C. A. Tony Buffington
DVM, MS, PhD Diplomate ACVN
Professor Emeritus

buffington.1@osu.edu (614) 292-3551 Veterinary Medical Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Clinical Sciences
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Professional Training and Experience
- DVM, University of California, Davis, 1981
- MS, Nutrition, University of California, Davis, 1982
- PhD, Nutrition, University of California, Davis, 1988
- Clinical Nutritionist (Resident), Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, UC Davis, CA, 1983-87
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, UC Davis, CA, 1985-87
Research Interests
- Effects of early life events and the environment on health and disease in cats and people.
- Effects of environmental enrichment on health outcomes.
- Diagnostic markers of health and disease
Clinical Interests
- Stress effects on health and disease
- Obesity
- Evidence-based medicine
- Effective medical communications
Research Summary
- P50 DK64539 (Emeran Mayer, MD overall PI), 9/30/02-8/31/07
NIDDK, $1,107,745
Women's Health and Functional Visceral Disorders Center, the Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women?s Health (C.N.S).
The main focus of the Center is the identification of sex-related factors that play a role in the development, clinical manifestation and treatment of two common visceral pain syndromes; irritable bowel syndrome, and interstitial cystitis.
I am PI of an RO-1 within the Center entitled Sex and Neuroendocrine Effects on Interstitial Cystitis. - RO1 DK57284-01A1 LA Birder (PI), 12/01/00-11/30/04
NIDDK, $1,049,683
Role of nitric oxide in interstitial cystitis.
The goals of this study are to identify how alterations in NO production may play a role in the pathophysiology of interstitial cystitis (IC) studied in cats with a naturally occurring form of IC (feline interstitial cystitis).
Role: Co-Investigator
Buffington (PI), 9/01/01-12/31/05 - The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust, $253,662
Effect of environmental enrichment on disease risk of indoor cats.
This study is to identify health risks associated with indoor housing in cats, and to determine if reducing identified risks reduces the recurrence rate of IC in cats.
Role: PI
University Memberships and Honors
- 2012-present, CATalyst Council Board of Directors
- 2009, Mark L. Morris Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2009-present, Who’s who in America
- 2007, Pfizer Animal Health Award for Research Excellence
- 2004-2006, NIDDK Urology Study Section
- 2004, World Small Animal Veterinary Association Award for Excellence in Veterinary Healthcare and Promotion of the Human-Animal bond
- 2002, American Veterinary Medical Association - Council on Education
- 2002, Dean's Teaching Excellence Award for Graduate teaching
- 2001, British Small Animal Veterinary Association Bourgelat Award for outstanding contributions to the field of small animal practice
- 1998-2004, Ad hoc member NIDDK Urology Special Emphasis Panel
- 1995, Veterinary Clinical Sciences Faculty Recognition Award
- 1992, Ohio Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Service Award
Professional Service
- 1988-present, American Society for Clinical Nutrition
- 1990‑1991, President, Ohio Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
- 1990‑1992, Examination committee, American College of Veterinary Nutrition
- 1992 ‑2010, NIH External advisory committee for the Interstitial Cystitis Database
- 1997-present, International Association for the Study of Pain
- 1998-present, Society for Neuroscience
- 1999-2003,Executive Committee, American College of Veterinary Nutrition (served in all offices)
- 2006-present, Faculty of the Health Care Communications Institute
Book Chapters
Publications in PubMed
- Buffington, CAT. From Animal Data to Human Practice. In: B Messelink, AP Baranowski, and JM Hughes, eds. Abdominal and Pelvic Pain: from Definition to Best Practice. Washington, DC, IASP Press, 2014.
- Holahan, ML, Abood SK, McLoughlin MA, Buffington, CAT. Enteral nutrition. In: In: DiBartola SP, ed. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 2012; 623-646.
- Westropp JL, Buffington CAT. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases. In: SJ Ettinger, EC Feldman, eds. Textbook of Veterinary internal Medicine. 7th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2010;1618-42.
- Buffington CAT Bladder Pain Syndrome / IC Aetiology and Animal Research. In Fall M, Baronowski A, eds. Urogenital Pain in Clinical Practice. New York: Informa Healthcare, 2008;169-183.
- Buffington CAT Neuroendocrine Role in Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women. Raz S Rodriguez L, eds. Female Urology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2008;892-904.
- Westropp JL, Buffington CAT, Chew D. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases. In: SJ Ettinger, EC Feldman, eds. Textbook of Veterinary internal Medicine. 6th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2005;1828-50.
