Nongnuch Inpanbutr

Contact (614) 292-8641 Veterinary Medicine Academic Building1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Biosciences
Professional Training and Experience
- PhD, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- MS, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Iowa State University
- DVM, Chularlongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Research Interests
- The main goal of research is to determine the role (s) of vitamin D in cancer and the potential use of vitamin D as anticancer therapy in veterinary medicine. Particular emphasis is in canine urinary bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
We are the first group to demonstrate inhibitory effects of calcitriol in canine cancer and normal cell lines. We demonstrated that calcitriol, EB1089, and analog V inhibit cell proliferation in SCC 2/88 cells. Calcitriol PTHrP mRNA expression and reduced stimulatory effect of TGF-β on PTHrP mRNA expression in SCC 2/88 cells. In Normal Prostate Primary Culture in Dogs: We demonstrated that VDR mRNA and 1α-OHase mRNA were present in both the epithelium and stroma of the canine prostate gland and primary cultures. VDR levels were higher in epithelial cells than in stromal cells. 1,25(OH)2D3, 25(OH)2D3, and EB1089 inhibited epithelial cell growth at 10-7M. In contrast, 1,25(OH)2D3 and EB1089 at 10-7M stimulated stromal cell growth. 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analogs may be an effective antiproliferative agent of epithelial cells in certain types of prostate cancer.
Research Funding
In Vitro Effects of 1,25(OH)2D3; analog EB 1089; and Medium Chain Triglyceride on Cell Growth and Vitamin D Receptor Expression in Canine Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder.
Principal Investigator: Dr. N Inpanbutr
Source: The Canine Research Funds
Co-investigators: Drs. Bill Kisselberth, CC Capen, T. Kaewsakhorn
Collaborator: Dr. Martin Calverley, Leo Pharma Co. Denmark
Effects of 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and Non-hypercalcemic Analogs on Arginine Esterase Activity and 1α-hydroxylase mRNA Expression in Canine Prostate Tissue Explants and Primary Cultures.
Principal Investigator: Dr. N Inpanbutr
Source: The Canine Research Funds
Co-investigators: Drs. CC Capen, T. Kaewsakhorn
Molecular Cloning and mRNA Expression of Equine Calbindin D-9k, Calbindin D-28k, Epithelial Calcium Channel 1, and Calcium-ATPase.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ramiro E. Toribio
Co-Investigators: Drs. N Inpanbutr, TJ Rosol , CW Kohn
Source: The Equine Research Funds
Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and Non-Hypercalcemic Analog EB 1089 on Cell Growth, Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) secretion and VDR mRNA Expression in the Canine Prostate Primary Cultures.
Principal Investigator: Dr. N. Inpanbutr
Co-investigators: Drs. CC Capen, T Kaewsakhorn
Source: The Canine Research Funds
Funded Teaching Programs
Faculty Collaboration Grants, Title: Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy: Source: TELR (7/2003)
Web Base Program Development of Selected Surgical Procedures: Anatomy and Complete Illustrated Description of Anatomically-Challenging Procedures. Funded by: The OSU Alumni Association (9/2003)
University Memberships and Honors
- Advisory committee of the University Multicultural Center( 2001-2004)
- Library Committee, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Council on Education, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Awards and Honors Committee, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Educational Excellent committee, member
- Chair, the Department Strategic Planning Committee on Education (2002)
- IAMS Visiting Scholar to Cornell University, Spring Semester 1996
- President of the American Association of Veterinary Anatomists 2002-2004
- Dean’s Award for Creativity in Teaching
- Who’s Who in Veterinary Medicine Higher Education (2003)
Service to College, University, and Community
- With Dr. Jean Sander, I have served as Co-advisor to the veterinary students group to spearhead the organization of Diversity in Veterinary Medicine group at the college
- Thai Proficiency Test for OSU Foreign Language Center. As the only Thai-native faculty, I also conduct Thai Proficiency Tests for the Thai Language when requested by the OSU Foreign Language Center
- I serve as Advisor to the OSU Thai Student Association since 1993 (approximately 60 Thai students enrolled at OSU yearly)
- I participate in the Asian Festival of Columbus, as a member on the Fund Raising and Performance committees. I have helped to organize the Thai dance and Thai musical performances since 1998. I lead Thai Students at OSU in participation of the Asian Festival of Columbus. My biography was selected and printed in the Asian Festival booklet on the Celebration of Diversity 2002.
International Community Service
- Invited to speak at the Association of Thai Professionals in America and Canada Regional Meeting on “How you can contribute to research and higher education in Thailand”
- February 21, 2004, Milford Plaza Hotel, New York City, New York
- Performed service to the international community of veterinary medical educators by giving teaching workshops and serving as a consultant to veterinary medical schools and research institutions in Thailand since 1992. I have organized two International Workshops of Thai Professionals in America and Canada with Thai counterparts, and written two proceedings of the meetings
Society and Organization Memberships
- Society for Sigma Xi
- Thai Veterinary Medical Association
- Association of Thai Professionals in America and Canada (ATPAC), Vice President on Higher Education
- The American Association of Veterinary Anatomists (President 2002-2004)
- The World Association of Veterinary Anatomists
- Equine Research Group
- Oncology Research Group, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Team leader: Canine Topographic Anatomy, VME 520 (Core), 5 Credit hrs, Autumn Quarter: 30 hrs (all) lectures / 60 Lab hrs.
