Jianrong Li

Veterinary Biosciences
Professional Training and Experience
- Professor, The Ohio State University
- Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
- Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
- Research fellow, Harvard Medical School
- Postdoctoral fellow, University of Massachusetts Medical School
- PhD in Virology and Immunology, Zhejiang University, China
- DVM, College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University, China
Research Interests
- Pneumovirus replication and gene expression
- Viral mRNA capping and mRNA cap methylation
- Viral RNA modifications and innate immunity
- Vaccine development
- Emerging viruses (e.g. porcine coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2)
Research Overview
The long-term research goals in Dr. Li’s laboratory are to understand, in mechanistic detail, how RNA viruses enter, replicate, and express genetic information in order to understand viral pathogenesis, and to facilitate the rational design and development of new vaccines and anti-viral drugs. Currently, we are studying RNA viruses that causes respiratory infection including human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV), and SARS-CoV-2; and RNA viruses that cause enteric infection including porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV), and human norovirus.
The Li lab is one of only a few laboratories studying RNA processing and RNA modifications in viruses. During 2004-2008, he characterized mRNA capping enzyme and mRNA cap methyltransferases in non-segmented negative-sense RNA viruses. During 2008-2016, he characterized the roles of mRNA cap methylation in viral replication, pathogenesis, innate and adaptive immunity. Since 2016, the Li laboratory has been focused on characterization of viral and host internal RNA methylation and understand their roles in viral replication, gene expression, and pathogenesis.
Research interest I: Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Pneumoviridae is a new virus family in the order Mononegavirales. It was created in 2016 by elevating the paramyxoviral subfamily Pneumovirinae to family status. The Pneumoviridae family includes two medically important pathogens, human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV) which are the no.1 and 2 causative agents of acute viral respiratory tract infections in infants, young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. Despite the enormous economic loss and emotional burden these viruses cause, no vaccines or anti-viral drugs are currently available. Development of such agents requires a better understanding of all aspects of their life cycle.
Understand mechanisms by which viral RNA epigenetic modifications modulate pneumovirus replication, gene expression, and pathogenesis. RNA methylation is a reversible post-translational modification to RNA that epigenetically impacts numerous biological processes. Among over 170 RNA modifications, the most prevalent and abundant RNA modifications include N6-methyladenosine (m6A), C5-methylcytosine (m5C), pseudouridine (Ψ), 2’-O-methylation (Nm), and N1-methyladenosine (m1A). These internal RNA modifications are catalyzed by host RNA methyltransferases. Currently, the roles of these RNA modifications in virus replication, gene expression, and pathogenesis are poorly understood. We recently found that hMPV and RSV genome, antigenome, and mRNA contains major internal RNA methylations including m6A, m5C, Ψ, Nm, and m1A. We have found that the internal m6A methylation in viral RNAs promotes pneumovirus replication and gene expression (Xue et al., Nature Communications, 2019; Lu et al., Nature Microbiology, 2020). Our goals are to understand the roles of internal RNA methylation in pneumovirus replication and pathogenesis in vivo; and to define mechanism(s) by which RNA methylation modulate pneumovirus life cycle.
Define the roles of viral and host RNA modifications in innate and adaptive immunity. The innate immune system is the first line of defense against invading pathogens and must discriminate cellular (self) and viral (non-self) nucleic acids to mount a protective immune response. Viruses are “smart” microorganisms and they must hide or modify their nucleic acids to evade innate immune recognition. Using hMPV and RSV as models, we have provided the first evidence that m6A methylation serves as a molecular marker for host innate immunity to discriminate self RNA from non-self RNAs (Lu et al., Nature Microbiology, 2020; Lu et al., Journal of Virology, 2021., Xue et al., PloS Pathogens, 2021). Specifically, m6A-deficient hMPV RNAs are more efficiently detected by host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which leads to enhanced activation of type I interferon responses. Also, we recently found that knockout of NSUN2, a m5C RNA methyltransferase, strongly inhibits viral replication and gene expression and that RNA m5C methylation modulates host innate immunity (Zhang et al., PNAS, 2022). Our goals are to understand signaling pathways and mechanisms how RNA modifications involved in discrimination of self and non-self RNAs by innate immunity and to determine how RNA internal methylation modulates viral pathogenesis, innate immunity, and adaptive immunity.
Develop new live attenuated vaccine candidates for hMPV and RSV. A live attenuated vaccine is one of the most promising vaccines for hMPV and RSV. Our laboratory is interested in developing novel, more immunogenic live attenuated vaccine candidates for hMPV and RSV by targeting viral mRNA cap methylation and/or internal RNA methylation. Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) of pneumoviruses typically possess guanine-N-7 (G-N-7) and ribose 2′-O (2′-O) methylation. G-N-7 methylation is essential for mRNA stability as well as efficient translation whereas ribose 2′-O methylation provides a molecular signature for the discrimination of self and nonself mRNA by innate immunity. In addition, viral genome, antigenome, and mRNAs of hMPV and RSV are heavily modified by host RNA methyltransferases. These internal RNA modifications modulate viral replication, gene expression, and innate and adaptive immunity. We will generate recombinant hMPVs and RSVs lacking mRNA cap methylation and/or internal RNA methylation, and test hypothesis whether an enhanced innate immunity can enhance the immunogenicity of live attenuated vaccines. These vaccine candidates will be tested in in primary well differentiated human airway epithelial (HAE) cultures, mice, cotton rats, and nonhuman primates.
Research interest II: SARS-CoV-2 and porcine coronaviruses.
Dr. Li’s laboratory is one of the research groups in the US who first isolated and characterized two pig coronaviruses (porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, PEDV; porcine deltacoronavirus, PDCoV) during the 2013-2016 outbreaks (Ma et al., mBio, 2015; Lu et al., J. Virol., 2020). In response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we quickly generated serval recombinant measles virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates (Lu et al., PNAS, 2021, featured by NIH Research Matters), recombinant mumps virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates (Zhang et al., PNAS, 2022), and found that prefusion spike with 6 prolines is more immunogenic than prefusion spike with 2 prolines (Lu et al., PNAS, 2022). Several vaccine candidates have been licensed to a major vaccine company. We also found that RNA of several coronaviruses (such as SARS-CoV-2, PEDV, and PDCoV) contains numerous internal RNA modifications including N6-methyladenosine (m6A), C5-methylcytosine (m5C), pseudouridine (Ψ), and 2’-O-methylation (Nm). We will characterize these internal RNA methylations; identify host RNA methyltransferases that modify SARS-CoV-2 RNA; determine the roles of these RNA methylations in SARS-CoV-2 replication, gene expression, pathogenesis and immune evasion; and screen drugs that can inhibit viral and host RNA methylation and test their therapeutic effects in animal models.
