Karsten E. Schober
Professor; Cardiology and Interventional Medicine Section Head

schober.4@osu.edu (614) 292-3551 Veterinary Medical Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professional Training and Experience
- 1990 Graduation University of Leipzig, Germany
- 1990-94 Internship, residency, and thesis (Dr med vet) University of Leipzig, Germany
- 1993 Visitor at the Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (5 months)
- 1994/95 Fellowship (Cardiology) at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- 1995-2003 PhD program and senior lecturer at the Department of Small Animal Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany
- 2002 Habilitation thesis (PhD)
- 1999/2000 Research Fellowship at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, University of Columbia/Missouri
- 2003-2006 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies, The Ohio State University
- 2006-2009 Assistant Professor of Cardiology (tenure track)
- 2009-2014 Associate Professor of Cardiology (tenured)
- 2014-current Professor (tenured)
Research Interests
- Echocardiography
- Feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Diastolic heart function
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Congestive heart failure
- Congenital heart disease
University Memberships and Honors
- 1994, Pfizer Award from the University of Leipzig for an extraordinary thesis
- 2002, Research Award from the German Veterinary Medical Association
Professional Service
- Cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory examinations
- Cardiac certifications for congenital and acquired heart disease in dogs and cats
- Electrocardiography
- Holter monitoring
- Event monitoring
- Blood pressure measurment
- Echocardiography
- Cardiac catheterization and angiography
- Cardiac Pacemaker implantation in dogs, cats, and horses
- Balloonangioplasty aortic and pulmonic stenosis
- PDA ACDO or coil occlusion
- Heartworm retrieval
- Interventional occlusion of intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs
Administrative Service
- 1999 Diplomate European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine-Companion Animals (Cardiology)
- 2002-present Vice president European Society of Veterinary Cardiology
- 2001-2009 Editorial Board Journal of Veterinary Cardiology
- 2009-2016 Associate Editor, Journal of Veterinary Cardiology
- 2002-present ad-hoc reviewer for 8 veterinary journals
- VM6600, Cardiovascular System Course (team leader)
- VCS8895.01, Advanced Topics in Veterinary Cardiology (team leader)
- VCS7722, Clinical Problems in Small Animal Cardiology (team member)
- VCS7719, Clinical Problem Solving and Treatment in Small Animal Internal Medicine (team member)
- VM7615.02 Small Animal Medicine Techniques (team member)
- Teaching in several graduate courses at The Ohio State University
- Continuing Education Courses in feline and canine cardiology in the US, Europe, and South America
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Schober KE. Untersuchungen zum intraerythrozytären Säure-Basen-Haushalt beim Hund. Tierärztl Prax 1993, 21: 349-354.
- Schober KE. Investigation into intraerythrocytic and extraerythrocytic acid-base and electrolyte changes after long-term ammonium chloride administration in dogs. Am J Vet Res 1996; 57: 743-749.
- Luis Fuentes V, Moran CM, Schober KE, Dukes McEwan J, Brown H, Sutherland GR, Mc Dicken WN. Measurement of cyclic variation in ultrasonic integrated backscatter in conscious, unsedated, clinically normal dogs. Am J Vet Res 1997, 58: 1055-1059.
- Schober K. Angeborene Herzerkrankungen beim Boxer – Aortenstenose. Boxerblätter 1997; 6: 11-12.
- Schober K. EKG-Fallbeispiel: Ventrikulärer Bigeminus. Fachpraxis 1997; 32: 13-15.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V, Dukes McEwan J, French AT. Pulmonary venous flow characteristics as assessed by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in normal dogs. Vet Rad & Ultrasound 1998; 39: 33-41.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V. Zur Doppler-echokardiographischen Beurteilung der linksventrikulären diastolischen Herzfunktion beim Hund. Tierärztl Prax 1998; 26: 13-20.
- Kvart C, French AT, Luis Fuentes V, Häggström J, Schober KE. Analysis of murmur intensity, duration and frequency components in dogs with aortic stenosis. J Small Anim Pract 1998; 39: 318-324.
- Schober KE, Kaufhold J, Kipar A. Mitral valve dysplasia in a foal. Equine Vet J 2000; 32: 170-173.
- Schober KE, Kirbach B, Oechtering G. Noninvasive assessment of myocardial cell injury in dogs with suspected cardiac contusion. J Vet Cardiol 1999;1 (2): 17-25.
- Kirbach B, Schober KE, Oechtering G, Aupperle H. Diagnostik von Herzmuskelschäden bei Katzen mit stumpfen Thoraxtraumen über biochemische Parameter im Blut. Tierärztl Prax 2000; 28 (K): 25-33.
