Advances in Veterinary Medicine Research Day

Uniting scholars in the College of Veterinary Medicine to foster connections and explore shared research interests

The College of Veterinary Medicine’s annual research day showcases the research and scholarship accomplishments of veterinary students, residents, graduate students and faculty in the college. It brings the college community together to learn about exciting research being carried out by colleagues. Travel grants are awarded to the best student poster presentations in each of the five areas of study: immunology and infectious diseases, molecular and cellular biology, structure and function, clinical research, and epidemiology and applied research. The awards help students fund their travel to a national or international scientific meeting to present their research.

The 2024 faculty chair is Dr. Stefan Niewiesk, professor in the Department of Veterinary Biosciences.

Call for Abstracts

Whether you're engaged in clinical or basic research, Veterinary Research Day offers the perfect opportunity to showcase your work. Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts sharing their preliminary or definitive findings. This inclusive approach welcomes individuals with intriguing case reports and students seeking to practice their presentation skills.

Faculty members, graduate students, residents, interns, veterinary students, and even undergraduate students are encouraged to contribute, ensuring a comprehensive perspective on research topics.

  • Anyone who is doing clinical or basic research and wants to share preliminary or definitive findings with their colleagues
  • Anyone who has an interesting case report to share or discuss
  • Any student who wants practice in preparing a poster and presenting their data
  • Anyone who wants to present their own scholarly activity to the College of Veterinary Medicine community
  • Students who participated in the College's Summer Research Program

Veterinary Research Day provides a supportive environment for students to present their preliminary findings and gain valuable experience in preparing posters and delivering data presentations. This empowering opportunity aids in nurturing the next generation of veterinary researchers.

  • Current research that has not been presented previously at a past College Research Day, including:
    • Basic research
    • Clinical research
    • Case reports
    • Retrospective and prospective studies
    • Clinical or field trials
    • Inventions, descriptive research, or any scholarly activity
  • Presentation of preliminary findings is encouraged, especially by students- this is your opportunity to practice your presentation skills!
  • Studies reported at other meetings may be presented
  • Educational - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning-faculty

There are separate categories for graduate student/resident/intern presentations and veterinary students. Travel grants are awarded to the best student poster presentations in each of the five areas of study: immunology and infectious diseases, molecular and cellular biology, structure and function, clinical research, and epidemiology and applied research. The awards help students fund their travel to a national or international scientific meeting to present their research.

Deadlines and Schedule

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Important Deadlines

Plan ahead and make sure you're prepared.

MARCH 4, 2024

  • Abstracts Due
    Electronic version of your abstracts are due to Ivana Grozdic
    Participants are responsible for having their posters printed

APRIL 2, 2024

  • Hang posters
    Posters can be hung after 1 p.m.

APRIL 3, 2024

  • Veterinary Student Poster Judging: 2-5 p.m.
    Students should be at their poster during their assigned judging time

APRIL 4, 2024

  • Graduate Student/Resident/Intern Judging: 8-11 a.m.


Research Day Schedule: Thursday, April 4, 2024

A pizza lunch will be provided for those attending the seminars, RSVP is required. Email Ivana Grozdic to RSVP and provide any dietary restrictions.

8 a.m.-11 a.m.

  • Graduate Student, Resident, Intern Poster Judging

Noon-1 p.m.

  • Faculty Presentations TBD 

1-2 p.m.

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tony L. Goldberg

    Dr. Tony L. Goldberg is the John D. MacArthur Chair and professor in the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Goldberg is also Director of the Kibale EcoHealth Project  a long-term study of health and ecology in the region of Kabale National Park, Uganda; and Co-Director of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Global Health Institute. The Goldberg Lab focuses on the ecology, epidemiology, and evolution of infectious disease. They combine field and laboratory approaches to understand how pathogens in dynamic ecosystems are transmitted among hosts, across complex landscapes, and over time; utilizing methods that span the biological and social sciences to understand root drivers of health and disease, and the pathways by which pathogens emerge. This information is then applied to improve the health and wellbeing of animals, people, and the rapidly changing ecosystems we share.  

Creating and Submitting Your Abstract and Poster

Please  carefully review instructions before submitting your abstract. Everyone who plans to participate College Research Day must complete an abstract submission form.

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Creating Your Abstract

  • Type the text in Arial font, 11 point.
  • The title should be capitalized and bold, followed by the authors’ names (initials and last names only) and departmental affiliation.
  • Underline the presenting author’s name.
  • Abstract should be single spaced.
  • At the end of the abstract, skip a line and include 'Keywords'.
  • Note that the 300 word limit does NOT include the title, authors and department information, and key words.
  • The deadline for Abstract submission is March 4, 2024.

To submit your abstract: 

  • Confirm you have used the required format and within the 300 word limit
  • Create your abstract in the required format using any word processing program.
  • Please complete the Abstract Submission Form.  Fillable PDF or Word document
  • When the form is complete, please attach it along with your abstract in an email and send it to Ivana Grozdic.
  • Abstracts are due March 4, 2024.

Poster Parameters

Contact Information

For more information reach out and contact us. 

Ivana Grozdic
Assistant Director, Research & Graduate Studies
Phone: 614-292-7637