About the Alumni Society
Dear fellow College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni,
Hello again on behalf of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society! Since my last letter to you a year ago there have been a lot of opportunities for the Alumni Society to support and engage both veterinary students and college alumni. If you have taken part in an Alumni Society event recently – thank you! If not, we would love to see you at an upcoming event. We are always open to suggestions and feedback regarding how the Alumni Society can engage and support college alumni. Let us know by e-mailing your ideas to chrissieschneiderdvm@gmail.com.
The ‘23-‘24 academic year kicked off with welcoming the newest members of our Buckeye family - the Class of 2027! Alumni Society Board members were excited to join the orientation festivities on campus at the end of August. In September the society once again co-hosted our annual golf outing along with the Ohio Animal Health Foundation. It was a beautiful day enjoying the lovely course at Bent Tree Golf Course in Sunbury, Ohio. The event raised $3,800 for student scholarships in addition to collecting 30lbs of non-perishable food for the College of Veterinary Medicine Community Cupboard.
We had another eventful and fun Homecoming weekend in October. To kick off the weekend the Alumni Society bestowed Alumni Recognition Awards to four outstanding alumni - Dr. Rebecca Gompf (‘75), Dr. Kent Hoblet (‘71), Dr. John Payne (‘82) and Dr. Liesa Stone (‘83). These alumni have each had, and continue to have, unique and impressive careers contributing significantly to the betterment of veterinary medicine and their communities.
Do you know of a college alumnus who has contributed to the enhancement of the veterinary medical profession and/or provided support for the college or their community? I encourage you to nominate them for an Alumni Recognition Award or Recent Graduate Award (application instructions enclosed). New this year, we’re excited to add the “Recent Graduate Award” category to our Alumni Recognition Awards to recognize and celebrate college alumni who have graduated in the last 10 years.
In addition to alumni society events there are numerous ways you can stay connected and involved with the college, whether you are local to Columbus or not. No matter where you live you can help shape the incoming classes of veterinary students by volunteering to review applications in the fall and/or conduct interviews of prospective students in the winter. Current students could use your help practicing their negotiation skills and, if you’re local to Columbus, the college would welcome your help grading students’ hands-on skills via the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs).
We look forward to more fun and fellowship in the coming year, stay tuned for more events and other ways you can get involved.
How firm thy friendship,
Christine Schneider, DVM ‘09, MS '13, DABVP
President, Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society
Article I - Name
The name of this organization is The Ohio State University Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society, hereafter referred to as the Society. It shall be an integral part of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc., the official alumni organization of The Ohio State University, hereafter referred to as the Association.
Article II - Object
This Society is formed to promote the advancement of the best interests of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine by providing fellowship and the furtherance of professional relationships among the alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of the college and Society. The Society also will promote and support the mission of the Association.
Article III - Membership
Section 1: All DVM, MS and PhD graduates of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine are eligible for membership in the Society.
Section 2: Such non-alumni who, by their interest and activity, have distinguished themselves by their work for the College of Veterinary Medicine or the Society may be entitled to honorary membership by special action of the Board of Trustees of the Society.
Section 3: Honorary members are ineligible to vote or hold office. They may serve as committee members.
Section 4: Dues may be as established by the Board of Trustees.
Article IV - Board of Trustees
Section 1: The Board of Trustees, all of whom must be active members of the Association and the Society, shall consist of:
a) the officers of the Society.
b) the immediate past president of the Society.
c) twelve members-at-large.
d) one faculty coordinator of alumni affairs, who shall be recommended by the Dean and approved by the Board of Trustees.
e) the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine as an ex officio non-voting member.
f) the President/CEO of the Association or his/her designee as an ex officio non-voting member.
g) the non-faculty alumnus representative of the College of Veterinary Medicine, nominated by the Dean, to the Alumni Advisory Council of the Association as an ex officio non-voting member.
h) one student representative from each class to be recommended by the class president and approved by the Board of Trustees as non-voting members
i) the Dean of Student Affairs as an ex officio non-voting member.
j) the College Advancement Team representative responsible for Alumni programming as an ex officio non-voting member.
