Phillip Lerche
Professor - Clinical; Anesthesiology and Pain Management Section Head

Contact (614) 292-3551 Veterinary Medical Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professional Training and Experience
- BVSc, University of Pretoria, 1992
- Anaesthesia Clinical Scholar, Glasgow University, 1995-1997
- Certificate in Veterinary Anaesthesia, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1996
- Anaesthesia Resident/Graduate Student, The Ohio State University, 1997-2000
Research Interests
- Effects of anesthetic drugs and adjuncts on ventilation and oxygenation
- Infusion of anesthetic agents and adjuncts
University Memberships and Honors
- Service Award (Resident Representative) 1999 and 2000
- Small Animal Hospital Award 2000
- Surgivet-Anesco Award for best resident abstract presentation, ACVA annual meeting, Dallas, 1999, Title: Effect of medetomidine on inspiratory occlusion pressure in anesthetized dogs
Peer Reviewed Articles
(partial listing)
- Muir WW, Lerche P, Robertson JT, et. al. Comparison of four drug combinations for total intravenous anesthesia of horses undergoing surgical removal of an abdominal testis. JAVMA, 2000; 217: 869-873.
- Lerche P, Muir WW, Bednarski RM. Breathing systems in small animal practice. JAVMA, 2000; 217: 485-497.
- Lerche, P, Nolan AM, Reid J. Comparative study of propofol or propofol and ketamine for the induction of anesthesia in dogs. Veterinary Record, 2000; 146: 571-574.