Antoinette E. Marsh
Diagnostic Parasitology Service Head; Professor

Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Professional Training and Experience
- JD, The Ohio State University
- PhD, University of California Davis
- Assistant Professor, University of Missouri
- Palillo JA, Mollenkopf D, Marsh AE, Wittum TE, James JPB, Reichley SR, Ghosh S, Palillo MB, Malbrue R. Detection of zoonotic bacteria and Paragonimus kellicotti in Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and the assessment of traditional crayfish boils. J Food Prot. 2022 Oct 1;85(10):1388-1396. doi: 10.4315/JFP-22-035. PMID: 35588153
- Model MA, Williams PA, Marsh AE. Selective visualization of live intestinal parasites in stool specimens without purification. Acta Parasitol. 2022 Sep;67(3):1455-1459. doi: 10.1007/s11686-022-00590-w. Epub 2022 Jul 27. PMID: 35882825
- Shusterman L, Marsh AE, Joyner PH. Detection and differentiation of Trichuris in Giraffe (Giraffe camelopardalis) under human care. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2022 Jun;53(2):383-392. doi: 10.1638/2021-0064. PMID: 35758580
- Rudinsky AJ, Parker VJ, Winston J, Cooper E, Mathie T, Howard JP, Bremer CA, Yaxley P, Marsh A, Laxalde J, Suchodolski J, Perea S. Randomized controlled trial demonstrates nutritional management is superior to metronidazole for treatment of acute colitis in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2022 Oct 6;260(S3):S23-S32. doi: 10.2460/javma.22.08.0349. PMID: 36191142
- Yee H, Arruda AG, Rudinsky AJ, Iazbik C, Millward L, Marsh A. (2021). Risk factors and impact of COVID-19-related clinic closures on the detection of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs, a cross-sectional study. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 26. doi:10.1016/j.vprsr.(2021).100647
- Labriola, J., Garabed, R., Sinclair, C., & Marsh, A. E. (2021). Insights From Veterinary Disciplinary Actions in California 2017–2019. Frontiers in veterinary science, 8.
- Shusterman, L.; Marsh, A.E.; Joyner, P.H.; Habing, G. (2021). Detection of Trichuris eggs in feces and soil from giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and other hoofstock enclosures under human care in the USA. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl, 15, 208-213. doi:10.1016/j.ijppaw.2021.05.007. Publication status: Published online, pmc:PMC8187158
- VanHoy, Carman, Marsh, A. Chapter on Parasites, In Fowler’s Medicine and Surgery of Camelids, submitted November 2020. 40% effort. Submitted to editor.
- Marsh, A., Herrin, Kazacos. Intestinal echinococcosis in a dog from Missouri, Letter to Editor, JAVMA, JUL 15, 2020 | VOL 257 | NO. 2.
- Long SA, Carman M, Reed SM, Jennings R, Marsh AE Comparative H-gal-GP and H11 specific antibody binding in equine cyathostomins. Vet Parasitol. 2020 Oct;286:109242. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109242.
- Inpanbutr N, Marsh AE, Rhodes-DiSalvo M, Richards JE, El-Khoury C, Frasure CV, Reiswig J, Masty J, Reddish JM, Motta T. Using the Digital Platform ExamSoft in Veterinary Anatomy and Parasitology Assessments in Written and Laboratory Components. J Vet Med Educ. 2020 Apr;47(2):148-157. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0418-045r.
- Long SA, Rhinehart J, Shrake J, Marsh AE. Feasibility and comparative analysis of Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria freezing and fixation for student instruction and assessment of clinical parasitology skills. BMC Vet Res. 2020 Jan 31;16(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s12917-020-2248-3.
- Long, S., Rhinehart, J., Shrake, J and Marsh, A (2019). Feasibility and comparative analysis of Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria freezing and fixation for student instruction and assessment of clinical parasitology skills. Peer reviewed and revision submitted to BMC Veterinary Research, December 2019 (accepted for publication).