- Schober K, Baade H. Comparability of left ventricular M-mode echocardiography in dogs performed in long-axis and short-axis. Vet Rad & Ultrasound 2000; 41: 543-549.
- Schober K, Hitchcock L. Was sagt mir dieses EKG? (Paroxysmale atriale Tachykardie bei einem Hund mit Thyreotoxikose) Fachpraxis 2000; 37: 5-6.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V. Mitral annulus motion as determined by M-mode echocardiography in normal dogs and dogs with cardiac disease. Vet Rad & Ultrasound 2001; 41: 887-894.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V. Effect of age, body weight, and heart rate on transmitral and pulmonary venous flow in clinically normal dogs. Am J Vet Res 2001; 62: 1447-1454.
- Schober K. Herzerkrankungen beim Hund. Unsere Deutsche Dogge 2001; 14: 9-13.
- Schober K. Herzerkrankungen beim Hund. Unser Rassehund 2001; 12: 5-9.
- Schober KE, Kirbach B, Cornand C, Oechtering G. Circulating cardiac troponins in small animals. Newsletter of the American Association of Feline Practitioners 2001; 19: 13-14.
- Baade H, Schober K, Oechtering G. Echokardiografische Referenzwerte beim West Highland White Terrier unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsherzfunktion. Tierärztl Prax 2002; 30 (K): 172-9.
- Schober KE, Baade H, Ludewig E, et al. Cor pulmonale bei Terrierhunden mit chronisch-progressiver, idiopathischer Lungenfibrose: 19 Fälle (1996-2001). Tierärztl Prax 2002; 30 (K): 180-9.
- Schober KE, Kirbach B, Cornand C, Oechtering G. Zur diagnostischen und differentialdiagnostischen Wertigkeit zirkulierender kardialer Troponine bei Hund und Katze. Teil 1: Der Troponinkomplex - Struktur, Funktion, Zirkulation und biochemischer Nachweis. Tierärztl Prax 2002; 30 (K): 290-4.
- Schober KE, Kirbach B, Cornand C, Oechtering G. Zur diagnostischen und differentialdiagnostischen Wertigkeit zirkulierender kardialer Troponine bei Hund und Katze. Teil 2: Diagnostische Bedeutung. Tierärztl Prax 2002; 30 (K): 326-32.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular diastolic function in 74 boxer dogs with aortic stenosis. J Vet Cardiol 2002; 4: 7-16.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V, Baade H, Oechtering G. Echokardiografische Referenzwerte beim Boxer. Tierärztl Prax 2002; 30 (K): 417-26.
- Schober KE, Cornand C, Kirbach B, et al. Serum cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T concentrations in dogs with gastric dilatation-volvulus. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2002; 221: 381-8.
- Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V, Bonagura JD. Comparison between invasive hemodynamic measurements and noninvasive assessment of left ventricular diastolic function by use of Doppler echocardiography in healthy anesthetized cats. Am J Vet Res 2003; 64: 93-103.
- Del Palacio MJF, Luis Fuentes V, Bonagura JD, Schober KE, Hatfield DG, Laughlin MH. Evaluation of transcutaneous Doppler ultrasonography for the measurement of blood flow in the femoral artery of pigs. Am J Vet Res 2003; 64: 43-50.
- Luis Fuentes V, Corcoran B, French A, Schober K, Kleemann R, Justus K. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of pimobendan in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. J Vet Intern Med 2002; 16: 255-261.
- Schober KE. Was sagt mir dieses EKG? Fachpraxis 2002; 41: 6-7.
- Schober KE. Zur Differentialdiagnose Herzerkrankung - Lungenerkrankung. Fachpraxis 2002; 41: 9-12.
- Schober KE, Kauffold J, Schüppel KF. Ungewöhnliche Manifestation einer chronischen Pleuritis beim Schwein - Cor pulmonale, Vorhofflimmern und kongestives Rechtsherzversagen. Tierärztl Prax 2003; 31 (G): 150, 158-61.
- Schober KE, März I. Sekundärer Hypoadrenokortizismus bei einer Deutschen Schäferhündin. Tierärztl Prax 2003; 31 (K): 290-2.
- Schober KE, Maerz I, Ludewig E. Comparison of electrocardiography, thoracic radiography, and echocardiography to diagnose left atrial enlargement in cats (abstract). J Vet Intern Med 2004; 18: 406.
