Edward Cooper
Professor - Clinical; Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Section Head; Wolfe Associates Endowed Professor in Canine Clinical and Comparative Medicine

cooper.1697@osu.edu (614) 292-3551 Veterinary Medical Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
Map Link
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professional Training and Experience
- VMD, University of Pennsylvania, 2002
- MS, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University, 2007
- Internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, Michigan State University, 2002-2003
- Emergency Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 2003-2004
- Residency in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, 2004-2007
Research Interests
- Traumatic injuries
- Shock, fluid therapy, and resuscitation
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Microcirculatory imaging and assessment
- Feline urethral obstruction
University Memberships and Honors
- Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2009
- Lyman Award for Clinical Teaching Excellence, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2009
- Resident Research Excellence Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2007
- Clinical Teaching Excellence Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2007
- Teaching Recognition Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2007
- Honorary Gamma Award for Excellence in Veterinary Medicine and Dedication to Student Education, Gamma Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2007
- Clinical Teaching Excellence Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2006
- Advances in Veterinary Medical Research Outstanding Poster Travel Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2006
- SCAVMA Outstanding Teacher, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2005
- Clinical Teaching Excellence Award, The Ohio State University: Awarded 2005
- 2018 Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll
- 2019 Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll
- 2020 Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll
- 2021 Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll
- 2021 OTS Honorary Gamma Award
- 2021 John Lyman Jr. Award for Clinical Teaching Excellence
- 2023 Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll
Professional Service
- Society of Critical Care Medicine (2004 – present)
- Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (2002 – present)
- Ohio Veterinary Medical Association (2010 - present)
- American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care - Diplomate (2007 - present)
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Fontes GS, Wavreille VA, Lapsley JM, Cooper ES, Guillaumin J, Selmic LE. Thromboelastographic results and hypercoagulability in dogs with surgically treated hepatocellular adenoma and carcinoma: A Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncology prospective study. Vet Comp Oncol. 2023 Dec;21(4):616-622.
- Foth PW, Gardner A, Pereira CR, Cooper ES, Schroeder E, Mudge MC. Assessment and comparison of microcirculation and macrocirculation in horses undergoing emergency exploratory celiotomy versus elective surgical procedures. Vet Surg. 2023 Oct;52(7):1015-1023. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13970. Epub 2023 Jun 6. PMID: 37280741.
- Riggs A, Reinhart J, Cooper ES. Possible development and resolution of dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype secondary to atypical hypoadrenocorticism in a dog. J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio). 2023 Sep-Oct;33(5):606-612.
- Finstad JB, Cooper ES, Ten Cate SC, Yaxley P, Her J, Guillaumin J. Infrared thermography is a novel tool to assess small intestinal surface temperature in dogs undergoing laparotomy for foreign body obstruction. Am J Vet Res. 2023 Aug 28;84(11):ajvr.23.04.0082. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.23.04.0082. PMID: 37619614.
- Finstad J, Rosanski E, Cooper ES. Association between COVID-19 global pandemic and incidence of feline urethral obstruction presenting to two university veterinary emergency rooms. J Feline Med Surg. 2023 Feb;25(2):1098612X221149377.
- Ten Cate SC, Urion R, Hostnik ET, Yaxley PE, Cooper ES. Preliminary study evaluating the assessment of changes in pulmonary function associated with body positioning in dogs with suspected aspiration pneumonia. J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2023 Jan;33(1):123-127.
- Rudinsky AJ, Parker VJ, Winston J, Cooper E, Mathie T, Howard JP, Bremer CA, Yaxley P, Marsh A, Laxalde J, Suchodolski J, Perea S. Randomized controlled trial demonstrates nutritional management is superior to metronidazole for treatment of acute colitis in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2022 Oct 6;260(S3):S23-S32. doi: 10.2460/javma.22.08.0349. PMID: 36191142.
- Young AA, Rosas LE, Cooper ES, Yaxley PE, Davis IC. Impact of cytidine diphosphocholine on oxygenation in client-owned dogs with aspiration pneumonia. J Vet Intern Med. 2022 May;36(3):1089-1099. doi: 10.1111/jvim.16434. Epub 2022 Apr 29. PMID: 35484990; PMCID: PMC9151482
- Young AA, Cooper ES, Yaxley P, Habing G. Geriatric Trauma: A VetCOT Registry Study of 6,169 Dogs Sustaining Moderate to Severe Trauma. J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2022 May;32(3):386-396. doi: 10.1111/vec.13165. Epub 2022 Feb 7. PMID: 35129280.
