Externship Program for Students Visiting from AVMA-Accredited Schools

AVMA-Accredited Externship Program

The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine offers a variety of clinical programs for visiting veterinary students, interns, residents, graduate students, faculty and practitioners.

Andy Niehaus and Julie Horton in orthopedic surgery for a calf

 This AVMA externship program is ONLY open to veterinary students who are enrolled in an AVMA-accredited college -- both in the United States or in countries outside of the U.S. There are other visitor programs directed by the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. See VCS Visitor Program for additional information.

The goal of the AVMA Externship Program is to provide the student with in-depth exposure to specialty areas in veterinary medicine. 

Compliance with Ohio Law, state licensure requirements, and University liability insurance coverage limits hands-on clinical experience, but students are encouraged to observe our faculty and students in all clinical activities, including patient exams, rounds, special procedures and surgeries.

Although students in the externship program will not have specific primary patient care responsibilities or structured didactic learning experiences, rotation leaders will be prepared to assess their participation and performance. Grades will be reported as pass/fail, unless the student provides advance notice on their application of special grading requirements. Students must provide the rotation leader with an approved grading form, and it is the student's responsibility to see that this form is completed and returned to their home institution.

Rotation blocks are designed in 2-week increments. Orientation to the rotation will occur on the first day of each block. Visiting students are expected to be on campus for this orientation and to remain in the rotation through the end of the 2 week period. Visits are limited to two blocks (4 weeks).

Availability of externship rotations in a particular specialty area may be limited based on the number of students, faculty staffing, space restrictions, and programmatic needs. Externship requests may be denied if the requested visit is during a time when a large number of OSU veterinary students or other visitors are expected in a specialty service or when faculty staffing is insufficient. Availability is always subject to change without notice.

Externship participants are expected to make their own arrangements for transportation and living accommodations. Directions to the Veterinary Medical Center can be found on their website. 

Apply for Externship

The application for April 28, 2025 through March 8, 2026 is now open. Once you submit your application, please allow two to three weeks for a response. If you have any questions, please contact cvmpps@osu.edu.

The application must be submitted at least 10 weeks in advance of the requested externship period.

A letter of verification from the Dean of Student Affairs (or other comparable institutional official) stating that the student is matriculated and in good academic standing in the college of veterinary medicine must accompany the application, and can be sent to cvmpps@osu.edu.

All correspondences regarding applications will be made via email.

Travel Health Information

Only fully vaccinated people should consider travel. All visitors are expected to follow CDC travel guidelines related to mask requirements, distancing guidelines and other relevant safety measures.

Locations have disparate risks associated with COVID-19. Travel is not recommended from destinations that are experiencing a surge in cases.  

Travelers should consult information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of State to determine the current immigration status for entry, public health measures including requirements for pre-travel COVID-19 tests, quarantine upon arrival and other guidelines. Country-specific requirements can be viewed at travel.state.gov.

Visiting students are required to carry personal health insurance during their externship period. The Ohio State University, including it's faculty, staff, students, agents and representatives, is not responsible for illness or injuries encountered during participation in visitor programs and does not provide payment for any care received.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us. 

Office of Professional Programs Support 