Section 2: The Board of Trustees shall have full power to fill all vacancies.
Section 3: The government of this Society and the direction of its activities shall be vested in the Board of Trustees.
Section 4: A meeting of the Board of Trustees may be called by the President of the Society upon written request from four members of the Board of Trustees.
Section 5: The Board of Trustees shall hold two regular meetings annually.
Section 6: The 12 at-large members shall be elected for three-year terms.
Section 7: Any Board officer or member having more than three unexcused absences to meetings per year may be dismissed from the Board.
Section 8: Term limits for members of the Board of Trustees (at-large) will be limited to two (2) consecutive terms.
Article V – Elections
Elections shall be held at the Annual Meeting to replace Board members whose terms have expired. Twelve Board members shall have staggered terms, each serving a three-year term. Members shall hold office until their successors have been qualified and elected.
The slate of Officers shall be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society, elected by a majority vote of those present and voting at the Annual Meeting, installed at the meeting, and hold such offices until the adjournment of the Annual Meeting at the end of the specified term of that office.
Article VI - Officers
The officers of this Society shall consist of the president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer, all of whom must be active members of the Association.
Article VII - Duties of Officers
The duties of the officers shall be those generally exercised by such officers and others as may be assigned to them by the Board of Trustees.
Section 1 - President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and shall be chairman of the Board of Trustees and a member of all Committees. The term of this office shall be two years.
Section 2 - President-Elect: In the absence, disability, or upon the request of the President, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President. If the office of President becomes vacant, he shall become President for the unexpired term. The term of this office shall be two years.
Section 3 - Secretary: The Secretary shall have custody of the names and addresses of the alumni of the College of Veterinary Medicine provided by the Association. The Secretary shall record all changes, notifying the Association immediately of any additions or corrections to the list. He or she shall not release the list for political, personal or commercial purposes, subject to expulsion from office by the Board of Directors of the Association. Release of the list shall be made only on approval of the Association subject to the constitution of the Association.
The Secretary shall send out all notices of meetings and shall send reports of all meetings and activities of the Society to the Association.
Section 4 - Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies and disburse all funds subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees and shall perform duties as outlined by the Board of Trustees.
Article VIII - Meetings
Section 1: At least two meetings shall be held each year. Failure to comply with this provision shall make the Society charter subject to revocation by the Association.
Section 2: The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in conjunction with The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine's reunion homecoming weekend.
Section 3: There shall be other meetings each year as the President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Society, deems desirable.
Section 4: The President of the Society must call a meeting upon the written request of 10 percent of the active members of the Society. Upon failure of the President to call such a meeting within 30 days of such a request, the meeting may be called by any other officer or member of the Board of Trustees or by the petitioning members. In such instances, the Association shall be notified, and it shall send due notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting to all members of the Society.
Section 5: Where this constitution fails to provide authority for procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used.
Article IX - Committees
Section 1: The President of the Society shall appoint the following standing committees with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
a) Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees shall be the officers, the President/CEO of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc. or his/her designee, and the College faculty alumni coordinator. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Board between Board meetings. All such actions must be reported to the Board at its next meeting and shall be subject to final approval by the Board.
b) Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, the immediate past president, and three members-at-large of the Board. They shall prepare a slate of officers and present it to the Board of Trustees for approval.
c) Awards Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to select an alumna or alumnus to receive the Alumni Recognition Award(s) every year. The selection committee shall include the Society's President-Elect (as chair), an alumni faculty member, and three at-large Board members.
Section 2: The President of the Society, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint such additional committees as in the President’s judgment, the interests of the Society may require, and may prescribe the duties of such committees.
Article X - By‑laws
The Society is permitted to establish by-laws at any regular Board meeting of the Society, a quorum being present, by a two-thirds vote of all Board members present, provided that notice of such proposed by-laws shall have been communicated via mail or electronic means to each Board member at least ten days before such meeting. No amendment or addition to the by-laws can be made that is not in harmony with the Society’s or Association’s constitution.