- Team teaching member in Equine Topographic Anatomy, VME 521 (Core), 4 Credit hrs, Winter Quarter, Thoracic Limb 4 hrs lecture/10 hrs lab
- VBS 693, Individual Studies, Variable enrollment includes graduate and professional students.1- 5 credit hrs
- VBS 999, Research in Veterinary Biosciences, Enrollment for graduate students thesis research. 1-5 credit hrs.
- VACB 802.03, Advanced Gross Anatomy
- VACB 696, Advanced Studies (Canine Anatomy), 5 credit hr
- VACB 696.01, Research Techniques
Teaching Goal and New Creations
The overall goal in teaching is to lay a solid foundation in the knowledge of canine anatomy for the first year veterinary students, and to cultivate in them “self-directed learning”, “life-long learning”, and “critical-thinking” skills.
- Created two Web Sites in an effort to promote the environment for the “self-directed learning” skills in students
- Canine Topographic Anatomy, VM 520
- Equine Anatomy of the Thoracic Limb, VM 521
Peer Reviewed Articles
(partial listing)
- Nongnuch Inpanbutr, Jay Hsiao,Emma Read, Chris Frasure, Jill Richards, Jerry Masty. Making the Move to 100% Online: An Update on Teaching Veterinary Anatomy at The Ohio State University During the COVID-19 Pandemic. XXXIIIrd, European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA) Congress. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, volume 51, issue S1, 2021 (
- Nongnuch Inpanbutr, Rebecca Garabed, 3Jay Hsiao, 4Shayna Mohr. Impact of Learning Veterinary Anatomy 100% Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Analysis. XXXIIIrd, European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA) Congress. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, volume 51, issue S1, 2021 (
- Nongnuch Inpanbutr, Jay Hsiao,Emma Read, Chris Frasure, Jill Richards, John Mark Reddish, Tatiana Motta, Jerry Masty, Jeff Reiswig, Jennifer Gonya. Making the Move to 100% Online: Teaching Veterinary Anatomy at The Ohio State University During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Abstracts of the invited speakers of the 1st Online Conference of World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, August 2020,, Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, January 2021, Volume50, Issue1, Pages 8-12
- N. Inpanbutr, M. Rhode-DiSalvo, A.E. Marsh, J.E. Richards C. El-Khoury, C. Frasure, J. Reiswig, J.M. Reddish, J. Masty, and T. Motta. Teaching Tip: Using ExamSoft for Practical and Written Exams in Anatomy and Parasitology. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 4 (2) 2020
- Megan Pozza, Thattawan Kaewsakhornb, Chamnan Trinarongb, Nongnuch Inpanbutr, Ramiro E. Toribio. SERUM VITAMIN D, CALCIUM, AND PHOSPHORUS ONCENTRATIONS IN PONIES, HORSES AND FOALS FROM THE UNITED STATES AND THAILAND, The Veterinary Journal, Volume 199, Issue 3, 415-456, March 2014
- Rondo P. Middleton, Richard Nelson, Qinghong Li, Allison Blanton, Jeffrey A. Labuda and Nongnuch Inpanbutr. 1,25-DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D3 INCREASES CATALASE AT THE MRNA, PROTEIN AND ACTIVITY LEVEL IN CANINE TRANSITIONAL CARCINOMA CELLS,Veterinary Comparative Oncology, DOI: 10.1111/vco.12066, November 2013
- Joao Felipe de Brito Galvao, William C. Kisseberth, Sridhar Murahari, Saikaew Sutayatram, Dennis J. Chew, Nongnuch Inpanbutr. “ANTITUMOR EFFECTS OF COMBINED CARBOPLATIN AND GEMCITABINE IN CANINE TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA” Am J Vet Res. Aug;73(8):1262-72, 2012
- DD. Smeak, N. Inpanbutr. LATERAL APPROACH TO SUBTOTAL BULLA OSTEOTOMY IN THE DOG: PERTINENT ANATOMY AND PROCEDURAL DETAILS, Compendium on the Continuing Education for Practicing Veterinarian, 27:5, 377-385, 2005
- S. Kunakornsawat, TJ. Rosol, CC. Capen, JL. Omdahl, BE. Leroy, N. Inpanbutr. EFFECTS OF, 1,25(OH)2D3, 25OHD3, AND EB1089 ON CELL GROWTH AND VITAMIN D RECEPTOR mRNA AND 1a-HYDROXYLASE mRNA EXPRESSION IN PRIMARY CULTURES OF THE CANINE PROSTATE, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 89-90, 409-412, 2004
- S. Kunakornsawat, T.J. Rosol, C.C. Capen, S. Reddy, L. Biderup and N. Inpanbutr. EFFECTS OF 1, 25-DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D3 AND ITS ANALOGS (ANALOG V AND EB 1089) ON CANINE ADENOCARCINOMA (CAC-8) IN NUDE MICE, Biol. Pharm. Bull 25:5, 642-647 (2002)