- Hess, L., Millward, L., Rudinsky, A., Vincent, B.S., Marsh, A.E. Anthelmintic efficacy against persistent Ancylostoma caninum: 8 cases. JAAHA, In press. Role (corresponding author): Designed and mentored student through experimental work and manuscript drafting and revisions.
- William, B.M., Cleveland, G.G., Verocai, L., Swanepoel, K. D., Niedringhaus, K. L., Paras, Y., Nagamori, S. E., Little, A., Varela-Stokese, N., Nemeth, H., Wyrosdick, A., Tucker, L., Deali, D., Gauthier, S., Prouty, C., DeAngelo, A., Marsh, A., Piepgras, A., Cook, L.H., Milliren, K.B., Becker, J.S., Lyon, C., Clark, J., Stumph, J., Borst, M.M., Tucker, K., Ward, A., Baird, E.M., Burke, K.A., Camp, J.W., Davis, C.A.,Yabsley, M.J. Dracunculus infections in domestic dogs and cats in North America; an under-recognized parasite? Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 2018; 13:148-155. Role: Provided three cases, allowing two additional states to be included in the geographic mapping of this parasite and one image used in the paper, and reviewed manuscript.
- Van Hoy G.,‡ M. Carman, G. Habing, J. Lakritz, A. Hinds, A. Niehaus, R. Kaplan, A.E. Marsh. Safety and serological response to a Haemonchus contortus vaccine in alpacas. Veterinary Parasitology. 2018; 252:180-186. ‡Masters student in my laboratory. Role (corresponding author): Designed study, received funding and oversaw all the experiments from sample collection to larval cultures. Mentored student with manuscript preparation and submission process.
- Inpanbutr, N., Marsh, A.E., Rhodes-DiSalvo, M., Richards, J., El-Khoury, C., Frasure, C., Reiswig, J., Masty, J. Reddish, J.M., Motta, T. Teaching tip-using a digital platform, ExamSoft in Veterinary anatomy and parasitology assessments, in written and laboratory components. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. In Press. Role (co-author): Aided in the designed, execution, data interpretation and manuscript drafting and revisions.
- Moreno-Torres, K.I., Sinnott, D., Wolfe, B., Marsh, A.E., Saville, W., Moritz, M., Garabed, R. Risk of transmission of small coccidia from wild canid feces in rural Ohio. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2018;6:1179-1187. Role (co-author): Aided in the design and execution of molecular detection, and manuscript preparation.
- Marsh, AE, and Lakritz, J. "Camelid: Parasitology." In Second Edition Blackwell’s 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
- DiGangi BA, Dworkin C, Stull JW, O'Quin J, Elser M, Marsh AE, Groshong L, Wolfson W, Duhon B, Broaddus K, Gingrich EN, Swiniarski E, Berliner EA. Impact of heat treatment on Dirofilaria immitis antigen detection in shelter dogs. Parasit Vectors. 2017 Nov 9;10(Suppl 2):483.
- Saville WJA, Dubey JP, Marsh AE, Reed SM, Keene RO, Howe DK, Morrow J, Workman JD. Testing the Sarcocystis neurona vaccine using an equine protozoal myeloencephalitis challenge model. Vet Parasitol. 2017 Nov 30;247:37-41.
- Marsh AE, Chaney SB, Howe DK, Saville WJ, Reed SM. Small sarcocysts can be a feature of experimental infections with Sarcocystis neurona merozoites. Vet Parasitol. 2017 Oct 15;245:116-118.
- Zitzer NC, Marsh AE, Burkhard MJ, Radin MJ, Wellman ML, Jugan M, Parker V. Parasitemia due to Sarcocystis neurona-like infection in a clinically ill domestic cat. Vet Clin Pathol. 2017 Sep;46(3):526-532.
- Sinnott, D, Moreno Torres, K, Wolfe, B, Garabed, R, Marsh, AE, "Detection of Hammondia heydorni DNA in feces collected in and around an Ohio Wildlife Conservation Center". Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. Vol. 6, 31-34. 2016. (Published) 40% Authorship: Designed parasite analysis and mentored student in the laboratory.