Research interest III: Vaccine development
Our laboratory has extensive experience in developing reverse genetic system for RNA viruses. We recently developed a highly efficient yeast-based recombinant system to rapid construction of infectious cDNA clones (Lu et al., PNAS, 2021). We are particularly interested in utilizing non-segmented negative-sense RNA viruses (vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV; measles virus, MeV; and mumps, MuV) as a vector to deliver vaccines for highly pathogenic viruses (such as SARS-CoV-2, Zika virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, human norovirus, and other emerging viruses). We recently developed a MeV-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate (Lu et al., PNAS, 2021, featured by NIH Research Matter, 2021 March), a MuV-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate (Zhang et al., PNAS, 2022), a VSV-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate (Lu et al., PNAS, 2022), a VSV-based Zika virus vaccine candidate (Li et al., Nature Communications, 2018), and many other vectored vaccine candidates. Several of vaccine candidates have been licensed to major pharmaceutical companies. Currently, we are using these vectors to develop pan-coronavirus vaccine candidates and to develop vaccines for other emerging viruses such as Nipah virus and Hendra virus.
Professional Memberships
- American Society for Virology
- American Society for Microbiology
- American Association for Immunologists
- Ohio Virology Association
- OSU Infectious Diseases Institute
- OSU Center for RNA Biology
Professional Services
- Ad hoc member, NIH Virology B Study Section
- Member, NIH Virology Special Emphasis Study Section
- Member, NIH Immunology Special Emphasis Study Section
- Member, NIH Fellowship Study Section
- Member, NIH COVID-19 Special Study Section
- Member, Canada Genome Study Section
- USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
- USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)
- USDA The National Integrated Food Safety Initiative (NIFSI)
- USDA Cooperative Research and Extension Service (CSREES)
- The United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund
- French National Research Agency (ANR), France
- The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
- Member, OSU Presidential Fellowship Committee
- Member, OSU Graduate Student Fellowship Committee
Editorial Board
- 2016-present Editorial Board Member, Applied and Environmental Microbiology
- 2018-present Editorial Board Member, Frontier Microbiology
- 2020-present Editorial Board Member, Animal Diseases
- 2015-present Guest editor, PloS Pathogens
- 2019-present Guest editor, Pathogens
- 2010-2018 Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Food Microbiology
Journal Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Nature Microbiology, Nature Protocol, Nature Communications, Nature Review Microbiology, iScience, Cell Reports, PLoS Pathogens, Journal of Virology, Virology, Journal of General Virology, Virology Journal, Journal of Medical Virology, Journal of Virological Methods, Archives of Virology, Virus Research, Viruses, Vaccine, NPJ Vaccine, PNAS, mBio, PloS One, RNA Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Food Microbiology, and 40 other journals.
Honors and Awards
- 2009 OSU Distinguished Mentor for Undergraduate Student
- 2010 USDA Service Award
- 2011 OSU Early Career Innovator of the Year-finalist
- 2011 TechColumbus Innovation Awards
- 2012 OSU Early Career Innovator of the Year-finalist
- 2016 Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence
- 2018 Charles C. Capen Teaching Excellence Award
- 2021 OSU Innovator of the Year-finalist
- 2022 Elected member, National Academy of Inventor
- 2024 Elected member, American Academy of Microbiology
Representative publications
- Xu. J., Zhang, Y., Qu, P., Shamseldin, M.M., Yoo, S. J., Misny, J., Thongpan, I., KC, Mahesh, Hall, J. M., Evans, J. P., Eltobgy, M., Lu, M., Ye, C., Chamblee, M., Liang, X., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Amer, A., Yount, J., Boyaka, P. N., Peeples, M. E., Liu, S.L., Dubey, P., and Li, J*. A next generation intranasal trivalent measles/mumps/SARS-CoV-2 (MMS) vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2023, 120(41):e2220403120.
- Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Dai, Q., Chen, P., Lu, M., Kairis, K. L., Murugaiah, V., Xu, J., Shukla, R. K., Liang, X., Zou, Z., Cormet-Boyaka, E.,Qiu, J., Peeples, M.E., Sharma, A., He, C*., Li , J*. 5-methylcytosine (m5C) RNA modification controls the innate immune response to virus infection by regulating type I interferons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(42):e2123338119.
- Zhang, Y., Lu, M., KC, Mahesh., Kim, E., Shamseldin, M.M., Ye, C., Dravid, P., Chamblee, M., Park, J., Hall, J. M., Trivedi, S, Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Kenney, A. D., Murthy, S.S., Sharma, H., Liang, X., Yount, J. S., Kapoor, A., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Dubey, P., Boyaka, P.N., Peeples, M.E., and Li, J*. A highly efficacious live attenuated mumps virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate expressing a six-proline stabilized prefusion spike. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(33):e2201616119.
- Lu, M., Chamblee, M., Zhang, Y., Ye, C., Dravid, P., Park, J., KC, Mahesh., Trivedi, S., Murthy, S.S., Sharma, H., Cassady, C., Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Liang, X., Yount, J. S., Boyaka, P.N., Peeples, M.E., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Kapoor, A., and Li, J*. SARS-CoV-2 prefusion spike protein stabilized by six rather than two prolines is more potent for inducing antibodies that neutralize viral variants of concern. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(35):e2110105119.
- Lu. M., Dravid, D., Zhang, Y., Trivedi, S., Li, A., Harder, O., Mahesh, K. C., Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Zani, A., Kenney, A., Zeng, C., Cai, C., Ye, C., Liang, X., Shimamura, M., Liu, S., Mejias, S., Ramilo, O., Boyaka, P., Qiu, J., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Yount, J., Peeples, M., Kapoor, A., Niewiesk, S., and Li, J*. A safe and highly efficacious measles virus-based vaccine expressing SARS-CoV-2 stabilized prefusion spike. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2021, 118 (12) e2026153118.
- Xue, M., Zhang, Y., Wang. H., Kairis, E. L., Lu, M., Ahmad, S., Attia, Z., Harder, O., Zhang, Z., Wei, J., Chen, P., Gao, Y., Peeples, M. E., Sharma, A., Boyaka, P., He, C., Hur, S., Niewiesk, S., Li, J*. Viral RNA N6-methyladenosine modification modulates both innate and adaptive immune responses of human respiratory syncytial virus. PLoS Pathogens, 2021, 20;17(12):e1010142.
- Lu, M., Zhang, Z., Xue, M., Zhao, B., Harder, O., Li, A., Liang, X., Gao, T. Z., Xu, Y., Zhou,J., Feng, Z., Niewiesk, S., Peeples, M.E., He, C., and Li, J*. N6-methyladenosine is a molecular signature for discrimination of self and non-self RNA by cytoplasmic RNA sensor RIG-I. Nature Microbiology , 2020, 5(4):584-598.
- Commented by Dr. Volker Thiel "Viral RNA in an m6A disguise" in Nature Microbiology, 2020.
- Xue, M., Zhao, B., Lu, M., Lu, Z., Ma, Y., Harder, O., Xu, Y., Li, A., Liang, X., Yu, Y., Jennings, R. N., Zhou, J., Niewiesk, S., Peeples, M. E., He, C., and Li, J*. Viral N6-methyladenosine promotes replication and pathogenesis of human respiratory syncytial virus. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1):4595.
