Qiuhong Wang

wang.655@osu.edu (330) 263-3960 Food Animal Health Building1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, OH 44691
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Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Professional Training and Experience
- Bachelor of Medicine (M.D. equivalent), Beijing Medical University, China
- Research staff in the Institute of Virology in China
- Master of Science, University of Tokyo
- Ph.D, The Ohio State University
- Post-doctoral training, Medical College of Wisconsin
- Research Scientist, The Ohio State University
Research Interests
- Enteric caliciviruses and coronaviruses
- Diagnosis of viral infections
- Molecular epidemiology
- Molecular characterization of new viruses
- Propagation of enteric viruses in cell culture
- Molecular mechanisms of cell culture adaptation and attenuation
- Interspecies transmission of viruses between humans and animals
- Mechanism of enteric virus transmission through plant life
- Development of vaccines
- Transmission through leafy greens, and the development of vaccines.
- Vlasova A.N., Wang Q., Jung K., Langel S.N., Malik Y.S., Saif L.J. (2020) Porcine Coronaviruses. In: Malik Y., Singh R., Yadav M. (eds) Emerging and Transboundary Animal Viruses. Livestock Diseases and Management. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0402-0_4.
- Takagi, H.; Oka, T.; Saito, H.; Kobayashi, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tatsumi, C.; Shimoike, T.; Kataoka, M.; Wang, Q.; Saif, L.; Noda., M. Human sapovirus propagation in human cell lines supplemented with bile acids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. First published November 30, 2020. doi/10.1073/pnas.2007310117.
- Niu, X.; Hou, Y.; Jung, K.; Kong, F.; Saif, L.; Wang, Q. Chimeric porcine deltacoronaviruses with sparrow coronavirus spike protein or the receptor-binding domain infect pigs but lose virulence and intestinal tropism. Viruses 2021, 13, 122. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13010122.
- Langel, S.; Wang, Q.; Vlasova, A.; Saif, L. 2020. Host factors affecting generation of immunity against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in pregnant and lactating swine and passive protection of neonates. Pathogens. 9(2):130 DOI: 10.3390/pathogens9020130 (Review).a
- Jung, K.; Wang, Q.; Saif, L. 2020. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV): An update on etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, and prevention and control. Virus Research. 286:198045. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198045 (review)
- Nagai, M.; Wang, Q.; Oka, T.; Saif, L. 2020. Porcine sapoviruses: Pathogenesis, epidemiology, genetic diversity, and diagnosis. Virus Research. 286:198025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198025 (review)
- Kenney SP, Wang Q, Vlasova A, Jung K, Saif L. 2020. Naturally Occurring Animal Coronaviruses as Models for Studying Highly Pathogenic Human Coronaviral Disease. Vet Pathol doi:10.1177/0300985820980842. (review).
- Vlasova, A.; Kenney, S.; Jung, K.; Wang, Q.; Saif, L. 2020. Deltacoronavirus evolution and transmission: Current scenario and evolutionary perspectives. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. (review) (Accepted on 12/31/2020).
- Vlasova, A.N., Wang, Q., Jung, K., Langel, S.N., Saif, L.J. 2019. Porcine Coronaviruses. In: Recent Advances In Animal Virology, (Malik, Y.S., Singh, R.K., and Yadav, M.P. eds), Springer Nature’s Text Book, Springer.
- Preeti Chhabra, Miranda de Graaf, Gabriel Parra, Marin Chan, Kim Green, Vito Martella, Qiuhong Wang, Peter White, Kazuhiko Katayama, Harry Vennema, Marion Koopmans, Jan Vinjé. 2019. Updated classification of norovirus genogroups and genotypes. J General Virology. 100(10):1393-1406. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001318. PubMed PMID: 31483239.
- Kabita Pandey, Shuhong Zhong, Diego G. Diel, Yixuan Hou, Qiuhong Wang, Eric Nelson, Xiuqing Wang. 2019. GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1 (G3BP1) plays an antiviral role against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Vet Microbiology 236:108392.
- Hou, Y., H. Ke, J. Kim, D. Yoo, Y. Su, P. Boley, J. Chepngeno, A. N. Vlasova, L. J. Saif, and Q. Wang. 2019. Engineering a live attenuated PEDV vaccine candidate via inactivation of the viral 2'-O methyltransferase and the endocytosis signal of the spike protein. J Virol. 2019 Jul 17;93(15). pii:e00406-19. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00406-19. Print 2019 Aug 1. PubMed PMID: 31118255;PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6639265.
- Malak A. Esseili, Xiang Gao, Patricia Boley, Yixuan Hou, Linda J. Saif, Paul Brewer-Jensen, Lisa C. Lindesmith, Ralph S. Baric, Robert L. 2019. Atmar and Qiuhong Wang. Human Norovirus HBGA Binding Sites Mediate the Virus Specific Interactions with Lettuce Carbohydrates. Viruses. Sep 8;11(9). pii: E833. doi: 10.3390/v11090833. PubMed PMID:31500340.