- Marsh, AE, Habing, G, Lakritz, J. "Alpaca Research Foundation Funds Study to Test Safety and Efficacy of Barbervax, A Vaccine for the Treatment of Barber’s Pole Worm". Ohio Valley Llamas Association. (2016) 80% Authorship
- Marsh, AE, Habing, G, Lakritz, J. "Alpaca Research Foundation Funds Study to Test Safety and Efficacy of Barbervax, A Vaccine for the Treatment of Barber’s Pole Worm". Alpacas Magazine. (2016) 80% Authorship
- Inpanbutr, N, Marsh, AE, Rhodes-DiSalvo, M, Richards, J, Reddish, JM, Masty, J.. "Using ExamSoft for Practical and Written Exams in Anatomy and Parasitology: Part 1" In: Veterinary Educator Collaborative. Canada, United States: Calgary. ( 2016 ): 00. [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) Designed assessment, collected and analyzed data. Written analysis included into abstract. Abstract published in proceedings.
- Zitzer, N., Marsh, AE, Burkhard, MJ, Radin, JM, Wellman, M, Jugan, M, Parker V. "Detection of circulating Sarcocystis sp. in a cat with FIV" In: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists. ( 2016 ): a. [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) 30% Authorship: Designed, performed and analyzed detection of parasite by molecular-based assays.
- Sinnott, D, Moreno Torres, K, Wolfe, B, Garabed, R, Marsh, AE. "Detection of Hammondia heydorni oocysts in wild and domestic canid feces." In: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists. San Antonio, AAVP. ( 2016 ): 1. [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) Designed, supervised performance and analyzed detection of parasites by molecular-based assays.
- Marsh, AE, Rhodes-DiSalvo, M, and Bremer, C. "Teaching Diagnostic Parasitology: Results on Giardia and the Telephone Game" In: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists. ( 2016 ): 1. [ Peer-Review ] ( Published ) 90% Authorship: Designed, executed and preformed analysis on educational exercise. Wrote abstract.
- Zitzer, N., Marsh, AE, Burkhard, MJ, Radin, JM, Wellman, M, Jugan, M, Parker V. "Detection of circulating Sarcocystis sp. in a cat." submitted to: Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2016. [ Peer-Review ] ( Revision ) Marsh - Page 4 of 7
- DiGangi, BA, Dworkin, C, Stull, JW, O’Quin, J Elser, M, Marsh, AE, Groshong, L, Wolfson, W, Duhon, B, Broaddus, K, Gingrich, EN, Swiniarski, E, Berliner EA. "Impact of Heat Treatment on Dirofilaria immitis Antigen Detection in Shelter Dogs." submitted to: Parasites and Vectors. 2016. [ Peer-Review ] ( Submitted )
- Chaney, SB, Marsh, AE, Lewis, S, Carman, M, Howe, DK, Saville, WJ, Reed, SM. "Manipulation of the Sarcocystis neurona life cycle: Production of infective sporocysts using culture derived merozoites and raccoons (Pyrocyon Lotor) as the intermediate host." submitted to: Veterinary Parasitology. 2016. [ Peer-Review ] ( Submitted )
- Marsh, AE, and Lakritz, J. "Camelid: Parasitology." In Second Edition of the 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant. (Submitted 2016, In Press, 2017). 60% Authorship. Wrote chapter.
- 2015 Marsh,A.E.,S. Babcock. Legal implications of zoonotic disease transmission for Veterinary practices. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice. 45:393-408.
- Dryburgh, E., A. E. Marsh,J. P. Dubey, D. K. Howe, S. M. Reed, K. E. Bolten,W. Pei,and W. J. Saville. Sarcocyst development in raccoons (Procyon lotor) inoculated with different strains of Sarcocystis neurona culture-derived merozoites. Journal of Parasitology, 2015;101:462-467.
- Dubey, J.P.,D.K. Howe, M. Furr,W.J. Saville, A.E. Marsh, S.M. Reed,and M.E. Grigg. An update on Sarcocystis neurona infections in animals and equine protozoa! myeloencephalitis (EPM). Veterinary Parasitology, 2015;209:1-42.