A statement denouncing violence against Asian communities

We stand strong in complete solidarity with the AAPI and APIDA communities

Message from Dean Rustin Moore:

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
The college recognizes and is deeply saddened by the substantial increase in hate crimes, harassment and violence against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and the larger Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi Americans (APIDA) communities since the COVID-19 pandemic and particularly in recent months.
Please know that Ohio State’s College of Veterinary Medicine values and we are uncompromising in our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We define diversity in the broadest sense and are steadfast and compelled to work even harder to foster a culture in our college where each person (member of the college, prospective member, client, visitor, etc.), regardless of their attributes, background and lived experiences, feels welcome, comfortable, safe, respected, valued and a place they can thrive. 
We stand strong in complete solidarity with the AAPI and APIDA communities, and for that matter other communities, and repudiate all acts of hate and violence they are experiencing. I also encourage you to read President Kristina Johnson's statement here, which also includes information about support resources available for our students, faculty and staff.  

Rustin M. Moore, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS
Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine
Ruth Stanton Chair in Veterinary Medicine

125D Veterinary Medicine Academic Building
1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210