- Kabita Pandey, Shuhong Zhong, Diego G. Diel, Yixuan Hou, Qiuhong Wang, Eric Nelson, Xiuqing Wang. 2019. GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1 (G3BP1) plays an antiviral role against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Vet Microbiology 236:108392. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2019.108392. Epub 2019 Aug 19. PubMed PMID: 31500725.
- Chun-Ming Lin; Shristi Ghimire; Yixuan Hou; Patricia Boley; Stephanie N. Langel; Anastasia N. Vlasova; Linda J. Saif; Qiuhong Wang 2019. Pathogenicity and immunogenicity of attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhea virus PC22A strain in conventional weaned pigs. BMC Veterinary Research. 2019 Jan 11;15(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12917-018-1756-x.
- Hou Y, Meulia T, Gao X, Saif LJ, Wang Q. 2019. Deletion of both the Tyrosine-Based Endocytosis Signal and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Retrieval Signal in the Cytoplasmic Tail of Spike Protein Attenuates Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus in Pigs. J Virol. 2019 Jan 15;93(2). doi: 10.1128/JVI.01758-18. Print 2019 Jan 15. PubMed PMID: 30404797.
- Su Y, Hou Y, Wang Q. 2019. The enhanced replication of an S-intact PEDV during coinfection with an S1 NTD-del PEDV in piglets. Vet Microbiol. 2019 Jan;228:202-212. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2018.11.025. Epub 2018 Nov 27. PubMed PMID: 30593369.
- Saif, LJ, Wang, Q, Vlasova, AN, Jung, K, Xiao, S. 2018. Coronaviruses. (Zimmerman, J.J.; Zhang, J.)(Eds.), Diseases of Swine Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA.
- Wang Q; Feng L; Saif L. (2017). Chapter 68: Porcine epidemic diarrhea. (Coetzer, J.A.W.; Tustin, R.C.)(Eds.), Infectious Diseases of Livestock. Location: www.anipedia.org. Wrote the original draft of the literature review, shared equally with the co‐authors, revised and completed the manuscript
- Saif L; Wang Q; Vlasova A; Jung K. (2018). Coronaviruses. (Zimmerman, J.J.; Zhang, J.)(Eds.), Diseases of Swine (11th Ed.). Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA. Wrote the PEDV section, shared equally with the co‐authors, revised and reviewed the complete chapter, and add all references.
- Annamalai, T.; Lin, C.M.; Gao, X.; Liu, X.; Wang, Q., et al. (2017). Cross protective immune responses in nursing piglets infected with a US spike-insertion deletion porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain and challenged with an original US PEDV strain. Veterinary Research, (1), doi:10.1186/s13567-017-0469-7
- Hou, Y.; Lin, C.M.; Yokoyama, M.; Yount, B.L.; Wang, Q., et al. (2017). Deletion of a 197-amino-acid region in the N-terminal domain of spike protein attenuates porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in piglets. Journal of Virology, (14), doi:10.1128/JVI.00227-17
- Ohba, M.; Oka, T.; Ando, T.; Arahata, S.; Wang, Q., et al. (2017). Antiviral effect of theaflavins against caliciviruses. Journal of Antibiotics, (4), 443-447. doi:10.1038/ja.2016.128
- Lin, C.M.; Hou, Y.; Marthaler, D.G.; Gao, X.; Wang, Q., et al. (2017). Attenuation of an original US porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain PC22A via serial cell culture passage. Veterinary Microbiology, 201, 62-71. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2017.01.015.
