Mark S. Flint
BVSc, BSc(Hons), MApplSc, MPhil, PhD, Dipl. ACAW
Program Head, Zoo & Wildlife Conservation Medicine & Ecosystem Health; Director, One Welfare and Sustainability Center; Associate Professor - Clinical

Veterinary Preventive Medicine
One Welfare and Sustainability Center
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Professional Training and Experience
- PhD, The University of Queensland
- MApplSc, The University of Queensland
- MPhil, The University of Queensland
- BSc(Hons), University of Tasmania
- BVSc, The University of Queensland
Research Interests
- Focus on Zoo and Wildlife Conservation Medicine and Ecosystem Health
- Identifying prevalent and emerging diseases in marine and freshwater animal species as they relate to environmental and commercial stressors
- Identifying anthropogenic and natural pressures that will impact on the survivorship of species and the health of the ecosystem
- Using a multi-species approach to investigations concentrating on fauna that offer potential as a sentinel of ecosystem health for their environmental niche
- Flint, J.; Flint, M.; Limpus, C.J.; Mills, P.C. (2017). The impact of environmental factors on marine turtle stranding rates. PLOS ONE, 12(8), e0182548-e0182548. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182548 Publication status: Published, Type of review: Peer Review, Percent of authorship: 60%.
- Flint, J.; Flint, M.; Limpus, C.J.; Mills, P. (2017). Status of marine turtle rehabilitation in Queensland. PeerJ, 5, e3132-e3132. doi:10.7717/peerj.3132Publication status: Published, Type of review: Peer Review, Percent of authorship: 60%.
- Flint, M.; Mills, P.C.; Loban, F.; Simpson, T.; Lui, S.; Fujii, R.; Flint, J. et al. (2017). Development of a humane slaughter device for green turtles for use by traditional owners in the Torres strait Islands, Australia. PLoS ONE, 12 (1), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167849 Publication status: Published, Type of review: Peer Review, Percent of authorship: 10%, pubmed:280764324.
- Flint, J.; Flint, M.; Limpus, C.J.; Mills, P.C. (2015). Trends in Marine Turtle Strandings along the East Queensland, Australia Coast, between 1996 and 2013. Journal of Marine Biology, 2015, 1-7. doi:10.1155/2015/848923 Publication status: Published, Type of review: Peer Review, Percent of authorship: 60%, issn:1687-9481
- Putillo, A.R., Flint, M., Seminoff, J.A., Spencer, R.G.M., Fuentes, M.M.P.B. (2020). Plasma biochemical profiles of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from the Bahamas with potential influence of diet. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
- Kruse, T., Messenger, K., Bowman, A.S., Aarnes, T.K, Wittum, T.E., and Flint M. (2019). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of alfaxalone aft er a single intramuscular or intravascular injection in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 42:713 721.
- Chapman, P.A., Cribb, T.H., Flint, M., Traub, R.J., Blair, D., Kyaw Tanner, M.T., and Mills, P.C. (2019). Spir orchiidiasis in marine turtles: the current state of knowledge. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 133(3) 3): 217 245.
- Flint, M., Brand, A.F., Bell, I.P., and Madden Hof, C. (2019). Monitoring the health of green turtles in northern Queensland post catastrophic events. Science of the Total Environment. doi:
- Owen, H., de Wit, M., and Flint, M. (2018). Sirenia. Chapter 26. Pathology of Zoo and Wildlife Species. Terio, K., McAloose, D. and St Leger, J. (Eds). Elsevier, San Diego. ISBN 978-0-128-05306-5
- Gaus, C., C. A. Villa, G. Dogruer, A. Heffernan, S. Vijayasarathy, C. Lin, M. Flint, C. Madden Hof, and I. Bell. (2018). Evaluating internal exposure of sea turtles as model species for identifying regional chemical threats in nearshore habitats of the Great Barrier Reef. Science of the Total Environment: DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.1010.1257.
- Mathieu, A., M. Flint, P. M. Stent, H. M. Schwantje, and T. E. Wittum. (2018). Comparative health assessment of urban and non-urban free-ranging mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. PeerJ 6:e4968.
- McGuire, M., Francis-Floyd, R., Flint, M. and Flint, J.B. (2017). One in a Thousand: Those Amazing Sea Turtles. Zimmerman, D and Palmer, D. (Eds). UF/IFAS Communications, Gainesville. ISBN 978-0-916287-96-2.
- Flint, M. (Section Editor) (2017). Sirenia. Chapters 17-21. Marine Mammal Welfare. Butterworth, A. (Ed). Springer Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-46993-5.
- Bonde, R.K., and Flint, M. (2017). Human interactions- Sirenia. Chapter 17. Marine Mammal Welfare. Butterworth, A. (Ed). Springer Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-46993-5.
- Owen, H., Flint, J.B., and Flint, M. (2017). Marine debris and fisheries- Sirenia. Chapter 18. Marine Mammal Welfare. Butterworth, A. (Ed). Springer Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-46993-5.
- Flint, M., and Bonde, R.K. (2017). Assessing welfare in the wild and in captivity- Sirenia. Chapter 21. Marine Mammal Welfare. Butterworth, A. (Ed). Springer Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-46993-5
- Stacy, B.A., Work, T.M., and Flint, M. (2017). Necropsy. Chapter 8. Sea Turtle Health and Rehabilitation. Manire, C.A., Norton, T.M., Stacy, B.A., Innis, C.J., and Harms, C.A. (Eds). J. Ross Publishing, Plantation. ISBN 9781604270990.
- Harris, H.S., Flint, M., Stewart, K.M., and Harms, C.A. (2017). Field techniques. Chapter 34. Sea Turtle Health and Rehabilitation. Manire, C.A., Norton, T.M., Stacy, B.A., Innis, C.J., and Harms, C.A. (Eds). J. Ross Publishing, Plantation. ISBN 9781604270990.
- Flint, J.B., Flint, M., Limpus, C.J. and Mills, P.C. (2017). The impact of environmental factors on marine turtle stranding rates PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182548.
- Chapman, P.A., Owen, H., Flint, M., Soares Magalhães, R.J., Traub, R.J., Cribb, T.H., Kyaw-Tanner, M.T., Mills, P.C. (2017). Molecular epidemiology and pathology of Spirorchiid infection in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). International Journal of Parasitology – Parasites and Wildlife. 6(1): 39-47.
- Gillett, A.K., Ploeg, R., Flint, M., and Mills, P.C. (2017). Postmortem assessment of Australian sea snakes (Hydrophiinae): anatomy, common conditions and pathology. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. doi: 10.1177/1040638717710056.
- Flint, J.B., Flint, M., Limpus, C.J. and Mills, P.C. (2017). Status of marine turtle rehabilitation in Queensland. PeerJ 5:e3132
- Flint, M., Mills, P.C., Loban, F., Simpson, T., Lui, S., Fujii, R., Whap, D., Flint, J.B., and Owen, H. (2017). Development of a humane slaughter device for green turtles for use by Traditional Owners in the Torres Strait Islands, Australia. PLoS ONE. 12(1):e0167849. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167849.
- Villa CA, Flint M, Bell I, Hof C, Limpus CJ, and Gaus C. (2017). Trace element reference intervals in the blood of healthy green sea turtles to evaluate exposure of coastal populations. Environmental Pollution 220(B): 1465-1476, DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.10.085.
- Owen, H., de Wit, M., and Flint, M. (In Press). Sirenia. Chapter 26. Pathology of Zoo and Wildlife Species. Terio, K., McAloose, D. and St Leger, J. (Eds). Elsevier, San Diego.