Blue Buffalo Clinical Trials Office

The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) is a Shared Resource (Veterinary Clinical Research Shared Resource) of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center and part of the Comparative Animal Core (CAC), which is a Shared Resource supported by the Center for Clinical and Translational Studies (CCTS). Established in 2007 and housed in the Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center (VMC), the clinical trials office is one of the largest established and reputable clinical trials offices in the country, providing unmatched services, and overseeing over 30 to 50 clinical trials each year on client-owned animals with naturally occurring diseases. These trials drive the discovery and translation of innovative ideas. Knowledge gained from these trials have resulted in new treatments for cancer (lymphoma), heart disease, kidney disease and more. The clinical trials office partners with the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, and the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences to provide a comprehensive approach to improving both animal and human health.

blue buffalo veterinary clinical trials team

Available Services

The Blue Buffalo Clinical Trials Office provides guidance with respect to clinical trial design, including formulation of a testable hypothesis, determination of patient entry criteria, selection of appropriate toxicity assessments, review of appropriate statistical endpoints, and development of accurate budgets. The office also confirms compliance with applicable hospital, Institutional Review Board (IRB), and/or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requirements. 

Case recruitment is enhanced by an established network of regional specialists, veterinarians, and breed clubs to assist with patient enrollment. The CTO provides education in good clinical practice (GCP), good laboratory practice (GLP), and the requirements of individual organizations sponsoring trials, and oversees and verifies correct and complete data entry and compliance with established study guidelines. 

Visit the Clinical Trials Office Page at the VMC