- Schober KE, Maerz I. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of left atrial appendage flow velocities in healthy cats. J Vet Cardiol 2005;7:15-25.
- Cooper ES, Schober KE, Drost WT. Severe bronchoconstriction after bronchoalveolar lavage in a dog with eosinophilic airway disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005:227:1257-62.
- Schober KE. Doppler echocardiographic assessment of ventricular function – Time to move to the right? J Vet Intern Med 2005; 19:785-787. Invited Editorial.
- Schober KE, Maerz I. Assessment left atrial appendage flow velocity and its relation to spontaneous echocardiographic contrast in 89 cats with myocardial disease. J Vet Intern Med 2006;20:120-130.
- Schober KE, Baade H. Doppler echocardiographic prediction of pulmonary hypertension in West Highland white terriers with chronic pulmonary disease. J Vet Intern Med 2006;20:912-920.
- März I, Schober KE, Oechtering G. Echocardiographic Assessment of left atrial size in healthy cats and cats with left ventricular hypertrophy. Tieraerztl Prax 2006;34 (K):331-340.
- Schober KE. President's letter. J Vet Cardiol 2006;8:75-76.
- Nichols S, Anderson DE, Schober K. Thoracotomy and pericardectomy in a neonatal llama. J Camel Pract Relat Res, 2007;14(1):33-37.
- Schwarzwald CC, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Methods and reliability of echocardiographic assessment of left atrial size and mechanical function in horses. Am J Vet Res 2007;68:735-747.
- Schober KE, Maerz I, Ludewig E, Stern J. Diagnostic accuracy of electrocardiography and thoracic radiography in the assessment of left atrial size in cats: Comparison with transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiography. J Vet Inter Med 2007;21:709-718.
- Schwarzwald C, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Echocardiographic evidence of left atrial mechanical dysfunction after conversion of atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm in 5 horses. J Vet Intern Med 2007;21:820-827.
- Scansen B, Schober KE, Bonagura J. Acquired pulmonary artery stenosis in four dogs (2003-2006). J Am Vet Med Assoc 2008;232:1172-1180.
- Schober KE, Bonagura JD, Scansen BA, Stern JA, Ponzio NM. Estimation of left ventricular filling pressure by use of Doppler echocardiography in healthy anesthetized dogs subjected to acute volume loading. Am J Vet Res 2008:69:1034-1049.
- Schober KE, Stern J, DaCunha D, Pedraza-Toscano A, Shemanski D, Hamlin R. Estimation of left ventricular filling pressure by Doppler echocardiography in dogs with pacing-induced heart failure. J Vet Intern Med 2008;22:578-585.
- Ponzio NM, Bonagura JD, Schober KE. Comparison of echocardiographic indices of myocardial strain to invasive measurements of left ventricular systolic function. Am J Vet Res 2011;72:650-660.
- Scansen BA, Bonagura JD, Schober KE, Muir WW. Evaluation of a commercial ultrasonographic hemodynamic recording system for the measurement of cardiac output in dogs. Am J Vet Res 2009;70:862-868.
- Varga A, Schober KE, Walker WL, Lakritz J, Rings DM. Validation of a commercially available immunoassay for the measurement of bovine cardiac troponin I. J Vet Intern Med 2009;23:359-365.
- Cober RE, Schober KE, Hildebrandt N, Sikoska E, Riesen S. Adverse Effects of Intravenous amiodarone in 5 dogs. J Vet Intern Med 2009,23:1-5.
- Schwarzwald CC, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Methods and reliability of tissue Doppler imaging for assessment of left ventricular radial wall motion in horses. J Vet Intern Med 2009;23:643-652.
- Fox PR, Oyama MA, Reynolds C, Rush JE, DeFrancesco T, Keene BW, Atkins C, MacDonald K, Schober KE, Bonagura JD, Stepien R, Kellihan H, Ngyen T, Lehmkuhl L, Lefbom B, Moise NS, Hogan DF. Utility of plasma N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro BNP) to distinguish between congestive heart failure and non-cardiac causes of acute dyspnea in cats (multicenter study). J Vet Cardiol 2009;11:S51-S61.
- CC Schwarzwald, KE Schober, Ann-Sabin J Berli, JD Bonagura. Left Ventricular Radial and Circumferential Wall Motion Analysis in Horses using Strain, Strain Rate, and Displacement by 2D Speckle Tracking. J Vet Intern Med 2009;23:890-900.
- Varga A, Schober KE, Holloman CH, Stromber PC, Lakritz J, Rings DM. Correlation of serum cardiac troponin I and myocardial damage in cattle with monensin toxicosis. J Vet Intern Med 2009;23:1108-1116.
