Student Organizations

From shelter medicine to theriogenology, there are more than 35 student organizations at the College of Veterinary Medicine. 

The College of Veterinary Medicine encourages veterinary students to supplement their formal education in areas of particular interest to them. One way this is accomplished is through the development of student organizations and clubs. Student organizations may serve as a medium for academic discourse, personal growth, leadership development, intercultural understanding, community service, and lasting friendships. A student organization is defined as an association of Ohio State students created for any educational purpose that supports the vision and goals of the university set forth in the Academic Plan.

This information is provided to assist interested students in developing organizations that meet their specific needs. Upon request, student organizations can promote their activities and information on the digital boards in the basement of the Veterinary Medical Center. Student organizations are not official entities of the university.

View a Directory of Student Organizations


group of veterinary students at 2023 orientation involvement fair

Resources for Student Organizations

The Office of Student Life provides resources for student organizations, including campus signage/chalking policies, leadership development, funding opportunities, training and much more. 

Complete registration requirements with the Office of Student Life during your organization's registration window. If you do not know which registration window your student organization has chosen in the past, please contact

Autumn Semester Window: Aug 1 - Oct 15

Spring Semester Window: Feb 15 - April 30

  • Changes to this information can ONLY be made by the primary leader through the "Manage Your Org" feature.
  • All registered student organizations require training for the following people: President, Treasurer, and Advisor.
  • 90% of the membership must be currently enrolled veterinary medical students.

If you are uncertain if the fundraising or social activity you would like to engage in is prohibited, please contact Some tips for common activities the Office of Student Life is often contacted about:

  • Games of chance – Any activity that requires participants to pay for the chance to win something is PROHIBITED under Ohio statutes on gambling and games of chance. Only groups that have applied for and maintain 501c(3) charitable non-profit status for the IRS are exempted from this rule. Student organizations may NOT use OSU's non-profit statutes for this purpose. Visit the Office of Student Life funding resources to learn more.
  • Bake Sales – Food items sold by student organizations must be both commercially pre-packaged by a licensed vendor and handled with compliance with the relevant health codes.
  • Movies – If you want to show a film, in most cases, you need a licensed copy of the film if it is a public performance. Visit the Motion Picture Association to learn more.



For questions related to university standards and guidelines 

For questions related to College of Veterinary Medicine groups and guidelines