- Buffington CAT, Chew DJ, DiBartola SP. Lower Urinary Tract Diseases in Cats In: D. Slatter, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2001;1651-61.
- Buffington CAT, Chew DJ, Woodworth BE, DiBartola SP. Idiopathic Cystitis in Cats: an Animal Model of Interstitial Cystitis. In: Sant GR, ed. Interstitial Cystitis. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997;25-31.
- Buffington CAT. Obesity. In: Tilley LP, Smith FWK, eds. The Five Minute Veterinary Consult. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1997;110-111.
- Buffington CAT, Chew DJC. Interstitial cystitis in cats. In: August JR, ed. Consultations in Feline Medicine, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1997; 361-364.
- Chew DJ, DiBartola SP. Interstitial cystitis in cats. Vet Clin North Amer., 1996;26:317-326.
- Chew DJ, Buffington CAT, Kendall MS, Osborn SD, Woodworth BE. Urethroscopy, cystoscopy, and biopsy of the feline lower urinary tract II. Vet Clin North Amer., 1996;26:441-462.
- Buffington CAT. Equine Nutritional Requirements. In: Siegal M, Barlough J, eds. The UC Davis Book of Horses. New York: Harper Collins, 1996; 73-82.
- Buffington CAT. Feeding Horses. In: Siegal M, Barlough J, eds. The UC Davis Book of Horses. New York: Harper Collins, 1996; 83-88.
- Buffington CAT. Diseases of Dietary Origin. In: Siegal M, Barlough J, eds. The UC Davis Book of Horses. New York: Harper Collins, 1996; 89-93.
- Buffington CAT, Chew DJ Does Interstitial cystitis exist in cats? In: Bonagura JD, ed. Current Veterinary Therapy XII Philadelphia: WB Saunders1995:1009-1011.
- Markwell PJ, Buffington CA. Struvite urolithiasis. In: Wills JM and Simpson KJ, eds: The Waltham Book of Clinical Nutrition. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. 1994;293-313.
- Buffington CAT. Nutritional Diseases and Nutritional Therapy. In: Sherding RG, ed. The Cat: Diseases and Clinical Management, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingston 1994;161-190.
- Buffington CAT. Nutritional Requirements and Feeding Recommendations. In Sherding RG, ed. The Cat: Diseases and Clinical Management, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingston 1994;133-159.
- DiBartola SP, Buffington CA. Feline Urological Syndrome. In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1993;1473-1487.
- Abood SK, Mauterer JV, McLoughlin MA, Buffington CA. Nutritional Support of Hospitalized Patients. In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1993; 63-83.
- Bilbrey SA, Buffington CA. Metabolism and Nutrition in the Surgical Patient. In: Bojrab J, ed. Disease Mechanisms in Small Animal Surgery.2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1993; 49-53.
- Abood SK, Dimski DS, Buffington CA, McLoughlin MA. Enteral Nutrition. In: DiBartola SP, ed. Fluid Therapy in Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1992; 419-435.
- Lippert AC, Buffington CA. Parenteral nutrition. In: DiBartola SP, ed. Fluid Therapy in Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1992; 384-418.
- Abood SK, Buffington CA. Use of nasogastric tubes: indications, technique, and complications. In: Kirk RW, Bonagura JD, eds. Current Veterinary Therapy XI. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 1992;32-35.
- Robertson J, Buffington CA. Surgical removal of uroliths. In: White NA, Moore JN eds. Current Practice in Equine Surgery. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1990; 734-739.
- Hand MS, Crane SW, and Buffington CA. Surgical nutrition. In: Manual of Small Animal Surgical Therapeutics. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1986; 91‑115.
- Buffington, CA. Therapeutic uses of vitamins in companion animals. In: Kirk RW, ed. Current Veterinary Therapy IX. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986; 40‑47.
- Buffington CA. Anorexia. In: Lewis LD, Morris Jr. ML, eds. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Topeka: Mark Morris Associates, 1983; 5‑1 ‑ 5‑49.
- Buffington CAT. Cat Mastery. 2014; iBook
- Buffington CAT. Your Home; Their Territory. 2011; 38p. ISBN 978-0-615-54327-7
- Buffington T, Holloway C, Abood S. Manual of Veterinary Dietetics. St. Louis: Saunders, 2004; 253p. ISBN 0-7216-0123-5.