Article XI - Adoption
This constitution shall be officially adopted upon its approval by a majority vote of the active members of the Society in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the Society. It shall take effect upon the granting of a charter by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc., authorizing its functioning as one of the official alumni organizations of The Ohio State University.
Article XII - Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the total votes cast in a manner decided by the Board of Trustees of the Society. No amendments shall take effect until duly approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc.
In the event the College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society becomes defunct, its assets shall be deposited in the College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Scholarship Fund (607490) or any OSU development fund designated by the Board of Trustees.
Original Date: September 7, 1979
Revised September 18, 1987
Revised September 20, 1991
Revised September 1996
Revised September 2008
Revised December 2013
Graduates who earned a DVM, Master or PhD degree from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine are eligible to be members of the Alumni Society. There are two levels of membership:
Sustaining Members
Graduates are considered Sustaining Members of The Veterinary Medicine Alumni Society if they support the college through annual gifts of at least $50 to any funds. View a complete list of college funds.
An entire annual gift does not have to go to one fund. Cumulative giving will be tracked over a calendar year, and when gifts equal or exceed $50, the donor will become a Sustaining Member. An additional $25 gift to any Ohio State fund will also qualify you as a sustaining member of The Ohio State Alumni Association (OSUAA).
Basic Members
Graduates who do not choose to make an annual gift of $50 or more will become basic members. They will not be eligible to purchase football tickets in the College of Veterinary Medicine's football ticket lottery for Reunion Homecoming Weekend.
Football Eligibility
Football eligibility will be based on an alumnus’s previous year of giving. To be eligible for the 2023 season, graduates must be Sustaining Members by December 31, 2022. Sustaining Members will be eligible to opt in for football tickets for the Reunion Homecoming Weekend game and also with the Ohio State University Alumni Association.
2023-2024 Board of Trustees
President: Christine Schneider, DVM ‘09
Immediate Past President: Sarah Hayslip, DVM ’98
President-Elect: Josh Lorbach, DVM ’14
Secretary: Natalie Theus, DVM ‘05
Treasurer: Robert Knapp, DVM '92
Term Expiration 2024
Kyle Connole, DVM ’17
Bethany Heitkamp, DVM ’14
Danielle Spoon, DVM ’16
Amy Voss, DVM ’02
Term Expiration 2025
John Baker, DVM ’80
Tsa Shelton, DVM ’21
Michelle Wisecup, DVM ’05
Term Expiration 2026
Randall Bond, DVM ’13
Laurie Goodchild, DVM ’91
Kelly Kirby, DVM ’06
Amanda Johnson, DVM ‘10
Mallory Kanwal, DVM ‘17
Past President
Susan Reed, DVM '90
Class Representatives, ex officio
Class President of 2024: DaZané Cole
Class President of 2025: Brad Hogshead
Class President of 2026: Mae Harper
Class President of 2027—William Ogburn
Dean: Rustin M. Moore, DVM ‘89, PhD, ACVS
Faculty Coordinator of Alumni Affairs: Andrew Niehaus, DVM ‘03
Ohio State Alumni Association, Asst Director, Alumni Society Engagement: Julie Haley, ex officio
Member OSU Alumni Advisory Board: Thomas Wood, DVM '87, ex officio
Chief Advancement Officer: Liesa Stone, DVM, ‘83
College Director of Alumni Affairs: Tiffany Dodson
Past College Director of Alumni Affairs: Bonnie Bates, ex officio
Associate Dean for Professional Programs: Emma Read, DVM, MVSc, DACVS, ex officio
Support a White Coat
The white coat symbolizes the knowledge veterinary students gained during the first three years of their DVM program. Receiving their white coat is a milestone in a student’s academic career, and you can help them get one step closer to achieving their dream of becoming a veterinarian.

Stay in touch! Reach out to learn more about the many ways you can get involved.
For more information about alumni events and volunteering opportunities:
Tiffany Dodson
Alumni Relations & Engagement Coordinator
Phone: 614-247-1675
Email: dodson.224@osu.edu