Andrew Niehaus
Professor - Clinical; Vice Chair of Mixed Animal Faculty Success; Vernon L. Tharp Professor in Food Animal Medicine

Contact (614) 292-6661 Veterinary Medical Center601 Vernon Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
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Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professional Training and Experience
- BS, Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University
- DVM, The Ohio State University
- MS, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University
- 2004 - 2007 - Residency, Food Animal Surgery, The Ohio State University
Research Interests
- Camelid dental disease
- Spastic paresis in cattle
- The use of BMP-2 in orthopedic coatings to increase the osseointegration of implants with bone
University Memberships and Honors
- 2023, Charles W. Fox Family Teaching Excellence Award, The family of Charles W. Fox, The Ohio State University
- 2021, College of Veterinary Medicine Professional Program Teaching Honor Roll, College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University
- 2021, Farm Animal Speaker of the Year, VMX, North American Veterinary Conference
- Clinical Teaching Excellence award as a resident for 2005, 2006, and 2007
Administrative Service
- Large Animal Vice Chair of Faculty Success
- Former member of the New Curriculum Revision Task Force
- Faculty advisor to Pre-Veterinary Medicine club, Food Animal Club, and Christian Veterinary Fellowship at The Ohio State University
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Baker MR, Lozier JW, Niehaus AJ. What Is Your Neurologic Diagnosis? J Am Vet Med Assoc 2022;261:58-60.
- Jordan BA, Lozier JW, Lakritz J, Niehaus AJ. Biomechanical properties of an implant designed to stabilize the coxofemoral joint following luxation show dissimilarity to the native ligament of the head of the femur in cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2022;1,1-8.
- Muir, A. J. T., Niehaus, A. J., Lozier, J. W., Cole, S. L., Belacic, Z. A., Ballash, G. A. & Durgam, S. S. 2022. Autologous platelet-rich plasma effects on Staphylococcus aureus-induced chondrocyte death in an in vitro bovine septic arthritis model. Am J Vet Res, 1, 1-8.
- Yepez, P.J.; Klabnik, J.L.; Lozier, J.; Niehaus, A.J.; Miesner, M.; Prado, T. et al. (2021). Surgical management and outcome of acquired inguinal hernias in mature bulls: 13 cases (2005–2017). JAVMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 259 (8), 909-913. Retrieved from:
- Jordan, B.; Lozier, J.W.; Parker, E.M.; Niehaus, A.J.; Baker, M.R.; Lakritz, J. (2021). Outcomes associated with the use of facilitated ankylosis to treat septic arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint in beef bulls: 22 cases (2006-2018). The Bovine Practitioner, 55 (1), 20-25. doi:10.21423/bovine-vol55no1p20-25 Publication status: Published, issn:0524-1685
- Lozier, J.W.; VanHoy, G.M.; Jordan, B.A.; Muir, A.J.T.; Lakritz, J.; Hinds, C.A.; Niehaus, A.J. (2021). Complications and outcomes of swine that underwent cesarean section for resolution of dystocia: 110 cases (2013-2018). Veterinary Surgery, 50 (1), 38-43. doi:10.1111/vsu.13530 Publication status: Published, pubmed:33094850
- Lozier, J.W.; VanHoy, G.M.; Jordan, B.A.; Muir, A.J.T.; Lakritz, J.; Hinds, C.A.; Niehaus, A.J. (2021). Complications and outcomes of swine that underwent cesarean section for resolution of dystocia: 110 cases (2013-2018). Veterinary Surgery, doi:10.1111/vsu.13530
- Hartnack, A.K., Niehaus, A.J., Lakritz, J., Coetzee, J.F. and Kleinhenz, M.D., 2020. Pharmacokinetics of an intravenous constant rate infusion of a morphine-lidocaine-ketamine combination in Holstein calves undergoing umbilical herniorrhaphy. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 81(1), pp.17-24.
- Hartnack, A.K., Niehaus, A.J., Lakritz, J., Coetzee, J.F. and Kleinhenz, M.D., 2020. Analgesic efficacy of an intravenous constant rate infusion of a morphine-lidocaine-ketamine combination in Holstein calves undergoing umbilical herniorrhaphy. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 81(1), pp.25-32.