- Tucker C, Winner A, Reeves R, Cooper ES, Hall K, Schildt J, Brown D, Guillaumin J. Resuscitation patterns and massive transfusion for the critical bleeding dog – A multicentric retrospective study of 69 cases (2007-2013). Front. Vet. Sci., 05 January 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.788226
- McLaine AS, Yaxley PE, Young AA, Cooper ES. Successful management of massive lamotrigine extended-release intoxication in a dog. Clin Case Rep. 2021 Dec 16;9(12):e05169. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5169.
- Summers A, Culler C, Cooper ES. Spontaneous abdominal effusion in dogs with presumed anaphylaxis. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2021;31(4):483-489.
- Reineke EL, Cooper ES, Takacs JD, Suran JN, Drobatz KJ. Multicenter evaluation of decompressive cystocentesis in the treatment of cats with urethral obstruction. J Amer Vet Med Assoc 2021;258(5):483-492.
- Brooks A, Cooper ES, Guillaumin J, Couto G. Influence of Red Blood Cell Transfusion on TEG tracings in Naturally Anemic Dogs. Am J Vet Res, Am J Vet Res 2020;81(6):499-505.
- Gerken K, Cooper ES, Butler AL, Chew D. "Association of abdominal effusion with a single decompressive cystocentesis prior to catheterization in male cats with urethral obstruction." Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2020;30(1):11-17.
- Cooper ES, Lasley E, Daniels J, Chew D. Incidence of bacteriuria at presentation and resulting from urinary catheterization in feline urethral obstruction. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2019;29(5):472-477.
- Taylor A, Cooper ES, Ham K. "Delayed intestinal perforation secondary to blunt force abdominal trauma in a cat." JFMS Open Rep. 2018 Apr 9;4(1). [ Peer-Review ]
- Press SA, Cooper ES, Stull J, "Electrolyte, acid-base, and hemoglobin oxygen affinity alterations following irradiation and storage of canine packed red blood cells". Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2017 46(4):580-588.
- Datte K, Guillaumin J, Barret S, Monnig A, Cooper ES, "Retrospective evaluation of the use of glucagon infusion as adjunctive therapy for hypoglycemia in dogs: 9 cases (2005–2014)". Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Vol. 26, no. 6: 775-781. 2016. (Published)
- Friedenberg SG, Balakrishnan N, Guillaumin J, Cooper ES, Lewis K, Russell DS, Breitschwerdt EB, "Splenic vasculitis, thrombosis, and infarction in a febrile dog infected with Bartonella henselae". Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Vol. 25, no. 6: 789-794. 2015. (Published)
- Goodnight ME, Cooper ES, Butler AL, "Assessment of microcirculatory perfusion in healthy anesthetized cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy using sidestream dark field microscopy". Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Vol. 25, no. 3: 349-357. 2015. (Published)
- Hurcombe SD, Welch BR, Willaims JM, Cooper ES, Russell D, Mudge MC, "Dark-field microscopy in the assessment of large colon microperfusion and mucosal injury in naturally occurring surgical disease of the equine large colon". Equine Veterinary Journal. Vol. 46, no. 6: 674-680. 2014. (Published) ( IF: 2.369 ) ( Citation Count: 0 )
- Ostroski CJ; Cooper, ES, "Development of dialysis disequilibrium-like clinical signs during postobstructive management of feline urethral obstruction". JOURNAL OF VETERINARY EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE. Vol. 24, no. 4: 444-449. 2014. (Published) ( IF: 1.220 ) ( Citation Count: 0 )
- Brooks AC, Guillaumin J, Cooper ES, Couto CG, "Effects of hematocrit and red blood cell-independent viscosity on canine thromboelastographic tracings". Transfusion. Vol. 54, no. 3: 727-734. 2014. (Published) ( IF: 3.568 ) ( Citation Count: 0 )
- Peruski A, Cooper ES, Butler AL, "Microcirculatory effects of a hyperviscous hemoglobin-based solution administered intravenously in dogs with experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock". American Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol. 75, no. 1: 77-84. 2014. (Published) ( IF: 1.214 ) ( Citation Count: 0 )
- Friedenberg SG, Brooks AC, Monnig AA, Cooper ES, "Successful treatment of a dog with massive 5-fluorouracil toxicosis". Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Vol. 23, no. 6: 643-647. 2013. (Published) ( IF: 1.220 ) ( Citation Count: 0 )
- Friedenberg,Steven,G; Butler,Amy,L; Wei,Lai; Moore,Sarah,A; Cooper, ES, "Seizures following head trauma in dogs: 259 cases (1999-2009)". JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. 241, no. 11: 1479-1483. 2012. (Published) ( IF: 1.715 ) ( Citation Count: 3 )