- Li, A., Yu, J., Lu, M., Ma, Y., Attia, Z., Shan, C., Xue, M., Craig, K., Liang, X., Makadiya, N., He, J., Jennings, R., Shi, P. Y., Peeples, M. E., Liu, S. L., Boyaka, P. N., and Li, J*. A novel Zika virus vaccine expressing pre-membrane, envelope, and NS1 proteins. Nature Communications.2018,9(1):3067.
- Ma., Y., Zhang, Y., Liang, X., Lou, F., Oglesbee, M., Krakowka, S., and Li, J*. Origin, evolution, and virulence of porcine deltacoronaviruses in the United States. mBio . 2015, 6(2):e00064.
- Li, J., Wang, J. andWhelan, S.P. A unique strategy for mRNA cap methylation used by vesicular stomatitis virus . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2006, 103:8493-8498.
Full list of publications (* indicates corresponding author):
- Xu. J., Zhang, Y., Qu, P.,Shamseldin, M.M., Yoo, S. J., Misny, J., Thongpan, I., KC, Mahesh, Hall, J. M., Evans, J. P., Eltobgy, M., Lu, M., Ye, C., Chamblee, M., Liang, X., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Amer, A., Yount, J., Boyaka, P. N., Peeples, M. E., Liu, S.L., Dubey, P., and Li, J*. A next generation intranasal trivalent measles/mumps/SARS-CoV-2 (MMS) vaccine induces durable and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2023, 120(41):e2220403120.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/trivalent-vaccine-candidate-fights-measles-mumps-sars-cov-2/
- Zhang, Y., Lu, M., Thongpan, I., Xu, J., KC Mahesh, Dravid, P., Trivedi, S., Sharma, H., Liang, X., Kapoor, A., Peeples, M.E., and Li, J*.Recombinant measles virus expressing prefusion spike protein stabilized by six rather than two prolines is more efficacious against SARS-CoV-2 infection. J. Med. Virol . 2023, 95(4):e28687.
- Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Dai, Q., Chen, P., Lu, M., Kairis, K. L., Murugaiah, V., Xu, J., Shukla, R. K., Liang, X., Zou, Z., Cormet-Boyaka, E., Qiu, J., Peeples, M.E., Sharma, A., He, C*., Li, J *. 5-methylcytosine (m5C) RNA modification controls the innate immune response to virus infection by regulating type I interferons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(42):e2123338119.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/a-potential-target-for-developing-broad-spectrum-antiviral-therapies/
- Zhang, Y., Lu, M., KC, Mahesh., Kim, E., Shamseldin, M.M., Ye, C., Dravid, P., Chamblee, M., Park, J., Hall, J. M., Trivedi, S, Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Kenny, A. D., Murthy, S.S., Sharma, H., Liang, X., Yount, J. S., Kapoor, A., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Dubey, P., Boyaka, P.N., Peeples, M.E., and Li, J*. A highly efficacious live attenuated mumps virus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate expressing a six-proline stabilized prefusion spike. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(33):e2201616119.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/scientists-develop-effective-intranasal-mumps-based-covid-19-vaccine-candidate/
- Lu, M., Chamblee, M., Zhang, Y., Ye, C., Dravid, P., Park, J., KC, Mahesh., Trivedi, S., Murthy, S.S., Sharma, H., Cassady, C., Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Liang, X., Yount, J. S., Boyaka, P.N., Peeples, M.E., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Kapoor, A., and Li, J*. SARS-CoV-2 prefusion spike protein stabilized by six rather than two prolines is more potent for inducing antibodies that neutralize viral variants of concern. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2022, 119(35):e2110105119.
- Lu. M., Dravid, D., Zhang, Y., Trivedi, S., Li, A., Harder, O., Mahesh, K. C., Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Zani, A., Kenney, A., Zeng, C., Cai, C., Ye, C., Liang, X., Shimamura, M., Liu, S., Mejias, S., Ramilo, O., Boyaka, P., Qiu, J., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Yount, J., Peeples, M., Kapoor, A., Niewiesk, S., and Li, J*. A safe and highly efficacious measles virus-based vaccine expressing SARS-CoV-2 stabilized prefusion spike. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA . 2021 118 (12) e2026153118.
- Featured by NIH/NIAID Research Matters:
- https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/measles-vaccine-used-base-experimental-covid-vaccine
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/capitalizing-on-measles-vaccines-successful-history-to-protect-against-sars-cov-2/
- The Vaccine Technology Has Been Licensed to Biological E. Limited, India.
- Featured by Columbus Dispatch
- https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2020/12/14/ohio-state-developes-covid-19-vaccine-technology/6498174002/
- https://vet.osu.edu/about-us/news/ohio-state-innovation-foundation-exclusively-licenses-covid-19-vaccine-technology
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Qb1t5YDbo
- Kim E, Attia Z, Woodfint RM, Zeng C, Kim SH, Steiner HE, Shukla RK, Liyanage NPM, Ghimire S, Jianrong Li , Renukaradhya GJ, Satoskar AR, Amer AO, Liu SL, Cormet-Boyaka E, Boyaka PN. Inhibition of elastase enhances the adjuvanticity of alum and promotes anti-SARS-CoV-2 systemic and mucosal immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA . 2021, 118(34): e2102435118.
- Eltobgy MM, Zani A, Kenney AD, Estfanous S, Kim E, Badr A, Carafice C, Daily K, Whitham O, Pietrzak M, Webb A, Kawahara J, Eddy AC, Denz P, Lu M, Kc M, Peeples ME, Li J, Zhu J, Que J, Robinson R, Rosas Mejia O, Rayner RE, Hall-Stoodley L, Seveau S, Gavrilin MA, Zhang X, Thomas J, Kohlmeier JE, Suthar MS, Oltz E, Tedeschi A, Robledo-Avila FH, Partida-Sanchez S, Hemann EA, Abdelrazik E, Forero A, Nimjee SM, Boyaka PN, Cormet-Boyaka E, Yount JS, Amer AO. Caspase-4/11 exacerbates disease severity in SARS-CoV-2 infection by promoting inflammation and immunothrombosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2022, 119(21):e2202012119.
- Kuhn JH, Adkins S,…, Li J, …, Ye G, Zhang YZ, Økland AL. 2022 taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Arch Virol. 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00705-022-05546-z.
- Brakel KA, Ma Y, Binjawadagi R, Harder O, Watts M, Li J , Binjawadagi B, Niewiesk S. Codon-optimization of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) G protein expressed in a vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vector improves immune responses in a cotton rat model. Virology , 2022, 575:101-110.
- Xiang J, Lu M, Shi M, Cheng X, Kwakwa KA, Davis JL, Su X, Bakewell SJ, Zhang Y, Fontana F, Xu Y, Veis DJ, DiPersio JF, Ratner L, Sanderson RD, Noseda A, Mollah S, Li J, Weilbaecher KN. Heparanase Blockade as a Novel Dual-Targeting Therapy for COVID-19. J. Virol.2022, 96(7):e0005722.