- McLean, K., Lozier, J., Lakritz, J. and Niehaus, A.J., 2019. Fetlock arthrodesis using DCP internal fixation in a Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) for treatment of metacarpophalangeal joint hyperextension. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 7(1), p.e000661.
- Lozier, J.W., Niehaus, A.J., Hinds, C.A., Durgam, S.S., Jones, S.C. and Lakritz, J., 2019. Investigation of a novel prosthesis technique for extracapsular stabilization of cranial cruciate ligament–deficient stifle joints in adult cattle. American journal of veterinary research, 80(8), pp.779-786.
- Craig, K., Dai, X., Li, A., Lu, M., Xue, M., Rosas, L., Gao, T.Z., Niehaus, A., Jennings, R. and Li, J., 2019. A Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)-Based Vaccine Candidate for Human Norovirus. Viruses, 11(3), p.213.
- Lozier, J.W., Niehaus, A.J. and Hinds, C.A., 2019. Closing wedge ostectomy with transfixation pin–cast stabilization for correction of angular limb deformities of the metatarsophalangeal region in four cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 255(9), pp.1047-1056.
- Lozier, J.W., Niehaus, A.J., Muir, A. and Lakritz, J., 2018. Short-and long-term success of transfixation pin casts used to stabilize long bone fractures in ruminants. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 59(6), p.635.
- VanHoy, G.M.; Carman, M.; Habing, G.; Lakritz, J.; Hinds, C.A.; Niehaus, A.J. Kaplan RM, Marsh AE. (2018). SAFETY AND SEROLOGIC RESPONSE TO A HAEMONCHUS CONTORTUS VACCINE IN ALPACAS. VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY, 15 (252):180-186. Publication status: Published, issn:0304-4017
- Depenbrock, S.M.; Simpson, K.M.; Niehaus, A.J.; Lakritz, J.; Papich, M.G. (2017). Pharmacokinetics of ampicillin-sulbactam in serum and synovial fluid samples following regional intravenous perfusion in the distal portion of a hind limb of adult cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 78 (12), 1372-1379. doi:10.2460/ajvr.78.12.1372 Publication status: Published, issn:0002-9645
- Mudge, M.; Niehaus, A. (2017). Standing flank laparotomy: A cross species comparison. Equine Veterinary Education, 30(10), 536-537. doi:10.1111/eve.12733 Publication status: Published, issn:0957-7734
- Ma, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liang, X.; Oglesbee, M.; Krakowka, S.; Niehaus, A. Wang, G.; Jia, A.; Song, H.; Li, J. (2016). Two-way antigenic cross-reactivity between porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine deltacoronavirus. Veterinary Microbiology, 186, 90-96. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2016.02.004 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 5%, issn:0378-1135
- Clark, E.S., Best, C., Onwuka, E., Sugiura, T., Mahler, N., Bolon, B., Niehaus, A., James, I., Hibino, N., Shinoka, T. and Johnson, J., 2016. Effect of cell seeding on neotissue formation in a tissue engineered trachea. Journal of pediatric surgery, 51(1), pp.49-55.
- Thompson, K.A.; Niehaus, A.; Shellabarger, W.; Depenbrock, S.; Agnew, D. (2015). Antemortem diagnosis of cystic endometrial hyperplasia and successful ovariohysterectomy in an african warthog (phacochoerus africanus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46 (4), 904-908. doi:10.1638/2015-0079.1 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 30%, Description of effort: Primary surgeon on the animal featured in the case report. Reviewed manuscript., issn:1042-7260
- Hartnack, A.K.; Niehaus, A.J.; Rousseau, M.; Pentecost, R.L.; Miesner, M.D.; Anderson, D.E. (2015). Indications for and factors relating to outcome after rumenotomy or rumenostomy in cattle: 95 cases (1999–2011). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 247 (6), 659-664. Publication status: Published, pubmed:26331425
- Suzuki, Y., Suzuki, K., Shimamori, T., Tsuchiya, M., Niehaus, A. and Lakritz, J., 2015. Evaluation of a portable test system for assessing endotoxin activity in raw milk. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, pp.15-0370.