- Bonagura JD, Schober KE. Can ventricular function be assessed by echocardiography in chronic canine mitral valve disease (Review)? J Small Anim Pract 2009, 50 (Suppl.1):12-24.
- Schober KE, Todd A. Echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve apparatus and the left ventricular outflow tract in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Vet Cardiol 2010;12:1-16.
- Schober KE, Hart TM, Stern JA, Li X, Samii VF, Zekas LJ, Scansen B, Bonagura JD. Prediction of acute congestive heart failure in dogs by Doppler echocardiography. J Vet Intern Med 2010;24:1358-1368.
- Schober KE, Hart TM, Stern JA, Li X, Samii VF, Zekas LJ, Scansen B, Bonagura JD. Assessment of the Effects of Treatment on Respiratory Rate, Serum Natriuretic Peptides concentrations, and Doppler Variables of Filling Pressure in Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure secondary to degenerative mitral valve disease and dilated cardiomyopathy. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011;239:468-479.
- Riesen SC, Schober KE, Smith DN, Otoni CC, Li X, Bonagura JD. Effects of ivabradine on heart rate and left ventricular function in healthy cats and cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Am J Vet Res 2012;73:202-212.
- Fox PR, Rush JE, Reynolds CA, DeFrancesco TC, Keene BW, Atkins CE, Gordon SG, Schober KE, Bonagura JD, Stepien RL, Kellihan HB, MacDonald KA, Lehmkuhl LB, Nguyenba TP, Moise NS, Lefbom BK, Hogan DF, Oyama MA. Multi-center evaluation of plasma N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) as a biochemical screening test for asymptomatic (occult) cardiomyopathy in cats. J Vet Intern Med 2011;25:1010-1016.
- Reynolds CA, Oyama MA, Rush JD, Rozanski EA, Singletary GE, Brown DC, Cunningham SM, Fox PR, Bond B, Adin DB, Williams RM, MacDonald KA, Malakoff R, Sleeper MM, Schober KE, Petrie JP, Hogan DF. Perceptions of quality of life and priorities of owners of cats with heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 2010;24:1421-1426.
- Riesen SC, Schober KE, Bonagura, JD; Carnes CA. Myocardial expression of hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated proteins in healthy cats and cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Schweiz Arch Tierheilk 2013;155(2):143-147.
- Riesen SC, Schober KE, Cervenec RM, Bonagura JD. Comparison of the effects of ivabradine and atenolol on heart rate and echocardiographic variables of left heart function in healthy cats. J Vet Intern Med 2011;25:469-476.
- Riesen SC, Ni W, Carnes CA, Lindsey KJ, Phelps MA, Schober KE. Pharmacokinetics of oral ivabradine in healthy cats. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 2011;34:469-475.
- Riesen SC, Schober KE, Cervenec RM, Bonagura JD. Effects of ivabradine and atenolol on reproducibility of echocardiographic indices of left heart function in healthy cats. J Vet Cardiol 2012;14:323-332.
- Cober R, Schober KE, Riesen SC, Buffington CAT, Bonagura JD. Pharmacodynamic effects of oral ivabradine in healthy cats. J Vet Cardiol 2011;13:231-242.
- Schober KE. Pimobendan – Criteria for use and practical considerations. Fachpraxis 2011; 59:4-6.
- Schober KE, Kent A, Aeffner F. Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy in a cat. Aust Vet J 2013 (in review).
- Smith DN, Bonagura JD, Culwell NM, Schober KE. Left ventricular function quantified by myocardial strain imaging in small breed dogs with chronic mitral regurgitation. J Vet Cardiol 2012; 14:231-242.
- Suzuki K, Uchida E, Schober KE, Niehaus A, Rings MD, Lakritz J. Cardiac troponin I in calves with congenital heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 2012;26:1056-1060.
- Ward JL, Schober KE, Luis Fuentes V, Bonagura JD. Effects of sedation on echocardiographic variables of left atrial and left ventricular function in healthy cats. J Fel Med Surg 2012,14(10):678-685.
- Smith DN, Schober KE. Effects of vagal maneuvers on heart rate and Doppler variables of left ventricular filling in healthy cats. J Vet Cardiol 2013;15:33-40.
- Dembek K, Hurcombe S, Schober K, Toribio R. Sudden death of a horse with supraventricular tachycardia following oral administration of flecainide actetate. Equine Vet J (in review).