- Lu. M., Zhang, Y., Dravid, D., Li, A., Trivedi, S., Mahesh, K. C., Chaiwatpongsakorn, S., Zani, A., Kenney, A., Zeng, C., Cai, C., Ye, C., Liang, X., Qiu, J., Boyaka, P., Martinez-Sobrido, L., Yount, J., Liu, S., Peeples, M., Kapoor, A., and Li, J*. A methyltransferase-defective VSV-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate provides complete protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in hamsters. J. Virol., 2021, 95(20):e0059221.
- Miaoge Xue, Yuexiu Zhang, Haitao Wang, Elizabeth L. Kairis, Mijia Lu, Sadeem Ahmad, Zayed Attia, Olivia Harder, Zijie Zhang, Jiangbo Wei, Phylip Chen, Youling Gao, Mark E. Peeples, Amit Sharma, Prosper Boyaka, Chuan He, Sun Hur, Stefan Niewiesk, Jianrong Li*. Viral RNA N6-methyladenosine modification modulates both innate and adaptive immune responses of human respiratory syncytial virus. PLoS Pathogens , 2021. 17(12):e1010142.
- Mijia Lu, Miaoge Xue, Hai-Tao Wang, Elizabeth L. Kairis, Sadeem Ahmad, Jiangbo Wei, Zijie Zhang, Yuexiu Zhang, Youling Gao, Dominique Garcin , Mark E. Peeples, Amit Sharma, Sun Hur, Chuan He, Jianrong Li *. Non-segmented negative-sense RNA viruses utilize N6-methyladenosine (m6A) as a common strategy to evade host innate immunity. Journal of Virology , 2021, 95(9):e01939-20.
- Hideki Terajima, Mijia Lu, Linda Zhang, Qi Cui, Yanhong Shi, Jianrong Li and Chuan He. N6-methyladenosine promotes induction of ADAR1-mediated A-to-I RNA editing to suppress aberrant antiviral innate immune responses. RNA Biology, 2021, 19, e3001292
- 16.Brakel KA, Binjawadagi B, French-Kim K, Watts M, Harder O, Ma Y, Li J, Niewiesk S. Coexpression of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion (F) protein and attachment glycoprotein (G) in a vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vector system provides synergistic effects against RSV infection in a cotton rat model. Vaccine , 2021, 39(47):6817-6828.
- Jenkins T, Wang R, Harder O, Xue M, Chen P, Corry J, Walker C, Teng M, Mejias A, Ramilo O, Niewiesk S, Jianrong Li, Peeples ME. A novel live attenuated RSV vaccine candidate with mutations in the L protein SAM binding site and the G protein cleavage site is protective in cotton rats and a rhesus macaque. Journal of Virology . 2020, 95(3):e01568-20.
- Ross C. Larue, Enming Xing, Adam D. Kenney, Yuexiu Zhang, Jasmine A. Tuazon, Jianrong Li, Jacob S. Yount, Pui-Kai Li, Amit Sharma. Rationally Designed ACE2-Derived Peptides Inhibit SARS-CoV-2. Bioconjugate Chem, 2021, 20; 32(1):215-223.
- Kwizera EA, Sun M, White AM, Li J, He X. Methods of Generating Dielectrophoretic Force for Microfluidic Manipulation of Bioparticles. ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2021, 7(6):2043-2063.
- Basavaraj Binjawadagi, Yuanmei Ma, Rashmi Binjawadagi, Kelsey Brakel, Olivia Harder, Mark Peeples, Jianrong Li, and Stefan Niewiesk. Mucosal delivery of recombinant VSV vectors expressing envelope proteins of RSV induces protective immunity in cotton rats. Journal of Virology, 2021, 24; 95(6):e02345-20.
- Mijia Lu, Zijie Zhang, Miaoge Xue, Boxuan Zhao, Olivia Harder, Anzhong Li, Xueya Liang, Thomas Z. Gao, Yunsheng Xu, Jiyong Zhou, Zongdi Feng, Stefan Niewiesk, Mark E. Peeples, Chuan He, Jianrong Li *. N6-methyladenosine modification enables viral RNA to escape recognition by RNA sensor RIG-I. Nature Microbiology, 2020, 5(4):584-598.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/exposing-a-viruss-hiding-place-reveals-new-potential-vaccine/
- Comment by Dr. Volker Thiel "Viral RNA in an m6A disguise" in Nature Microbiology, 2020.
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-020-0689-x
- Anzhong Li, Miaoge Xue, Zayed Attia, Jingyou Yu, Mijia Lu, Chao Shan, Xueya Liang, Thomas Gao, Pei-Yong Shi, Mark E Peeples, Prosper Boyaka, Shan-Lu Liu, Jianrong Li*. Vesicular stomatitis virus and DNA vaccines expressing Zika virus nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) induce substantial but not sterilizing protection against Zika virus infection. Journal of Virology, 2020, 94(17):e00048-20.
- Yunjian Lu, Hui Cai, Mijia Lu, Yuanmei Ma, Anzhong Li, Youling Gao, Jiyong Zhou, Jianrong Li*, and Jinyan Gu*. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus deficient in RNA cap guanine-N-7 methylation is attenuated and induces higher type I and III interferon responses. Journal of Virology, 2020, 94(16):e00447-20 (*co-corresponding author)
- Editor’s choice: This paper was selected as “spotlight” in Journal of Virology.
- Miaoge Xue, Rongzhang Wang, Olivia Harder, Phylip Chen, Mijia Lu, Hui Cai, Anzhong Li, Xueya Liang, Ryan Jennings, Krista La Perle, Stefan Niewiesk, Mark Peeples, and Jianrong Li*. Stable attenuation of human respiratory syncytial virus for live vaccines by deletion and insertion of amino acids in the hinge region between the mRNA capping and methyltransferase domains of the large polymerase protein. Journal of Virology, 2020, 94(24):e01831-20.
- Kuhn JH, Adkins S, …, Li J,.., Zhou G, Zhou X. Correction to 2021 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales.Arch Virol. 2021,166(12):3567-3579.
- Kuhn JH, Adkins S, …, Li J,.., Zhou G, Zhou X. 2021 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales.Arch Virol, 2021, 166(12):3513-3566.
- Rongying Ou, Mingfen Lv, Xuan Liu, Jiangmin Lv, Jinduo Zhao, Ye Zhao, Xiangyun Li, Wenfeng Li, Liang Zhao, Jianrong Li , Yi Ren, Yunsheng Xu. HPV16 E6 oncoprotein‐induced upregulation of lncRNA GABPB1‐AS1 facilitates cervical cancer progression by regulating miR‐519e‐5p/Notch2 axis. FASEB Journal. 2020, 34(10):13211-13223.
- Elbashir Araud, Miyu Fuzawa, Joanna L Shisler, Jianrong Li , and Thanh H Nguyen. UV Inactivation of Rotavirus and Tulane Virus Targets Different Components of the Virions. Applied Environmental Microbiology . 2020, 86(4):e02436-19.