- Pentecost, R.L.; Niehaus, A.J.; Werle, N.; Lakritz, J. (2015). Absorption and disposition of florfenicol after intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous dosing in alpacas. Research in Veterinary Science, 99, 199-203. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.02.006 Publication status: Published, pubmed:25744433
- Hinds, CA, Niehaus, AJ, Premanandan C, Rajala-Schultz, PJ, Rings, DM, Lakritz, J. (2014). Characterization of the contributions of Hp-MMP 9 to the serum acute phase protein response of lipopolysaccharide challenged calves. Biomed Central (BMC), 10 (261), 9. Retrieved from: Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 15%, pmc:0, nihms:0
- Pentecost, RL, Niehaus, AJ, Anderson, DE, Miesner, MD, Rings, DM. (2014). Outcome Following Surgical Correction of Abomasal Displacement in Lactating Dairy Cattle: A Retrospective Study of 127 Cases (1999-2010). Journal of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, 1 (4), 5. Retrieved from: Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 50%, pmc:0, nihms:0
- Pentecost, R.L.; Niehaus, A.J.; Werle, N.A.; Lakritz, J. (2013). Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol after intravenous and intramuscular dosing in llamas. Research in Veterinary Science, 95 (2), 594-599. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2013.05.009 Publication status: Published, pubmed:23769151
- Rousseau, M.; Anderson, D.E.; Niehaus, A.J.; Miesner, M.D.; Nichols, S. (2013). Osseous sequestration in alpacas and llamas: 36 cases (1999-2010). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 243 (3), 430-436. doi:10.2460/javma.243.3.430 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 100%, pubmed:23865887
- Swank, V.A.; Yoho, W.S.B.; O'Diam, K.M.; Eastridge, M.L.; Niehaus, A.J.; Daniels, K.M. (2013). Jersey calf performance in response to high-protein, high-fat liquid feeds with varied fatty acid profiles: Blood metabolites and liver gene expression. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (6), 3845-3856. doi:10.3168/jds.2012-6100 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 10%, pubmed:23587384
- Niehaus, A.J.; Anderson, D.E.; Johnson, J.K.; Lannutti, J.J. (2013). Comparison of the mechanical characteristics of polymerized caprolactam and monofilament nylon loops constructed in parallel strands or as braided ropes versus cranial cruciate ligaments of cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 74 (3), 381-385. doi:10.2460/ajvr.74.3.381 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 100%, pubmed:23438112
- Pentecost, R.L.; Marsh, A.E.; Niehaus, A.J.; Daleccio, J.; Daniels, J.B.; Rajala-Schultz, P.J.; Lakritz, J. (2012). Vertical transmission of Mycoplasma haemolamae in alpacas (Vicugna pacos). Small Ruminant Research, 106 (2-3), 181-188. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2012.02.021 Publication status: Published, issn:0921-4488
- Suzuki,K., Uchida,E., Schober,K,E. Niehaus, A.; Rings, DM., Lakritz,J. (2012). Cardiac Troponin I in Calves with Congenital Heart Disease. JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE, 26 (4), 1056-1060. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2012.00953.x Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 100%, issn:0891-6640, pubmed:22686408, pmc:0, nihms:0
- Pentecost, R.L.; Niehaus, A.J.; Santschi, E. (2012). Arthroscopic Approach and Intra-articular Anatomy of the Stifle in South American Camelids. Veterinary Surgery, 41, 458-464. doi:10.1111/j.1532-950X.2011.00983.x Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 100%, pubmed:22463108
- Coffman, E. A.; Da Silva, M. A. C. ; Niehaus, A. J.; Pentecost, R. L.; Premanandan, C.; Pinto, C. R. F. (2012). Surgical aspiration of a 19 centimeter ovarian follicular cyst in an embryo donor cow. Clinical Theriogenology, 4 (4), 495-502. Retrieved from: Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 20%, issn:2154-3968, pmc:0, nihms:0
- Niehaus, A.J. (2011). Calculation of Drug Withdraws in Food Producing Animals. TASIS Math Journal, 1, 52-64. Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 100%, pmc:0, nihms:0
- Niehaus, A.J.; Anderson, D.E.; Samii, V.F.; Weisbrode, S.E.; Johnson, J.K.; Noon, M.S. et al. (2009). Effects of orthopedic implants with a polycaprolactone polymer coating containing bone morphogenetic protein-2 on osseointegration in bones of sheep. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 70 (11), 1416-1425. doi:10.2460/ajvr.70.11.1416 Publication status: Published, Percent of authorship: 85%, pubmed:19878025
- Johnson, J., Niehaus, A., Nichols, S., Lee, D., Koepsel, J., Anderson, D. and Lannutti, J., 2009. Electrospun PCL in vitro: a microstructural basis for mechanical property changes. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 20(4), pp.467-481.
