Jeffrey Lakritz

Contact (614) 514-8696 Galbreath Equine Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professional Training and Experience
- DVM, University of California-Davis
- PhD - Comparative Pathology, University of California-Davis
Research Interests
- Large Animal Respiratory Disease
- Antimicrobial agents
- Non-antimicrobial actions of pharmacologic agents
- Host response to inflammation
- Matrix degrading proteases
Professional Service
- ACVIM Forum Scientific Abstract Review
Administrative Service
- Department of VCS - Chair - Department Promotion and Tenure Sub-Committee (DPSC)
- Department of VCS - Chair - Department Annual Review Committee (DARC)
- The College of Veterinary Medicine - Chair - Promotion Committee
Peer Reviewed Articles
(Ten most recent publications)
- Habing G, Harris K, Schuenemann G, Pinero J, Lakritz J, Alcatraz X. 2017. Lactoferrin reduces mortality in pre-weaned calves with diarrhea. JDS; 100:3940-3948.
- Chapel E, Lozier J, Lakritz J, Schober K. 2017. Interventional closure of a patent ductus arteriosus using an Amplatz® Canine Duct Occluder in an Alpaca Cria. JVIM; 31:1221-1224, DOI:10.1111/jvim.14736.
- Capik SF, White BJ, Larson RL, Van Engen N, Cernicchiaro N, Engelken TJ, Lakritz J, Ballou MA, Hulbert LE, Vann RC, Caswell JL, Jacob G, Carroll JA, Coetzee JF. 2017. Effect of oral administration of meloxicam prior to transport on inflammatory mediators and leukoctye function of cattle at feedlot arrival. AJVR; 78:1426-1436;
- Depenbrock SM, Simpson KM, Niehaus AJ, Lakritz J, Papich MG. 2017. Pharmacokinetics of Ampicillin-Sulbactam in serum and synovial fluid samples following regional intravenous administration in the distal hind limb of adult cattle. AJVR; 78:1372-1379
- 5. Howard J, Aarnes TK, Allen M, Dyce J, Lerche P, Lakritz J. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral tapentadol in dogs. Accepted June 19, 2017 AJVR-17-03-0077
- Burns TA, Dembek KA, Kamr A, Dooley B, Dunbar LK, Aarnes TK, Bednarski LS, O’Brien C, Lakritz J, Byrum B, Wade A, Farmer R, Tan S, Toribio RE. Effect of intravenous administration of cobalt chloride to horses causes on clinical and hemodynamic variables. Published online (early view) December 29, 2017 DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15029.
- VanHoy G, Carman M, Habing G, Lakritz J, Hinds CA, Niehaus AJ, Kaplan R, Marsh AE. Safety and serologic responses to a Haemonchus contortus vaccine in Alpacas. 2018, Veterinary Parasitology 252:180-186
- Forshey BS, Moraes CR, Lakritz J, Pinto CRF, Coffman E, Schanbacher BJ, Place NJ, Coutinho da Silva, MA. Embryo production by superovulation and dual siring in alpacas (Vicugna pacos). 2018 Small Ruminant Research; 162: 63-68.
- Lozier J, Niehaus AJ, Muir A, Lakritz J. Short- and long term success of transfixation pin casts used to stabilize long bone fractures in ruminants. Canadian Veterinary Journal. June 2018, 59: 635-641.
- Barragan AA, Pineiro JM, Schuenemann GM, Rajala-Schultz PJ, Sanders DE, Lakritz J, Baz S. Assessment of daily activity patterns and biomarkers of pain, inflammation and stress in lactating dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis. J Dairy Sci 2018; 101:1-11.