- Peruski AP, Cooper ES, "Assessment of Microcirculatory Changes in a Canine Model of Hemorrhagic Shock Using Sidestream Dark Field Microscopy". American Journal of Veterinary Research. Vol. 4, no. 72: 438-445. 2011. (Published)
- Zaldívar-López S, Chisnell HK, Couto CG, Westendorf-Stingle N, Marín LM, Iazbik MC, Cooper ES, Wellman ML, Muir WW, "Blood Gas Analysis and Cooximetry in Retired Racing Greyhounds". Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Vol. 1, no. 21: 24-28. 2011. (Published) ( IF: 2.038 ) ( Citation Count: 6 )
- Cooper ES, Owens TJ, Chew DJ, Buffington CAT, "Managing Urethral Obstruction in Male Cats without Urethral Catheterization". JAVMA. Vol. 11, no. 237: 1261-1266. 2010. (Published) ( IF: 1.860 ) ( Citation Count: 6 )
- Cooper ES, Wellman M, Carsillo M, "Hyperalbuminemia associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in a dog". Vet Clin Path. Vol. 4, no. 38: 516-520. 2009. (Published) ( IF: 0.793 ) ( Citation Count: 1 )
- Cooper ES, Bateman S, Muir WW, "Evaluation of hyperviscous fluid resuscitation in a canine model of hemorrhagic shock". Journal of Trauma. Vol. 66, no. 5: 1365-1373. 2009. (Published)
- Cooper, ES; Muir WW. Continuous cardiac output monitoring via arterial pressure waveform analysis following severe hemorrhagic shock in dogs". CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. Vol. 35, no. 7: 1724-1729. 2007. (Published) ( IF: 6.283 ) ( Citation Count: 37 )
- Cooper ES, Guillaumin J, Her J, Yaxley P, Young A. Small Animal Fluid Therapy. Cooper ES, coordinating author. CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK. 2022.
Book Chapters
- Cooper ES. “Unblocking the urethra”. In “Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Interna Medicine”. Edited by: Cote E, Ettinger S, Feldman E. St. Louis: Elsevier. In press. Expected publication 2024.
- Cooper ES, "Catecholamines in Critical Care Patient". In "Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XVI". Edited by:Bonagura JD, Twedt DC. St. Louis: Elsevier. (In Press) Expected publication 2024. [Editor-Review]
- Cooper ES, Cooper SJ., "Direct Systemic Arterial". In "Blood Pressure Monitoring. Advanced Nursing and Monitoring Techniques for Small Animal Emergency and Critical". Edited by:Burkitt J ed.. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. 2023.
- Cooper ES, "Cardiac Output Monitoring". In "Small Animal Critical Care Medicine". Edited by: Silverstein D, Hopper K. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences. 2022
- Cooper ES, "Anti-hypertensive medications". In "Small Animal Critical Care Medicine". Edited by :Silverstein D, Hopper K. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences. 2022.
- Cooper ES, "Systemic hypertension". In "Small Animal Critical Care Medicine". Edited by: Silverstein D, Hopper K. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences. 2022.
- Cooper ES, "Urinary Tract Obstruction". In "Blackwell's 5-minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline". Edited by:Tilley LP, Smith FW. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2021.
- Cooper ES, Beiter C, Mudge M, Holt O, "Fluid Therapy and Transfusion Medicine". In "McCurnin's Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians". 9th edition ed. Edited by:Bassert/Thomas. St Loius: Elsevier. Revised, 2021.
- Cooper ES, Scansen BA. "Urinary Tract Obstruction". In "Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine". Edited by: Bruyette D. 2019.
- Cooper ES, "Pathophysiology of Shock". In "Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine". Edited by:Drobatz K, Rozanski E, Silverstein D, Hooper K. 2018 [Editor-Review] (Published)
- Cooper ES, "Feline Lower Urinary Obstruction". In "Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine". Edited by: Drobatz K, Rozanski E, Silverstein D, Hooper K. 2018 (Published)
- Cooper ES, Boller M, "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation". In "BSAVA manual of canine and feline emergency and critical care". Edited by:King LG and Boag A. British Small Animal Veterinary Association. 2017. (Published) [Editor-Review]
- Cooper ES, "Urinary Tract Obstruction". In "Blackwell's 5-minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline". Edited by:Tilley LP, Smith FW. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell. 2015. [Peer-Review] (Published)
- Cooper ES, "Hypotension". In "Small Animal Critical Care Medicine". Edited by:Silverstein D, Hopper K. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences. 2014. [Peer-Review] (Published)
- Cooper ES, "Catecholamines in Critical Care Patient". In "Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV". Edited by:Bonagura JD, Twedt DC. St. Louis: Elsevier. 14-17. 2014. [Editor-Review] (Published)