- Niehaus, A.J. and Anderson, D.E., 2007. Tooth root abscesses in llamas and alpacas: 123 cases (1994–2005). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 231(2), pp.284-289.
- Elligott, C.R.; Wilkie, D.A.; Kuonen, V.J.; Bras, I.D.; Niehaus, A. (2006). Primary Aspergillus and Fusarium keratitis in a Holstein cow. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 9 (3), 175-178. doi:10.1111/j.1463-5224.2006.00465.x Publication status: Published, pubmed:16634931
- T. Presley, Muir, A., Wellman, M., Niehaus, A., Smith, S., Long, M. Update on Synovial Fluid Analysis in Adult Dairy Cattle. Poster Presentation for LSU summer research program, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
- Pempek, J., England, Z., Habing, G. & Niehaus, A. 2023. Effect of post-transport oral electrolyte supplementation on behavior, health, and hydration in neonatal calves. Abstract and Oral presentation @ the 2023 Annual Meeting for the American Dairy Science Association. Ottawa, Canada.
- Emily M. King, Eric T. Hostnik, Priya Bapodra, Randall E. Junge, Andrew J. Niehaus, Sushmitha S. Durgam, Megan E. Schreeg. Chronic Actinomyces osteoarthritis in a captive sand gazelle (Gazella leptoceros leptoceros). Abstract for the 2022 ACVP and ASVCP Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Muir, A., Niehaus, A., Lozier, J., Belacic, Z., Ballash, G., Durgam, S.. Autogenous platelet-rich plasma mitigates S. aureus-induced chondrocyte death in an in-vitro bovine septic arthritis model. Submitted to American College of Veterinary Surgeons – 2020 Virtual Surgery Summit. Presented virtual poster.
- Lozier, J.; Niehaus, A; Hinds, C. A. Closing wedge ostectomy with transfixation pin cast stabilization for the correction of metatarsophalangeal angular limb deformities in cattle: 4 cases (2016-2017). 2018 ACVS Surgical Summit. Publication Status: To be presented/published October 2018.
- Yepeza, P.J.; Klabnik-Bradford, J.L.; Lozier, J.; Niehaus, A. et al. (2018). Characterization, surgical repair, and outcomes of acquired scrotal hernias in bulls. [Abstract]. Proceedings for Annual Theriogenology Conference. Publication status: Published
- VanHoy, G.; Carman, M.; Habing, G.; Lakritz, J. ; Hinds C.A., Niehaus, A.J.; Kaplan, R.; Marsh, A.E. (2018). Barbervax in Alpacas. [Abstract]. Proceedings for International Camelid Conference. Publication status: Published
- Jozier, J.W.; Niehaus, A.J.; Muir, A.J.; Lakritz, J. (2018). Long Bone Fracture Stabilization Using Transfixation Pin Casts in Ruminants. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Ohio Dairy Veterinarians.
- Nishi, Y, Suzuki, K,Shimamori, T , Tsukano, K, Tsuchiya, M, Niehaus, A., (2016). Endotoxin activities in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids from Calves with Mycoplasma Bronchopneumonia. [Abstract]. 2016 AABP Annual Symposium.
- Shimamori, T, Suzuki, K, Nishi, Y, Tsuchiya, M, Suzuki, T, Niehaus, A., (2016). Serum Iron Concentration in Dairy Cattle with Acute Coliform Mastitis. [Abstract]. 2016 AABP Annual Symposium.
- Tsukano, K, Kato, S, Suzuki, K, Nishi, Y, Sarashina, S, Niehaus, A., (2016). Effect of Acetate Ringer’s Solution with or without Dextrose Intravenously Administered to Diarrheic Calves. [Abstract]. 2016 AABP Annual Symposium.