- Tomoichiro Oka, Garrett T. Stoltzfus, Chelsea Zhu, Kwonil Jung, Qiuhong Wang*, Linda J. Saif*. Attempts to grow human noroviruses, a sapovirus and a bovine norovirus in vitro. PLos One. (Accepted)
- Sisay, Z, Djikeng, A, Berhe, N, Belay, G, Abegaz, WE, Wang, QH, Saif, LJ, "First detection and molecular characterization of sapoviruses and noroviruses with zoonotic potential in swine in Ethiopia". Arch Virol.. Vol. Epub ahead of print, Epub. 2016. (Published) 10% Authorship
- Gao X, Esseili MA, Lu Z, Saif LJ, Wang Q, "Recognition of Histo-Blood Group Antigen-Like Carbohydrates in Lettuce by Human GII.4 Norovirus". Appl Environ Microbiol.. Vol. 82, no. 10: 2966-74. 2016. (Published) 50% Authorship
- Ohba M, Oka T, Ando T, Arahata S, Ikegaya A, Takagi H, Ogo N, Owada K, Kawamori F, Wang Q, Saif LJ, Asai A., "Discovery and synthesis of heterocyclic carboxamide derivatives as potent anti-norovirus agents". Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). Vol. 64, no. 5: 465-75. 2016. (Published) 5% Authorship: Supervised anti-virus tests in my lab, an revised the manuscript
- Oka T, Lu Z, Phan T, Delwart EL, Saif LJ, Wang Q., "Genetic characterization and classification of human and animal sapoviruses". Plos One. Vol. 11, no. 5: e0156373. 2016. (Published) 30% Authorship
- Sisay Z, Djikeng A, Berhe N, Belay G, Gebreyes W, Abegaz WE, Njahira MN, Wang QH, Saif LJ, "Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Human Noroviruses and Sapoviruses in Ethiopia". Arch Virol. Vol. ePub, Epub ahead of print. 2016. (Published) 10% Authorship
- Liu, X, and Wang, Q, "Reverse transcription-PCR assays for the differentiation of various US porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strains". J Virol Methods. Vol. 234, 137-41. 2016. (Published) 50% Authorship
- Beall A, Yount B, Lin CM, Hou Y, Wang Q, Saif L, Baric R, "Characterization of a Pathogenic Full-Length cDNA Clone and Transmission Model for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Strain PC22A". mBio. Vol. 7, no. 1: pii: e01451-15. 2016. (Published) ( IF: 4.439 ) ( Citation Count: 0 ) 20% Authorship: co-corresponding author
- Esseili,Malak,A; Gao,Xiang; Tegtmeier,Sarah; Saif,Linda,J; Wang,Qiuhong, "Abiotic Stress and Phyllosphere Bacteria Influence the Survival of Human Norovirus and Its Surrogates on Preharvest Leafy Greens". APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. Vol. 82, no. 1: 352-363. 2016. (Published) ( IF: 3.668 ) ( Citation Count: 0 ) 40% Authorship
- Lin, CM, Marthaler, D, Saif LJ, Wang, Q, "Evolution, antigenicity and pathogenicity of global porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strains". Virus Research. Vol. 221, pii: S0168-1702(16)30225-8. (2016) [Peer-Review] (Published) 40% Authorship
- Wang Q, Gao, X, Esseili M, Saif L, Lindesmith L, Baric R, Kou B, Estes M, Atmar, R. "Comparison of the binding of GII.4 and GI.1human norovirus strains to lettuce". The 6th Iternational Calicivirus Conference Program. Savannah: The 6th Iternational Calicivirus Conference Program. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 40% Authorship: Corresponding author
- Hou, Y, Lin, CM, Gao, X, Lu, Z, Liu, X, Qin, Y, Saif LJ, and Wang, Q.. "Pathogenesis of PEDV strain PC177". Evaluation of the virulence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus with a 197 amino acid-deletion in the spike protein. Blacksburg: Proc. 35rd American Society for Virology Annual meeting. Blacksburg, VA. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 50% Authorship
- Gao, X, Esseili, MA, Lu, Z, Saif, LJ, Wang, Q. "Human norovirus bind to lettuce". Recognizing HBGA-like carbohydrates in lettuce by human GII.4 norovirus. Wooster: 2016 OARDC annual conference. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 50% Authorship: PI of this project. Dr. Gao won the 3rd Place at poster competition at post-doc category
- Hou, Y, Lin, CM, Gao, X, Lu, Z, Liu, X, Qin, Y, Saif LJ, and Wang, Q.. "Evaluation of the virulence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus with a 197 amino acid-deletion in the spike protein". Evaluation of the virulence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus with a 197 amino acid-deletion in the spike protein. Columbus: College of Vet Med Research Day graduate poster competition. OSU, Columbus. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 50% Authorship
- Gao, X, Esseili, MA, Lu, Z, Saif, LJ, Wang, Q. "Human norovirus bind to lettuce". Recognizing HBGA-like carbohydrates in lettuce by human GII.4 norovirus. Lübeck: Noro2016. Lübeck, Germany. ( 2016 ) ( Published ) 50% Authorship: PI of this project
- Matthew C. Jarvis, Ham Ching Lam, Yan Zhang, Leyi Wang, Richard A. Hesse, Ben M. Hause, Anastasia Vlasova, Qiuhong Wang, Jianqiang Zhang, Martha I. Nelson, Michael Murtaugh, and Douglas Marthaler, "Genomic and evolution inferrences between American and global strains of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus". Prev Vet Med. Vol. 11, pi : S0167- 5877(15)30041-6. 2015.
- Lu Z, Yokoyama M, Chen N, Oka T, Jung K, Chang KO, Annamalai T, Wang Q, Saif LJ., "Molecular mechanism of cell culture adaptation of porcine sapovirus". J Viral. Vol. 90, 1345. 2015.