Carrie L. Freed
MLAS, DVM, Diplomate ACLAM
Clinical Veterinarian, University Laboratory Animal Resources; Professor - Clinical, Veterinary Preventive Medicine

Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Laboratory Animal Medicine Program
Professional Training and Experience
- Residency, Laboratory Animal Medicine, The Ohio State University, Department of University Laboratory Animal Resources
- DVM, The Ohio State University
- MLAS, Laboratory Animal Science, Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA
Research Interests
- The interaction of lab animal housing conditions and the impact on the HPA axis and overall animal welfare.
- Providing hypothesis driven research to support common clinical treatments and environmental enrichment in the field of lab animal medicine.
- Applying the principles for humane experimental technique (Three R’s-Replacement, reduction, and refinement) via improved techniques and the use of imaging modalities.
- Tu, DS, Nolan, K, Hsieh, AD, Stewart, J, Freed CL (2021). When it Comes to Mouse Blood Collection for Inexperienced Users Chin up, Don’t Get Cheeky. LAS Professional. May 2021. 50-52.
- Collins, TA, Freed CL, Brooks, E (2021). Is More Really Better? A Reevaluation of PPE Practices in a Barrier Rodent Facility. LAS Professional. March 2021. 42-44. Selected for Cover.
- Pavan A, O’Quin J, Roberts M, and Freed C, "Using a Staff Survey to Customize Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Mitigation Recommendations in a Lab Animal Facility" JAALAS accepted for publication.
- Young, SM, Shettigar, V, Freed, CL “Evaluating Consumption of Oral NSAID Products as Part of Multimodal Pain Management in a Mouse Thoracotomy Model”. JAALAS. Vol. 56 No. 5, Memphis: JAALAS (2017) [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) 60% Authorship: Designed research project, provided oversight and mentoring for the project, provided editorial oversight for the abstract.
- Pavan AD, Freed CL, O’Quin J, “Alleviating Compassion Fatigue: The Burden of Caring too Much” JAALAS. Vol. 56 No. 5, Memphis: JAALAS (2017) [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) 40% Authorship: Provided mentorship to author, provided editorial oversight for the abstract and platform presentation.
- Brannick. KE, Breitbach, J,Elshafae, S, Rosol, T, Freed CL, “Atypical Multifocal Pododermatitis Lesions in a Laboratory Beagle” JAALAS. Vol. 56 No. 5, Memphis: JAALAS (2017) [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) 40% Authorship: Directed veterinary support for the clinical case and provided editorial oversight for abstract.
- Brannick, K, McKeever, Freed, C, Fitzgerald, J, Devries, A “Car-proven Efficacy: Behavioral Validation of Analgesia of Carprofen in Three Formulations” (In Preparation)
- Freed, C, Young, S , Shettigar, V. Bergdall, V "Evaluating the Consumption of Oral NSAID Products as part of multimodal pain management in a myocardial infarction model in mice." ( In Preparation )
- Lemoine, D, Bergdall, V, Freed,C,."Alternatives to Sterile Surgeon's Glove for Rodent Survival Surgery." JAALAS. Vol. 54, no. 3. (May 2015): 311-316.