MS & PhD Admissions Details

The Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program offers a unique approach to advanced training of professional and graduate students leading to MS and PhD degrees in preparation for careers in biomedical, clinical and field-based epidemiological research. Please review and complete all requirements to apply to the program. 

Three young doctors working in a scholarship in a laboratory

Learn how to apply for Ohio State's Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. View important dates, admissions details and information for MS and PhD degrees.  

The college accepts applications all three semesters, and the deadlines for receipt of ALL application materials are as follows:

Domestic applicants:
Autumn: June 15
Spring: October 15
Summer: March 15

International Applicants:
Autumn: May 15
Spring: September 15
Summer: February 15

To be considered for a University Fellowship award beginning in Autumn Semester:
Domestic and International Applicants: December 1

Check the status of your application and monitor receipt of application materials online 

BS and/or DVM is required

3.0 GPA for previous undergraduate/professional work
3.3 GPA for previous graduate work
The GRE is required for applicants whose GPA falls below the minimums stated above. 

Demonstrated English language proficiency is required for international students from non-English speaking countries unless a degree has been earned from an English-speaking university, and can be demonstrated by submitting one of the following:   

  • An official score of at least 79 on the internet-based TOEFL
  • An official score of at least 7.0 on the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) exam
  • At least 120 on Duolingo's English Test 

Please arrange to have your official test scores sent to the OSU Graduate Admissions office. OSU's code is 1592. There is no department code.

A faculty advisor is required for admission to the program. Based on faculty research interests, it is appropriate for applicants to contact faculty directly. Additional sources of funding are available on a competitive basis from intramural and extramural sources.

View our directory for a full list of faculty. 

Electronic applications are required of all applicants. There is an application fee of $60 for US citizens, permanent residents or asylees, and $70 for international applicants.  
Review application instructions      Apply here

The following documents are required and should be uploaded with your application. Program staff will have access to uploaded documents:

  • Completed and submitted electronic application form (through the website noted above)
  • CV or resume
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended

Letters of recommendation may not be emailed directly from the applicant. There are two ways to submit letters of recommendation:

  1. Submitted via the online admissions application (recommended)
  2. E-mailed directly from the recommender to Shannon Binkley at


Letters of recommendation may not be emailed directly from the applicant. There are two ways to submit letters of recommendation:

  1. Submitted via the online admissions application (recommended)
  2. E-mailed directly from the recommender to Shannon Binkley at

You can scan and upload copies of your transcripts with your online application. If you are admitted, you will be required to submit an official set of transcripts to Graduate Admissions prior to enrolling at Ohio State. The College of Veterinary Medicine recommends that you request the official transcript at the time of your acceptance and send to the address noted below. If you are a current or former student at Ohio State, be sure to list Ohio State in the "Previous Education" section, and you will not need to submit a transcript for your Ohio State coursework.

Checklist for Admitted Students

After your application has successfully been accepted, there are several important steps you must complete before you join the program. If you have any questios throughout the process, contact the Program Coordinator. 

Visit Application Center

Log in to your Applicant Center at to accept your offer of admission by clicking the Accept/Decline link on the main page. You will not be able to register for classes if you do not accept your admission offer. Check for any outstanding provisions or conditions related to your offer of admission by clicking the Status link for the application, then the Application Requirements tab. Your admission is contingent upon fulfillment of these provisions or conditions. Also verify your contact information.

Make sure you familiarize yourself with our program handbooks, these documents contain important information to help you be successful in the program.

Graduate Program Handbook

Comparative Biomedical Sciences Program Handbook

Read and sign the immigration document enclosed with your notice of admission. If it contains any errors, please email

After you accept admission and about two months before the start of classes, you will begin receiving email messages from the Office of International Affairs (OIA). These messages contain useful information as you prepare to study at Ohio State, including how to register for your check-in session. These "Pre-Arrival Posts" will also be posted on the Pre-Arrival Information section of OIA's website.

If you will be funded by a Graduate Research Associate or staff position (e.g. Clinical Instructor House Staff), there will be steps to complete to finalize your appointment. (Students funded by outside sources such as a government or institutional scholarship or fellowship will not need to do this)  You will receive an electronic letter of offer for your position that outlines your stipend, benefits, and other important information. Please return this letter as soon as you have reviewed and either accepted or declined your position. You will be contacted by a member of our Human Resources staff to coordinate the remaining steps to completion.

Activate your account

It is very important to activate your OSU e-mail account as soon as possible so that we can communicate with you. For information, about activating your e-mail account click active account. Instructions to activated your account can be found here. If you have problems activating your email address, contact or 614-688-4357.

All official correspondence from the university and from the College of Veterinary Medicine will go to your OSU email address. You are responsible for the content of all official emails sent to your account. If you forward email to another email account, you are still responsible for those messages.

The first part of your email address will consist of your last name and a number. This is also your username for all university electronic systems, and is commonly referred to as your "name.#".

Get your Buck ID

Once you have enrolled in classes, you will need to obtain your Student ID - known as a BuckID. Take a valid photo ID such as a state ID, passport, or driver's license to 3040 Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street. Your BuckID serves as your bus pass for COTA buses, and is used to access the Recreation & Physical Activity Center (RPAC) in addition to many other things. Visit the BuckID webpage for more information.

Register using BuckeyeLink. You can find a complete guide to scheduling your courses here and useful tips from the Graduate School here.

You will work with your advisor to develop a course plan for your program. If you begin in Autumn or Spring semester, know that all students are required to sign up for VETPREV 8891 - Graduate Student Seminar each semester, except Summer. (note: international students will not be able to register until they have checked in at the Office of International Affairs after arriving on campus).

All students, including regional campus students, enrolled at least half time, are automatically enrolled in the Comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan and are charged health insurance premiums as part of their registration fees unless they waive the insurance plan by the published deadline of their first term of enrollment each academic year. If you will be funded by a staff position such as Clinical Instructor House Staff, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Research Associate/Assistant, you are eligible to receive employee health benefits. You must make a choice to utilize either the employee benefit or Student Health Insurance. If you choose the employee benefit, you must opt out of Student Health Insurance each academic year.

Students who opt out of university coverage must provide proof of alternate coverage. In order to select or waive university coverage for the current academic year, students should navigate to their Student Center through Buckeye Link. Under the Finances tab, select the link to Select/Waive Coverage. 

For additional information, contact the Student Health Insurance Program (614-688-4357). 

Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator

Interested in one of our other training programs?

The College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University offers a comprehensive range of educational and training opportunities. In addition to the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (MS and PhD), the college offers a  four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree program, plus a specialization in Veterinary Public Health, provided through a unique partnership with the College of Public Health. There are also numerous residency and internship programs in various veterinary specialties allowing for in-depth clinical training under supervision of board-certified faculty specialists. 

Learn More