- Collins Amankwaah, Jianrong Li, Jaesung Lee, and Melvin A. Pascall. Development of Antiviral and Bacteriostatic Chitosan-Based Food Packaging Material with Grape Seed Extract for Murine Norovirus, Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua Control. Food Science & Nutrition. 2020, 8(11):6174-6181.
- Guo-Liang Cheng, Binnaz Leblebicioglu, Jianrong Li, Hua-Hong Chien. Soft tissue healing around platform-switching and platform-matching single implants: A randomized clinical trial. J Periodontol. 2020, 91(12):1609-1620.
- Collins Amankwaah, Jianrong Li, Jaesung Lee, and Melvin A. Pascall. Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan-Based Films Enriched with Green Tea Extracts on Murine Norovirus, Escherichia coli, and Listeria innocua. Int J Food Sci. 2020: 3941924.
- Kuhn JH, Adkins S, Alioto D, Alkhovsky SV, Amarasinghe GK,…, Li J, …, Zhou G, Zhou X. 2020 taxonomic update for phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales. Arch Virol ., 2020,165(12):3023-3072.
- Miaoge Xue, Boxuan Zhao, Mijia Lu, Zhike Lu, Yuanmei Ma, Olivia Harder, Yunsheng Xu, Anzhong Li, Xueya Liang, Yang Yu, Ryan Jennings, Jiyong Zhou, Stefan Niewiesk, Mark E. Peeples, Chuan He, Jianrong Li*. Viral N6-methyladenosine promotes replication of human respiratory syncytial virus by enhancing nucleocapsid-mediated RNA encapsidation. Nature Communications , 2019, 10(1):4595. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12504-y.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/vaccine-against-rsv-could-be-in-sight-researchers-say/
- Elbashir Araud, Miyu Fuzawa, Jianrong Li, Joanna Shisler, and Thanh Nguyen. UV inactivation of rotavirus and Tulane virus targets different components of the virions. Applied Environmental Microbiology , 2019, 86(4):e02436-19.
- Yang Zhu, Xueya Liang, Jianrong Li*. Efficient production of human norovirus-specific IgY in egg yolks by vaccination of hens with a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing VP1 protein.Viruses. pii: E444. doi: 10.3390/v11050444
- Craig K, Dai X, Li A, Lu M, Xue M, Rosas L, Gao TZ, Niehaus A, Jennings R, Li J*. A Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)-Based Vaccine Candidate for Human Norovirus. Viruses. 2019;11(3). pii: E213. doi: 10.3390/v11030213.
- Fuzawa M, Araud E, Li J, Shisler JL, Nguyen TH. Free Chlorine Disinfection Mechanisms of Rotaviruses and Human Norovirus Surrogate Tulane Virus Attached to Fresh Produce Surfaces. Environ Sci Technol. 2019, 53(20):11999-12006.
- 38.Anzhong Li, Jingyou Yu, Mijia Lu, Yuanmei Ma, Zayed Attia, Chao Shan, Kelsey Craig, Nirajkumar Makadiya, Jingyang He, Xueya Liang, Miaoge Xue, Ryan Jennings, Pei-Yong Shi, Mark E Peeples, Shan-Lu Liu, Prosper N Boyaka, Jianrong Li*. A novel Zika virus vaccine expressing pre-membrane, envelope, and NS1 proteins. Nature Communications.2018,9: 3067.
- Featured by Ohio State News:
- https://news.osu.edu/novel-vaccine-approach-proves-powerful-against-zika-virus/
- Yilong Wang, Rongxian Liu, Mijia Lu, Yingzhi Yang, Duo Zhou, Xiaoqiang Hao, Dongming Zhou, Bin Wang, Jianrong Li* , Yao-Wei Huang*, Zhengyan Zhao*. Enhancement of safety and immunogenicity of the Chinese Hu191 measles virus vaccine by alteration of the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) binding site in the large polymerase protein. Virology, 2018, 518: 210-220.
- Featured by Virology Highlights Blog
- http://www.virologyhighlights.com/improved-vaccine-candidates-for-measles-virus-by-reverse-genetics/
- McMichael, T.M., Zhang,Y., Kenney, A.D., Zhang, L., Zani, A., Lu, M., Chemudupati, M., Li, J. , and Yount, J.S. IFITM3 Restricts Human Metapneumovirus Infection. J. Infect. Dis. 2018, doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy361. PMID: 29917090
- Amarasinghe GK, …, Leroy EM, Li J, …, Zhang YZ, Kuhn JH. Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: update 2019. Arch Virol. 2019;164(7):1967-1980.
- Maes P, Amarasinghe GK, …, Li J, …, Zhang YZ, Kuhn JH. Taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales: second update 2018. Arch Virol . 2019,164(4):1233-1244.
- Cheng S, Ma X, Geng S, Jiang X, Li Y, Hu L, Li J , Wang Y, Han X. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Beneficially Regulates Intestinal Mucosal Autophagy and Alleviates Gut Barrier Injury. mSystems. 2018, 3(5). pii: e00137-18.
- Cortney M. Leone, Muthu Dharmasena, Chaoyi Tang, Erin DiCaprio, Yuanmei Ma, Elbashir Araud, Hannah Bolinger, Kitwadee Rupprom, Thomas Yeargin, Jianrong Li, Donald Schaffner, Xiuping Jiang, Julia Sharp, Jan Vinjé, and Angela Fraser*. Prevalence of Human Noroviruses in Commercial Food Establishment Bathrooms. Journal of Food Protection.2018, 81(5):719-728.
- Yang Z, Chambers H, DiCaprio E, Gao G, Li J*. Internalization and dissemination of human norovirus and Tulane virus in fresh produce is plant dependent. Food Microbiology. 2018, 69: 25-32.
- Kelsey Craig, Xianjun Dai , Anzhong Li, Mijia Lu, Miaoge Xue, Lucia Rosas, Thomas Z. Gao, Andrew Niehaus, Ryan Jennings, and Jianrong Li*. A Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)-Based Vaccine Candidate for Human Norovirus. Viruses. 2019, 11, 213; doi:10.3390/v11030213.
- Ou R, Zhu L, Zhao L, Li W, Tao F, Lu Y, He Q, Li J , Ren Y, Xu Y. HPV16 E7-induced upregulation of KDM2A promotes cervical cancer progression by regulating miR-132-radixin pathway. J Cell Physiol. 2018, doi: 10.1002/jcp.27080.
- Wang H, Agarwal P, Xiao Y, Peng H, Zhao S, Liu X, Zhou S, Li J, Liu Z, He X. A Nano-In-Micro System for Enhanced Stem Cell Therapy of Ischemic Diseases. ACS Cent Sci. 2017, 3(8):875-885.
- Juan Liu, Hailong Wang, Jinyan Gu, Tingjuan Deng, Zhuangchuan Yuan, Boli Hu, Yunbin Xu, Yan Yan, Jie Zan, Min Liao, Erin DiCaprio, Jianrong Li, Shuo Su,, Jiyong Zhou. BECN1-dependent CASP2 incomplete autophagy induction by binding to rabies virus phosphoprotein. Autophagy , 2017, 13(4):739-753.
