CE Dinner in Eastern OH: Demystifying diet choices in gastroenterology: A hands-on practical approach

dog with veterinarian getting checked out


May 08, 2025


7:00 pm


Raven's Glenn Winery & Restaurant

56183 County Road 143 , West Lafayette OH 43845

Veterinarians, please join us for one hour of continuing education by Dr. Adam Rudinsky on Demystifying Diet Choices in Gastroenterology: A Hands-on Practical Approach.

The program will take place on Thursday, May 8, at 7 p.m. at Raven's Glenn Winery & Restaurant.

There is NO COST for veterinarians.

Dinner and non-alcoholic beverages generously provided by Jennifer Gilliland of Blue Natural Veterinary Diet. 

Note: This is not a webinar, but delivered live at the site to attendees in person.