- Schober KE, Zientek J, Li X, Luis Fuentes V, Bonagura JD. Effect of Treatment with Atenolol on 5-year Survival in Cats with preclinical (asymptomatic) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. J Vet Cardiol (in press)
- Blass KA, Schober KE, Bonagura JD, Scansen BA, Visser LC, Lu J, Smith DN, Ward J. Clinical evaluation of the 3M™ Littmann® Electronic stethoscope Model 3200 in 150 cats. J Fel Med Surg 2012 (in press).
- Visser LC, Scansen BA, Schober KE. Single left coronary ostium and an anomalous prepulmonic right coronary artery in 2 dogs with congenital pulmonary valve stenosis. J Vet Cardiol 2013,15:161-169.
- Scansen BA, Vitt J, Chew DJ, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Comparison of forelimb and hindlimb systolic blood pressures and proteinuria in healthy Shetland sheepdogs. J Vet Intern Med 2014;28:277-283.
- Schober KE, Wetli E, Drost Wm T. Radiographic and echocardiographic assessment of left atrial size in 100 cats with acute left-sided congestive heart failure. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2014;55 (4):359-367.
- Blass K, Schober KE, Li X, Scansen BA, Bonagura JD. Acute effects of ivabradine on dynamic obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract in cats with preclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Vet Intern Med 2014;28:838-846.
- Vrabelova D, Gilor C, Habing A, Schober KE, Johnson S. Synchronous diaphragmatic flutter secondary to primary hypoparathyroidism in a dog. JAAHA 2015;51(6):392-395.
- Chapel E, Russel D, Schober KE. Partial pericardial defect with left auricular herniation in a dog with syncope. J Vet Cardiol 2014;16:133-138.
- Schober KE, Chetboul V. Echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function in cats: Hemodynamic determinants and pattern recognition (invited review). J Vet Cardiology 2015;17:S102-S133
- Visser LC, Scansen BA, Brown NV, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular systolic function in conscious healthy dogs: Repeatability and reference intervals. J Vet Cardiol 2015;17:83-96.
- Visser LC, Scansen BA, Brown NV, Schober KE, Bonagura JD. Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular systolic function in healthy conscious dogs following a single oral dose of pimobendan versus atenolol. J Vet Cardiol 2015;17:161-172.
- Fox PF, Schober KE. Treatment of cats with a symptomatic (occult) cardiomyopathy: Challenges and realities (invited review). J Vet Cardiology 2015.17:S150-S158.
- Scansen BS, Simpson EM, Lopez-Alvarez J, Thomas WP, Bright JM, Eason DB, Rush JD, Boswood A, Dukes-McEwan J, Green HW, Bulmer BJ, Visser LC, Kent AM, Schober KE. Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus. J Vet Cardiol 2015;17:107-119.
- Durham JA, Scansen BA, Bonagura JD, Schober KE, Cheatham SL, Cheatham JP. Iatrogenic embolization and transcatheter retrieval of a ventricular septal defect occluder in a dog. J Vet Cardiol 2015;17:306-315.
- Schober KE. Use of diuretics in small animal practice (invited review). Fachpraxis 2015;67:8-14
- Schober KE, Savino S, Yildez V. Right ventricular involvement in feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Vet Cardiol 2016;18:297-309.
- Hsiang-Ting Ho, Andriy Belevych, Bin Liu, Ingrid Bonilla, Przemyslaw Radwanski, Héctor Valdivia, Karsten Schober, Cynthia Carnes, and Sandor Gyorke. Muscarinic Stimulation facilitates Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca release by modulating ryanodine receptor 2 phosphorylation through protein kinase G and Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Hypertension 2016;68(5):1171-1178.
- Schober KE. Diagnosis and medical treatment of tracheal collapse in the dog. Fachpraxis 2016 (accepted).
- Rhinehart J, Schober K, Scansen B, Bonagura J, Yildez V. Echocardiographic evaluation of the variability in estimating pulmonary artery pressure in dogs with degenerative valve disease. J Vet Intern Med 2016 (submitted).
- Kohnken R, Schober K, Godman J, Gardner A, Jenkins T, Schroeder E, Baker P, Dunbar L. Double outlet right ventricle with subpulmonary ventricular septal defect (Taussig-Bing anomaly) and other complex congenital cardiac malformations in a American Quarter horse foal. J Vet Cardiol 2016 (submitted).
- Chapel EC, Lozier J, Lakritz J, Schober KE. Interventional closure of a patent ductus arteriosus using an Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder in an alpaca cria. J Vet Intern Med 2016 (submitted).