- Chang Liu, Yuanmei Ma, Yang Yang, Yuan Zheng, Yusen Zhou, Shibo Jiang, Lanying Du, Jianrong Li*, Fang Li*. "Entry of porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus is activated by lysosomal proteases." Journal of Biological Sciences. 2016, 291(47): 24779-24786.
- Cai, Hui; Zhang, Yu; Lu, Mijia; Liang, Xueya; Jennings, Ryan; Niewiesk, Stefan; Li, Jianrong*, "Phosphorylation of human metapneumovirus M2-1 protein upregulates viral replication and pathogenesis". Journal of Virology, 2016, 90(16):7323-7338.
- Fangfei Lou, Erin DiCaprio, Xinhui Li, Xianjun Dai, Yuanmei Ma, John Hughes, Haiqiang Chen, David Kingsley, Jianrong Li*. “Variable high pressure processing sensitivities for GII human noroviruses”. Applied Environmental Microbiology , 2016, 82(19):6037-6045.
- Yu Zhang, Jing Sun, Yongwei Wei, and Jianrong Li* , "A reverse genetics approach for the design of methyltransferase- defective live attenuated avian metapneumovirus vaccines". Vaccine Design: Methods and Protocols. Berlin: Springer, 2016.
- Erin DiCaprio, Jianrong Li*, "Inactivation of human norovirus and Tulane virus in simple media and fresh whole strawberries by ionizing radiation". International Journal of Food Microbiology , 2016, 232:43-51.
- Ma, Yuanmei; Zhang, Yu; Liang, Xueya; Oglesbee, Michael; Krakowka, Steven; Neihaus, Andrew; Wang, Guiping; Jia, Aiqing; Song, Houhui; Li, Jianrong*, "Two-way antigenic cross-reactivity between porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine deltacoronavirus". Veterinary Microbiology. Vol. 186, 90-96. 2016.
- Erin DiCaprio, Fangfei Lou, Jianrong Li*, "Strategies for control of food- and water-borne viruses". Viral Foodborne Pathogens. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016.
- Araud, Elbashir; DiCaprio, Erin ; Ma, Yuanmei; Lou, Fangfei; Gao, Yu; Kingsley, David; Hughes, John; Li, Jianrong*, "Thermal inactivation of enteric viruses and bioaccumulation of enteric foodborne viruses in live oysters (Crassostrea virginica)". Applied Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 82, no. 7: 2086-2099. 2016.
- This paper was selected as "spotlight" by Applied Environmental Microbiology.
- Araud,Elbashir; Dicaprio,Erin; Yang,Zhihong; Li,Xinhui; Lou,Fangfei; Hughes,John,H; Chen,Haiqiang; Li,Jianrong*, "High-Pressure Inactivation of Rotaviruses: Role of Treatment Temperature and Strain Diversity in Virus Inactivation". Applied Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 81, no. 19: 6669-6678. 2015.
- Dicaprio,Erin; Purgianto,Anastasia; Ma,Yuanmei; Hughes,John; Dai,Xiangjun; Li, Jianrong*, "Attachment and localization of human norovirus and animal caliciviruses in fresh produce". International Journal of Food Microbiology. Vol. 211, 101-108. 2015.
- Lou,Fangfei; Ye,Mu; Ma,Yuanmei; Li,Xinhui; Dicaprio,Erin; Chen,Haiqiang; Krakowka,Steven; Hughes,John; Kingsley,David; Li, Jianrong*, "A Gnotobiotic Pig Model for Determining Human Norovirus Inactivation by High-Pressure Processing". Applied Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 81, no. 19: 6679-6687. 2015.
- Predmore,Ashley; Sanglay,Gabe; Li, Jianrong; Lee,Ken, "Control of human norovirus surrogates in fresh foods by gaseous ozone and a proposed mechanism of inactivation". Food Microbiology . Vol. 50, 118-125. 2015.
- Agarwal,Pranay; Choi,Jung,Kyu; Huang,Haishui; Zhao,Shuting; Dumbleton,Jenna; Li, Jianrong; He,Xiaoming, "A Biomimetic Core-Shell Platform for Miniaturized 3D Cell and Tissue Engineering". Particle & Particle Systems Characterization . Vol. 32, no. 8: 809-816. 2015.
- Dicaprio,Erin; Purgianto,Anastasia; Li, Jianrong* , "Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Stresses on the Internalization and Dissemination of Human Norovirus Surrogates in Growing Romaine Lettuce." Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 81, no. 14: 4791-4800. 2015.
- Cai,Hui; Zhang,Yu; Ma,Yuanmei; Sun,Jing; Liang,Xueya; Li, Jianrong* , "Zinc Binding Activity of Human Metapneumovirus M2-1 Protein Is Indispensable for Viral Replication and Pathogenesis In Vivo". Journal of Virology. Vol. 89, no. 12: 6391-6405. 2015.
- Liu,Chang*; Tang,Jian*; Ma,Yuanmei*; Liang,Xueya; Yang,Yang; Peng,Guiqing; Qi,Qianqian; Jiang,Shibo; Li, Jianrong ; Du,Lanying; Li,Fang, "Receptor Usage and Cell Entry of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Coronavirus". Journal of Virology. Vol. 89, no. 11: 6121-6125. 2015.
- Dicaprio,Erin; Culbertson,Doug; Li, Jianrong*, "Evidence of the Internalization of Animal Caliciviruses via the Roots of Growing Strawberry Plants and Dissemination to the Fruit". Applied Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 81, no. 8: 2727-2734. 2015.
- This paper was selected as"spotlight" by Applied Environmental Microbiology
- Predmore,Ashley; Sanglay,Gabriel,C; Dicaprio,Erin; Li, Jianrong ; Uribe,R,M; Lee,Ken, "Electron beam inactivation of Tulane virus on fresh produce, and mechanism of inactivation of human norovirus surrogates by electron beam irradiation". International Journal of Food Microbiology . Vol. 198, 28-36. 2015.
- Ma,Yuanmei; Zhang,Yu; Liang,Xueya; Lou,Fangfei; Oglesbee,Michael; Krakowka,Steven; Li, Jianrong*, "Origin, Evolution, and Virulence of Porcine Deltacoronaviruses in the United States". MBio. Vol. 6, no. 2: e00064-15. 2015.
- Lou,Fangfei; Neetoo,Hudaa; Chen,Haiqiang; Li, Jianrong* , "High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing: A Promising Nonthermal Technology to Inactivate Viruses in High-Risk Foods". Annual Review of Food Science and Technology , VOL 6. Vol. 6, 389-409. 2015.
- Yeap,Jia,Wei; Kaur,Simran; Lou,Fangfei; Dicaprio,Erin; Morgan,Mark; Linton,Richard; Li, Jianrong*, "Inactivation Kinetics and Mechanism of a Human Norovirus Surrogate on Stainless Steel Coupons via Chlorine Dioxide Gas." Applied and Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 82, no. 1: 116-123. 2015.
