Gary J. Kociba
Professor Emeritus

Veterinary Medicine Academic Building1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Biosciences
Dr. Gary J. Kociba received his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degrees from Michigan State University in 1966 and 1967, respectively, before entering graduate school in the Department of Veterinary Pathology at Ohio State. Dr. Kociba received his Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Ohio State in 1969 and 1971 and went on to become board certified in both Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Dr. Kociba joined the faculty at Ohio State in 1971 and rose through the ranks to become a full professor in the then Department of Veterinary Pathobiology in 1981. Respected by his peers, Dr. Kociba served two terms on the Editorial Board of The American Joumal of Veterinary Research, a term on the editorial board and editor of the Joumal Veterinary Clinical Pathology, a term as associate editor of the Joumal Veterinary Pathology, and on the editorial board of Veterinary Research Communications. In service to his profession, Dr. Kociba served the American College of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists in a number of roles including exam committee chairperson and president. In addition, from 1983 to 1986 he served on the Advisory Board of the Morris Animal Foundation.
Dr. Kociba is widely known as an outstanding teacher and researcher who mentored over 30 graduate students during his 30 plus year career as a faculty member. Dr. Kociba authored or coauthored over 125 scientific publications in both medical and veterinary medical literature during his tenure at the College. In recognition of this excellence, in 1976 Dr. Kociba received our College's highest award for teaching, the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award, and the Beecham Award for Research Excellence in 1993.