar, M.; Suwanruengsri, M.; Araki, K.; Izzati, U.Z.; Pornthummawat, A.; Nueangphuet, P.; Fuke, N.; Hirai, T.; Jackwood, D.J. and Ryoji Yamaguchi. The bursa atrophy at 28 days old by the variant infectious bursal disease virus makes a negative economic impact on broiler farms in Japan. Avian Path. 2020. DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2020.1822989.
- Higgins, J.; Wallner-Pendleton, E.; Linda Michel, L.; Jackwood, D.J.. An unusual case of hemorrhagic bursa in a pullet flock caused by a genogroup 2 infectious bursal disease virus. Avian Path. In Press. 2020.
- Jackwood, D. J. Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease). In: The Merck Veterinary Manual, 12th Edition. S. E. Aiello, ed. Merck & Co., Inc. Kenilworth, New Jersey. 2019. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/infectious-bursal-disease/infecti...
- Stoute, S. T., D. J. Jackwood, B. M. Crossley, L. O. Michel and J. R. Blakey. Molecular epidemiology of endemic and very virulent infectious bursal disease virus genogroups in backyard chickens in California; 2009-2017. J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 31:371-377, 2019.
- Nelson S. W., J. N. Lorbach, J. M. Nolting, J. W. Stull, D. J. Jackwood, I. C. Davis and A. S. Bowman. Madin-Darby canine kidney cell sialic acid receptor modulation induced by culture medium conditions: Implications for the isolation of influenza A virus. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses. 13:593-602, 2019 DOI.org/10.1111/irv.12671
- Michel, L. O., M. L. Kimber and D. J. Jackwood. New introduction of a very virulent infectious bursal disease virus in New York, USA. Avian Path. 48:5, 486-491, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2019.1626975
- Jackwood, D. J. Infectious bursal disease. Encyclopedia of Virology 4th Edition. Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Oxford, OX5 1GB UK. In Press. 2018.
- Jackwood, D. J., K. A. Schat, L. O. Michel and S. de Wit., A proposed nomenclature for infectious bursal disease virus isolates. Avian Path. 47:576-584, 2018.
- Stoute, S. T., D. J. Jackwood, B. M. Crossley, L. O. Michel and J. R. Blakey. Molecular epidemiology of endemic and very virulent infectious bursal disease virus genogroups in backyard chickens in California; 2009-2017. J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 31:371-377, 2018.
- Jackwood, D. J. Infectious bursal disease. Encyclopedia of Virology 4th Edition. Elsevier Ltd, Langford Lane, Oxford, OX5 1GB UK. In Press. 2018.
- Jackwood, D. J., K. A. Schat, L. O. Michel and S. de Wit., A proposed nomenclature for infectious bursal disease virus isolates. Avian Path. 47:576-584, 2018.
- Stoute, S. T., D. J. Jackwood, B. M. Crossley, L. O. Michel and J. R. Blakey. Molecular epidemiology of endemic and very virulent infectious bursal disease virus genogroups in backyard chickens in California; 2009-2017. J. Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 31:371-377, 2018.
- Jackwood, D. J., S. T. Stoute and B. M. Crossley, "Pathogenicity of Genome Reassortant Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses in Chickens and Turkeys". Avian Dis. Vol. 60, no. 4: 765-772. 2016. (Published) 75% Authorship
- Nwagbo, I. O., I. Shittu, C. I. Nwosuh, G. O. Ezelfeka, F. J. C. Odlbo, L. O. Michel and D. J. Jackwood, "Molecular characterization of field infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) isolates from Nigeria". Veterinary World. Vol. 9, 1420- 1428. 2016. (Published)
- Sá e Silva, M., K. Moresco, K.i Bertran, D. J. Jackwood, D. E. Swayne., "Infection with Classical and Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses Produced Virus in Chicken Meat and Vaccination was an Effective Mitigation Strategy". Avian Dis. Vol. 60, no. 4: 758-764. 2016. (Published) 15% Authorship
- Gelb, J. Jr., D. J. Jackwood, E. M. Brannick and B. S. Ladman, "Efficacy of Recombinant HVT-IBD Vaccines Administered to Broiler Chicks from a Single Breeder Flock at 30 and 60 Weeks of Age". Avian Dis. Vol. 60, no. 3: 603-612. 2016. (Published) 25% Authorship
- Binjawadagi, B. Lakshamanappa, Y. S., Longchao, Z., Dhakal, S., Hiremath, J., Ouyang, K., Shyu, D-L., Arcos, J., Pengcheng, S., Gilbertie, A., Zuckermann, F., Torrelles, J. B., Jackwood, D., Fang, Y., and Renukaradhya, G. J., "Development of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-like-particle and evaluation of its immunogenicity in pigs". Archives of Virology. Vol. 161, 1579-1589. 2016. (Published) 15% Authorship: Molecular cloning and expression of proteins
- Jackwood, D. J. "Vaccinating Broilers for IBDV: What are the Options?". Review of IBD vaccination, Zoetis Technical Review. Zoetis. (2016) [Peer-Review]
- Michel, L. O. and D. J. Jackwood. "Mutations that may be contributing to antigenic drift in very virulent infectious bursal disease viruses". Annual Meeting. Blacksburg: American Society for Virology. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 40% Authorship
- Jackwood, D. J. "Impact of Immunosuppression on poultry production: The role of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus" In: Proceedings of the 65th Western Poultry Disease Conference.. Vancouver, BC, Canada: WPDC. ( 2016 ): 112-115. ( Published )
- Jackwood, M. W. and D. J. Jackwood, "Molecular Identification Procedures". In "A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation and Identification of Avian Pathogens". Sixth ed. Edited by:Williams, Dufour-Zavala, Jackwood, Lee, Lupiani, Reed, Spackman and Woolcock. Kennett Square: AAAP. 339-342. 2016. [Editor-Review] (Published) 50% Authorship: 50% effort
- Saif, Y. M. and D. J. Jackwood, "Infectious Bursal Disease". In "A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation and Identification of Avian Pathogens". Sixth ed. Edited by:Williams, Dufour-Zavala, Jackwood, Lee, Lupiani, Reed, Spackman and Woolcock. Kennett Square: AAAP. 239-242. 2016. [Editor-Review] (Published) 50% Authorship: I wrote 50% of the chapter.
- Jackwood, D. J., "Infectious Bursal Disease". In "The Merck Veterinary Manual". Eleventh ed. Edited by: Aiello. Kenilworth: Merck and Co.. 2837-2839. 2016. [Editor-Review] (Published) 100%
- Saif, Y. M.. Jackwood, D. J., "Infectious Bursal Disease". In "Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Avian Pathogens". Louise Dufour-Zavala, Edited by:Louise Dufour-Zavala. (In Press).
- Jackwood, D. J., "Infectious Bursal Disease".In "Manual of Poultry Diseases". 1ed. Vol. 1 Edited by:Brugere-Picoux, J.,Vaillancourt, J-P.. Paris:Association francaise pour l'avancement des sciences (AFAS). 215-219. 2015.
- Gourapura, R. J, et al., "Development of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-like-particle and evaluation of its immunogenicity in pigs''. Archives of Virology. (In Press).