- Sun,Jing; Wei,Yongwei; Rauf,Abdul; Zhang,Yu; Ma,Yuanmei; Zhang,Xiaodong; Shilo,Konstantin; Yu,Qingzhong; Saif,Y,M; Lu,Xingmeng; Yu,Lian; Li, Jianrong*, "Methyltransferase-Defective Avian Metapneumovirus Vaccines Provide Complete Protection against Challenge with the Homologous Colorado Strain and the Heterologous Minnesota Strain". Journal of Virology. Vol. 88, no. 21: 12348-12363. 2014.
- Zhang,Yu; Wei,Yongwei; Zhang,Xiaodong; Cai,Hui; Niewiesk,Stefan; Li, Jianrong*, "Rational Design of Human Metapneumovirus Live Attenuated Vaccine Candidates by Inhibiting Viral mRNA Cap Methyltransferase". Journal of Virology . Vol. 88, no. 19: 11411-11429. 2014.
- Ma,Yuanmei; Duan,Yue; Wei,Yongwei; Liang,Xueya; Niewiesk,Stefan; Oglesbee,Michael; Li, Jianrong*, "Heat Shock Protein 70 Enhances Mucosal Immunity against Human Norovirus When Coexpressed from a Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vector". Journal of Virology . Vol. 88, no. 9: 5122-5137. 2014.
- Wei,Yongwei; Zhang,Yu; Cai,Hui; Mirza,Anne,M; Iorio,Ronald,M; Peeples,Mark,E; Niewiesk,Stefan; Li, Jianrong*, "Roles of the putative integrin-binding motif of the human metapneumovirus fusion (f) protein in cell-cell fusion, viral infectivity, and pathogenesis." Journal of Virology. Vol. 88, no. 8: 4338-4352. 2014.
- Ma,Yuanmei; Wei,Yongwei; Zhang,Xiaodong; Zhang,Yu; Cai,Hui; Zhu,Yang; Shilo,Konstantin; Oglesbee,Michael; Krakowka,Steven; Whelan,Sean,PJ; Li, Jianrong*, "mRNA Cap Methylation Influences Pathogenesis of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus In Vivo". Journal of Virology. Vol. 88, no. 5: 2913-2926. 2014.
- Ge,Chongtao; Lee,Cheonghoon; Nangle,Ed; Li, Jianrong ; Gardner,David; Kleinhenz,Matthew; Lee,Jiyoung, "Impact of phytopathogen infection and extreme weather stress on internalization of Salmonella Typhimurium in lettuce". International Journal of Food Microbiology . Vol. 168, 24-31. 2014.
- Zhang,Yu; Niewiesk,Stefan; Li, Jianrong*, "Small Animal Models for Human Metapneumovirus: Cotton Rat is More Permissive than Hamster and Mouse." Pathogens . Vol. 3, no. 3: 633-655. 2014.
- Kim,Mi,Young; Ma,Yuanmei; Zhang,Yu; Li, Jianrong ; Shu,Yaoling; Oglesbee,Michael, "hsp70-Dependent Antiviral Immunity against Cytopathic Neuronal Infection by Vesicular Stomatitis Virus". Journal of Virology . Vol. 87, no. 19: 10668-10678. 2013.
- Dicaprio,Erin; Ma,Yuanmei; Hughes,John; Li, Jianrong* , "Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control of the Number One Food borne Illness: Human Norovirus". Infectious Disease Clinics of North America . Vol. 27, no. 3: 651, 2013.
- Lizanel Feliciano, Jianrong Li, Jaesung Lee, Melvin Pascall., "Efficacies of sodium hypochlorite and quaternary ammonium sanitizers for reduction of norovirus and selected bacteria during ware-washing operations". PLoS One. Vol. 7(12), e50273. 2012.
- Wei, Yongwei; Feng, Kurtis; Yao, Xiangjie; Cai, Hui; Li, Junan; Mirza, Anne; Iorio, Ronald; Li, Jianrong*, "Localization of a region in the fusion (F) protein of avian metapneumovirus that modulates cell-cell fusion". Journal of Virology . Vol. 86, no. 21: 11800-11814. 2012.
- DiCaprio,Erin; Ma,Yuanmei; Purgianto,Anastasia; Hughes, John; Li, Jianrong*, "Internalization and dissemination of human norovirus and animal caliciviruses in hydroponically grown Romaine lettuce". Applied Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 78, no. 17: AEM01081-12. 2012.
- Lou,Fangfei; Huang,Pengwei; Neetoo, Hudaa; Gurtler,Joshua; Niemira,Brendan; Chen,Haiqiang; Jiang, Xi; Li, Jianrong* , "High pressure inactivation of human norovirus virus-like particles provides evidence that the capsid of human norovirus is highly pressure resistant". Applied Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 78, 78(15):5320-7, 2012.
- Zhang, Yu; Wei, Yongwei; Li, Junan; Li, Jianrong* , "Development and optimization of a direct plaque assay for human and avian metapneumoviruses". Journal of Virological Methods . Vol. 20, no. 185: 61-68. 2012.
- Li, Jianrong*; Predmore,Ashley; Divers,Erin; Lou,Fangfei, "New interventions against human norovirus: progress, opportunities, and challenges". Annual Review of Food Science and Technology . Vol. 3, 331-352. 2012.
- Jianrong Li*, Yu Zhang, "Messenger RNA cap methylation in nonsegmented negative sense RNA viruses". Methylation- From DNA, RNA and Histones to Diseases and Treatment ed. Rijeka: InTech Publisher, 2012.
- Lou,Fangfei; Neetoo,Hudaa; Li,Junan; Chen,Haiqiang; Li, Jianrong* , "Lack of correlation between virus barosensitivity and the presence of a viral envelope during inactivation of human rotavirus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and avian metapneumovirus by high-pressure processing". Applied Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 77, no. 24: 8538-8547. 2011.
- Predmore,Ashley; Li, Jianrong*, "Enhanced removal of a human norovirus surrogate from fresh vegetables and fruits by a combination of surfactants and sanitizers". Applied Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 77, no. 14: 4829-4838. 2011.
- Sanglay,Gabriel; Li, Jianrong; Uribe,R,M; Lee,Ken, "Electron-Beam inactivation of a norovirus surrogate in fresh produce and model systems". Journal of Food Protection . Vol. 74, no. 7: 1155-1160. 2011.
- Feng,Kurtis; Divers,Erin; Ma,Yuanmei; Li, Jianrong* , "Inactivation of a human norovirus surrogate, human norovirus Virus-Like Particles, and vesicular stomatitis virus by gamma irradiation". Applied Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 77, no. 10: 3507-3517. 2011.
- Lou,Fangfei; Neetoo,Hudaa; Chen,Haiqiang; Li, Jianrong* , "Inactivation of a human norovirus surrogate by high- pressure processing: effectiveness, mechanism, and potential application in the fresh produce industry". Applied Environmental Microbiology . Vol. 77, no. 5: 1862-1871. 2011.