- K. Suzuki, K. Tsukano, T. Shimamori, M. Tsuchiya, A. Niehaus, J. Lakritz (2015). Detecting endotoxin activity in raw milk using an automated testing system. [Abstract]. 2015 AABP Annual Symposium.
- K. Tsukano, K. Suzuki, R. Asano, S. Sarashina, A. Niehaus, J. Lakritz, (2015). Profiles of serum amino acids to screen for catabolic and inflammation status in calves with mycoplasma bronchopneumonia. [Abstract]. 2015 AABP Annual Symposium.
- T. Shimamori, K. Suzuki, M. Tsuchiya, T. Suzuki, A. Niehaus, J. Lakritz, (2015). Particle-induced x-ray emission analysis of trace and major elements in serum of acute coliform mastitis in cattle. [Abstract]. 2015 AABP Annual Symposium.
- Clark, E, Sugiura T, James, I, Best, C, Niehaus, A., et al. (2015). Characterization of Tissue Engineered Tracheal Grafts in an Ovine Model. [Abstract]. American Pediatric Surgical Association Annual Meeting.
- Clark, E, Sugiura T, James, I, Mahler, N, Best, C, Niehaus, A, et al. (2014). Early Results of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Seeding of Tissue Engineered Tracheal Implants in an Ovine Model. [Abstract]. NCH Research Institute Retreat.
- Hartnack, A, Niehaus, AJ, Anderson, DE (2012). Surgery of the bovine rumen: indications and factors relating outcomes in cattle in Ohio and Kansas. [Abstract]. AABP Proceedings.
- Rebecca L. Pentecost, Andrew J. Niehaus, Elizabeth Santschi (2011). Arthroscopic Approach and Intra-Articular Anatomy of the Stifle in South American Camelids. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 2011 ACVS Symposium.
- Rebecca L. Pentecost, Andrew J. Niehaus, David E. Anderson (2011). Comparison of Thee Surgical Approaches for Fixation of Abomasal Displacements in Lactating Dairy Cattle (1999-2009). [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 2011 ACVS symposium.
- Marjolaine Rousseau, Anderson DE., Niehaus AJ., Miesner MD., Nichols S (2011). Osseous Sequestration in Llamas and Alpacas: 36 cases (1999-2010). [Abstract]. Proceedings for the 2011 ACVS symposium.
- Rebecca Pentecost, Andrew Niehaus, Jeff Lakritz (2011). Disposition of florfenicol in alpacas. [Abstract]. 2011 International camelid health conference proceedings.
- Liz Devine, Anderson DE., Miesner M., Niehaus A., Nichols S., Newman K., Whitehead C. (2010). Cesarean Sections in Alpacas and Llamas: 25 cases (2000-2008). [Abstract]. Proceedings for the 2010 ACVS symposium.
- Marjolaine Rousseau, Anderson DE., Lugo J., Nichols S., Niehaus A., Stick JA. (2010). Clinical Application of Arthroscopy in Cattle: A Multi-Center Retrospective Study of 53 Cases (1989-2009). [Abstract]. Proceedings for the 2010 ACVS symposium.
- Mower, M; Varga, A; Gerspach C; Niehaus A; Rings D.M; Lakritz J. (2008). Pulmonary Hypoplasia and Anasarca in a Beef Calf. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners.
- Gerspach, C., Varga, A., Niehaus, A., Nichols, S. & Lakritz, J. (2007). Serum IgG concentrations in crias: How much is enough? JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE, 21, 583-584 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum Proceedings.
- Niehaus, AJ, Anderson DE (2005). Tooth Root Abscesses in New World Camelids: A Retrospective Study of 50 cases (1994-2001). [Abstract]. Proceedings for the 2005 ACVS symposium.
- Ken Newman, David Anderson, Matt Miesner, Andrew Niehaus (2005). Retrospective Study of 20 Camelid Gastrointestinal Surgery Cases at a University Referral Hospital (1998-2005). [Abstract]. Proceedings for the 2005, ACVS symposium.
- Niehaus AJ, Anderson DE (2004). A Retrospective Study Comparing Three Surgical Techniques for Correction of Left Abomasal Displacements in Lactating Dairy Cattle (1999-2003). [Abstract]. 2004 AABP Conference Proceedings.