Jerry Masty
Associate Professor

Contact (614) 292-8689 Veterinary Medicine Academic Building1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Biosciences
Professional Training and Experience
- PhD, Veterinary Anatomy, Purdue University
- MS, Veterinary Anatomy, Purdue University
- DVM, Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Purdue University
Research Interests
- Role of brain-gut peptides in autonomic innervation of the gastrointestinal tract
- Role of intestinal motility in equine laminitis and colic Immunohistochemical localization of equine intestinal cytoskeletal proteins
- Ultrastructural morphology and innervation of the gastrointestinal tract
- Development of immunoperoxidase methodology using whole mount sections
- Development of Programmed Self-instruction in veterinary anatomy
Research Summary
- Immunohistochemical investigations of the role of gastrointestinal peptides in the normal equine gut and changes the during carbohydrate overload model of laminitis.
- Academic pursuits focus on development of programmed self-instructional modules for the study of macroscopic and neuroanatomy.
University Memberships and Honors
- Equine Research Group - OSU
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Veterinary Anatomists
- American Veterinary Medical Association
- Comparative Gastroenterology Society
- International Society for Plastination
- Gold Probe Users Society
- VM 521, Equine Anatomy, Team Leader
- VM 522, Ruminant Anatomy, Team Leader
- VM 603, Neurobiology, Neuroanatomy section, Team Teaching
- VBS 700, Functional Mammalian Neuroanatomy
- Student Electives/Individual Study courses
- Feline Anatomy
- Canine Surgical Anatomy-Limbs
- Advanced Canine Surgical Anatomy-Soft Tissue
(partial listing)
- Masty, J, W Hamilton. "Equine Veterinary Anatomy" to be published by Williams and Wilkins in 2004
Peer Reviewed Articles
(partial listing)
- Takehana, K, J Masty, M Yamaguchi, H Miyata, O Yamada, M Abe. Fine structural and histochemical study of equine Paneth cells. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 27:125-129, 1998.
- Hardy, J, AL Bertone, SE Weisbrode, WW Muir, TM O'Dorisio, J Masty. Cell trafficking, mediator release, and articular metabolism in acute inflammation of innervated and denervated isolated equine joints. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 59:88-100, 1998.
- Moore, RM, AC Charalambous, J Masty. Alterations in colonic arterial and venous plasma neuropeptide concentrations in horses during low-flow ischemia and reperfusion. American Journal of Veterinary Research 57:1200-1205, 1996.
- Yamaguchi, M, P Tangkawattana, A Karkoura, K Takehana, T Nakayama, T Nakade, M Muto, T Sako J Masty, Y Wakao. Proximal paraconal interventricular myocardial bridge in dog: Ultrastructural characterization. Acta Anatomica 153:226-235, 1995
- Karkoura, A, P Tangkawattana, S Yamano, K Takehana, Y Izumisawa, J Masty, M Yamaguchi. Hypertrophic Z-line observed in aged one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). Acta Anatomica 153:220-225, 1995
- Miyata, H, M Abe, K Takehana, K Iwasa, T Hiraga, O Yamada, T Hiratsuka, J Masty, M Yamaguchi. Fine structure of podocytes in the bovine renal corpuscle. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 57:359-361, 1995.
- Takehana, K, M Abe, M Yamaguchi, K Iwasa, T Hiraga, J Masty, H Miyata, O Yamada. Ultracytochemistry of glycoconjugates in pig duodenal gland. Annals of Anatomy 176:565-570, 1994.