- Ma,Yuanmei; Li, Jianrong*, "Vesicular stomatitis virus as a vector to deliver Virus-Like Particles of human norovirus: a new vaccine candidate against an important noncultivable virus". Journal of Virology. Vol. 85, no. 6: 2942-2952. 2011.
- This paper was highlighted by Ohio State News, Science Daily, and OARDC News.
- Zhang,Xiaodong; Wei,Yongwei; Ma,Yuanmei; Hu,Songhua; Li, Jianrong* , "Identification of aromatic amino acid residues in conserved region VI of the large polymerase of vesicular stomatitis virus is essential for both guanine-N-7 and ribose 2 '-O methyltransferases". Virology . Vol. 408, no. 2: 241-252. 2010.
- Wolf,Mike; Freiberg,Alexander; Zhang,Tinghu; Akyol-Ataman,Zeynep; Grock,Andrew; Hong,Patrick; Li,Jianrong; Watson,Natalya; Fang,Angela; Aguilar,Hector; Porotto,Matteo; Honko,Anna,N; Damoiseaux,Robert; Miller,John,P; Woodson,Sara,E; Chantasirivisal,Steven; Fontanes,Vanessa; Negrete,Oscar; Krogstad,Paul; Dasgupta,Asim; Moscona,Anne; Hensley,Lisa; Whelan,Sean; Faull,Kym; Holbrook,Michael; Jung,Michael; Lee,Benhur, "A broad- spectrum antiviral targeting entry of enveloped viruses". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Vol. 107, no. 7: 3157-3162. 2010.
- Press release by NIAID; featured in Scientific American
- Rahmeh,Amal,A; Li, Jianrong; Kranzusch,Philip,J; Whelan,Sean,PJ, "Ribose 2 '-O methylation of the vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA cap precedes and facilitates subsequent guanine-N-7 methylation by the large polymerase protein". Journal of Virology. Vol. 83, no. 21: 11043-11050. 2009.
- Li, Jianrong*; Rahmeh,Amal; Brusic,Vesna; Whelan,Sean,PJ, "Opposing effects of inhibiting cap addition and cap methylation on polyadenylation during vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA synthesis". Journal of Virology. Vol. 83, no. 4: 1930-1940. 2009.
- Li, Jianrong; Rahmeh, Amal; Morelli, Marco; Whelan, Sean P. J, "A conserved motif in large RNA dependent RNA polymerase of non-segmented negative-sense RNA viruses essential for mRNA cap formation". Journal of Virology. Vol. 82, no. 2: 775-784. 2008.
- Li, Jianrong; Chorba,John,S; Whelan,Sean,PJ, "Vesicular stomatitis viruses resistant to the methylase inhibitor sinefungin upregulate RNA synthesis and reveal mutations that affect mRNA cap methylation". Journal of Virology. Vol. 81, no. 8: 4104-4115. 2007.
- Wei,Yongwei; Li, Jianrong; Zheng,Jiangtao; Xu,Hong; Li,Long; Yu,Lian, "Genetic reassortment of infectious bursal disease virus in nature". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications . Vol. 350, no. 2: 277-287. 2006.
- Li,Long; Fang,Weihuan; Li, Jianrong; Fang,Li; Huang,Yaowei; Yu,Lian, "Oral DNA vaccination with the polyprotein gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) delivered by attenuated Salmonella elicits protective immune responses in chickens". Vaccine . Vol. 24, no. 33-34: 5919-5927. 2006.
- Li, Jianrong; Wang,Jennifer,T; Whelan,Sean,PJ, "A unique strategy for mRNA cap methylation used by vesicular stomatitis virus". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Vol. 103, no. 22: 8493-8498. 2006.
- This paper was Dean's Report at Harvard Medical School, and highlighted by Harvard Newspaper.
- Li, Jianrong; Fontaine-Rodriguez,Erin C; Whelan,Sean,PJ, "Amino acid residues within conserved domain VI of the vesicular stomatitis virus large polymerase protein essential for mRNA cap methyltransferase activity". Journal of Virology . Vol. 79, no. 21: 13373-13384. 2005.
This paper was selected as "spotlight" byJournal of Virology. - Alamares,JG; Li, Jianrong; Iorio,RM, "Monoclonal antibody routinely used to identify avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus binds to an epitope at the carboxy terminus of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein and recognizes individual mesogenic and velogenic strains". Journal of Clinical Microbiology . Vol. 43, no. 8: 4229-4233. 2005.
- Li, Jianrong; Melanson,VR; Mirza,AM; Iorio,RM, "Decreased dependence on receptor recognition for the fusion promotion activity of L289A-mutated Newcastle disease virus fusion protein correlates with a monoclonal antibody- detected conformational change". Journal of Virology. Vol. 79, no. 2: 1180-1190. 2005.
- Li, Jianrong; Quinlan,E; Mirza,A; Iorio,RM, "Mutated form of the Newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase interacts with the homologous fusion protein despite deficiencies in both receptor recognition and fusion promotion". Journal of Virology . Vol. 78, no. 10: 5299-5310. 2004.
- Wang,Z,Y; Mirza,A,M; Li, J; Mahon,P,J; Iorio,R,M, "An oligosaccharide at the C-terminus of the F-specific domain in the stalk of the human parainfluenza virus 3 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase modulates fusion". Virus Research. Vol. 99, no. 2: 177-185. 2004.
- Wang,Zhiyu; Mirza, Anne; Li, Jianrong; Mahon, Paul; Iorio, Ronald, "An oligosaccharide at the C-terminus of the F- specific domain in the stalk of the human parainfluenza virus 3 hemagglutinin–neuraminidase modulates fusion". Virus Research . Vol. 99, no. 2: 177-185. 2004.
- Li, Jianrong; Huang,YW; Liang,XY; Lu,MJ; Li,L; Yu,L; Deng,RT, "Plasmid DNA encoding antigens of infectious bursal disease viruses induce protective immune responses in chickens: factors influencing efficacy". Virus Research. Vol. 98, no. 1: 63-74. 2003.
- Huang,Y,W; Li,L; Li, Jianrong; Yu,L, "Rapid construction of infectious clones of infectious bursal disease virus". Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. Vol. 35, no. 4: 338-344. 2003.
- Li, Jianrong; Huang,YW; Meng,SS; Liang,XY; Xie,RH; Yu,L, "Cloning and phylogenetic analysis of interleukin-2 gene in Xiaoshan chicken, a Chinese local chicken breed". Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica . Vol. 33, no. 6: 713- 718. 2001.
- Yu,L; Li, Jianrong; Huang,YW; Dikki,J; Deng,R, "Molecular characteristics of full-length genomic segment a of three infectious bursal disease viruses in China: Two attenuated strains and one virulent field strain". Avian Diseases. Vol. 45, no. 4: 862-874. 2001.
- Huang,YW; Yu,L; Ding,HM; Li, Jianrong; Song,KH, "Amplification and cloning by long RT-PCR of full-length genome of larger segment of chicken infectious bursal disease virus". Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica . Vol. 33, no.3: 355-359. 2001.